项目作者: jefferyto

项目描述 :
Build OpenWrt packages using Docker and the OpenWrt SDK
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/jefferyto/openwrt-vivarium.git
创建时间: 2019-06-04T19:45:31Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0



Build OpenWrt packages using Docker and the OpenWrt SDK


Vivarium is a way to compile packages for OpenWrt without having to
install the necessary build tools, using

Vivarium includes a “builder” Dockerfile for a local Docker image, based
on the OpenWrt SDK Docker image. This local image will have the
OpenWrt SDK set up inside.

This also includes a Docker Compose file that holds all of the
configuration options. The Compose file also sets up a number of bind
mounts, allowing access to package source code from the Docker container
and access to build artifacts from the host machine.


Docker and Docker Compose
will need to be installed.

Some familiarity with Docker and the OpenWrt
build system / SDK will be

Vivarium has only been tested with Ubuntu Linux. Testing with other
platforms is welcome.

Getting started

  1. Download the latest release and extract.

    If you will be using Git to manage your package source code, then
    you will want to download Vivarium without Git to avoid nesting Git

  2. Change the TAG build option in docker-compose.yml to select
    which SDK image to use.

    Other options can be customized in docker-compose.yml; see

  3. Add any custom packages into the packages directory.

    The packages directory will be added as a custom feed.

  4. Build the local “builder” Docker image:

    1. $ sudo docker-compose build
  5. Set the appropriate ownership for subdirectories inside the sdk

    1. $ sudo docker-compose run --rm --user root --entrypoint /vivarium/set-ownership.sh builder
  6. Build packages by using docker-compose run, e.g.:

    1. $ sudo docker-compose run --rm builder make package/slide-switch/compile V=s

    If the build was successful, the compiled packages will be in the
    sdk/bin directory.

If you are using an older version of Docker (<1.13.0) or Docker Compose
(<1.10.0), you will need to change version in docker-compose.yml
from "3" to "2". Vivarium has not been tested with these older
versions though; upgrading to the latest versions of Docker and Docker
Compose is recommended.

During each builder run, these SDK commands:

  1. ./scripts/feeds update -a
  2. ./scripts/feeds install -a
  3. make defconfig

will be run before the command specified on the docker-compose run
command line.

Directory structure

  • builder: Files that define the local “builder” Docker image.

  • packages: Source code for custom packages (added manually).

  • sdk: Subdirectories in here are bind mounted into various places
    within the SDK inside the builder container, to cache results and
    allow build artifacts to be inspected from the host machine.

    • sdk/bin: Compiled package files (*.ipk).

    • sdk/build_dir: Where program source code is extracted and

    • sdk/dl: Archives downloaded during package build.

    • sdk/feeds: Where package feeds are checked out / cloned.

    • sdk/logs: Build logs (if enabled) and feed error logs. During
      each builder run, the generated config file (.config) is also
      copied into here as config.

    • sdk/package/feeds: Symbolic links to packages in sdk/feeds.

    • sdk/staging_dir: Supporting files installed by host and target
      packages, for use when compiling other target packages.

    • sdk/tmp: Temporary files.

    Subdirectories with “special” functionality:

    • sdk/overrides: Files placed here will be copied into the SDK
      directory in the builder container, allowing files to be
      overriden directly.

      Specifically, if there is a file named diffconfig in this
      directory, it will be copied to .config inside the builder
      container, which will then be expanded by make defconfig.


All options can be found in the docker-compose.yml file.

Image build options

  • CONTAINER, TAG: Which SDK image to use.

    SDK image tags are in the format:

    1. <target>-<subtarget>-<branch|tag|version>

    Available tags can be found at Docker Hub.

Run-time options

  • USE_GITHUB_FEEDS: Clone package feeds from GitHub instead of
    git.openwrt.org (y or n).

    Cloning from GitHub will likely be faster.

    config options (y or n).

Rebuild local Docker image

The local “builder” Docker image can be rebuilt to update or change the
SDK used:

  1. $ sudo docker-compose build

Cleaning up

The SDK clean targets (make clean, make dirclean) are not aware of the Docker bind mounts and so will not work

Included are scripts that emulate these SDK commands:

  1. $ sudo docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /vivarium/clean.sh builder

Available scripts:

  • /vivarium/clean.sh: Clears sdk/bin, sdk/build_dir, and sdk/staging_dir
  • /vivarium/dirclean.sh: Clears all subdirectories in sdk


Copyright (C) 2019, 2022-2023 Jeffery To

Vivarium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

Vivarium is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Vivarium. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses.