项目作者: yangxu52

项目描述 :
Phicomm K3 OpenWrt firmware Compile by Github Actions,(K2P firmware update,see my mood)
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/yangxu52/Phicomm-K2P-K3-OpenWrt-Firmware.git
创建时间: 2021-04-03T04:21:18Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Phicomm-K3-OpenWrt-Firmware [Please Star⚝ ↗]

Phicomm K3 OpenWrt Firmware, compile by Github Actions
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1. Instruction | 介绍

1.1 Source Code | 源码使用

1.2 Major Modifications | 主要修改

  • Remove all USB support
    USB interface only has charging function. Important !

  • Network Turbo ACC
    Base on Qualcomm Short-FE, significantly improve forwarding ability.

  • Add IPv6 full support

  • Add Phicoomm K3’s LCD screen full support

  • Add UPNP & DDNS support

  • Add KMS Server

  • Add Syncdial & mwan3
    Support multi-wan access and load balancing,suport PPPoE and others.

  • Add Passwall proxy
    Only include Xray-core, so only support vmess,vless and trojan protocol.

  • Add ServerChan
    Send a router status through the WeChat official account (named “方糖”)

  • Add UnblockNeteaseMusic
    Use others repository to unblock music which can’t listen in Netease Music.

  • Add WiFi Schedule
    Schedule open/close wireless feature through un/mount wireless k-mod.

  • Others

2. Use Guide | 使用指南

2.1 Language | 语言

  1. Open Web Admin (default: in your browser and login (default: root password).
  2. Open Menu (系统|System) -> (系统|System), swith tab (语言和界面|Language and Style)
  3. Change the Language select’s option. (auto=English)
  4. Click the (保存&应用|SAVE&APPLY) button to save. Finally,refresh browser.  

2.2 Wireless Power | 无线功率

  1. Open Web Admin (default: in your browser and login (default: root password).
  2. Open Menu (系统|System) -> (启动项|Startup), slide to the bottom.
  3. Add some shell command in (本地启动脚本|Local Startup Script), before exit 0
    1. iwconfig wlan0 txpower 23
    2. iwconfig wlan1 txpower 23
    The wlan0 represent 2.4G,wlan1 represent 5G. 23 reresent submit power (max:31).
    Recommend: Between 23 and 27.Power is proportional to signal and inversely proportional to wireless throughput.
  4. Click the (保存&应用|SAVE&APPLY) button to save. Finally,refresh browser.  

2.3 Network Turbo ACC | 网络加速

  1. Open Web Admin (default: in your browser and login (default: root password).
  2. Open Menu (网络|Network) -> (Turbo ACC Center|Turbo ACC 网络加速).
  3. Selected the Shortcut-FE flow offloading | Shortcut-FE 流量分载 and BBR CCA | BBR 拥塞控制算法.Change FullCone NAT | 全锥型 NAT‘s Option to High Performing Mode | 高性能模式
  4. Click the (保存&应用|SAVE&APPLY) button to save.  

3. Tanks | 致谢