项目作者: bryantsai

项目描述 :
Merge a set of feeds (RSS/Atom) into a single one and also trigger IFTTT to furhter integration whenver there's new item from any of the source feeds.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/bryantsai/feed-aggregator.git
创建时间: 2017-05-23T04:56:48Z

开源协议:MIT License


Feed Aggregator

This program can merge a set of feeds (RSS/Atom) into a single one. It also has the capability to notify IFTTT Maker Webhook trigger to furhter integration, whenver there’s new item from any of the source feeds.

Getting Started

Register account with IBM Bluemix and OpenWhisk

Before you can deploy your service to OpenWhisk, you need to have an account registered with the platform.

Please sign up for an account with IBM Bluemix and then follow the instructions for getting access to OpenWhisk on Bluemix.

Create file cloudant.json based on cloudant.json.template and input your CloudantDB instance credential there.

Register and Configure IFTTT

Create file ifttt-makerWebhook.json based on makerWebhook.json.template and input your key got from here.

Install Serverless Framework & Dependencies

  1. $ npm install --global serverless serverless-openwhisk

This framework plugin requires Node.js runtime version 6.0 or above.

Create a CloudantDB service instance

Please create one instance on Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix.

Create file cloudant.json based on cloudant.json.template and input your CloudantDB instance credential there.

Deploy this program to Bluemix

  1. ./create-cloudant-binding.sh
  2. ./init-cloudant.sh
  3. npm install
  4. serverless deploy

Add some feeds

  1. ./add_feed.sh https://bryantsai.com/feed