项目作者: horrormyth

项目描述 :
Nordea and OP api aggregator
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/horrormyth/onebank.git
创建时间: 2018-02-09T07:46:47Z




A single point aggregated api from various banks currently Nordea bank and OP only

Multibank aggrigator to manage and maintain multiple bank/accounts and fund from a single point

This was the part of DIGIA API HACKATEMIA 2018 February for OpenBanking

The code is for proof of concept with no design/archetecture and error handling is done whatsoever.


  • Install virtualenvwrapper How to
  • Clone the repo

    1. git clone git@github.com:horrormyth/onebank.git
  • Install requirements

    1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Add environment variables

    1. export OP_X_API_KEY=yourxapikey
    2. export NORDEA_CLIENT_ID=yournordeaclientid
    3. export NORDEA_SECRET=yournordeasecre
    4. export OP_CLIENT_ID=yourid
    5. export OP_CLIENT_SECRET=yoursecret
    6. export OP_X_API_KEY=yourkey