项目作者: amsokol

项目描述 :
Step by step tutorial how to deploy hyper-converged infrastructure by OpenShift Origin + Gluster for CentOS Atomic Host (deploying containerized Gluster storage with Atomic Host and OpenShift)
项目地址: git://github.com/amsokol/openshift-lab01-hyper-converged.git
创建时间: 2017-04-27T09:54:22Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


OpenShift Origin v1.5.1 based hyper-converged infrastructure deployment tutorial (deploying containerized Gluster storage with Atomic Host and OpenShift)

Step by step tutorial how to deploy hyper-converged infrustructure by OpenShift Origin v1.5.1 + Gluster for CentOS Atomic Host

Materials are used to prepare this tutorial:


Host OS IP Cores RAM dev/vda (system) dev/vdb (docker) dev/vdc (gluster)
installer.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Minimal 2 2048 MB 64 GB - -
master-01.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Atomic 2 4096 MB 64 GB 128 GB -
node-1-01.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Atomic 2 4096 MB 64 GB 128 GB 256 GB
node-1-02.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Atomic 2 4096 MB 64 GB 128 GB 256 GB
node-2-01.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Atomic 2 4096 MB 64 GB 128 GB 256 GB
node-2-02.openshift151.amsokol.me CentOS Atomic 2 4096 MB 64 GB 128 GB 256 GB
  1. CentOS Atomic (tested for CentOS-Atomic-Host-7.1704-Installer.iso): http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/atomic/images/

  2. CentOS Minimal (tested for CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1704-01.iso): https://buildlogs.centos.org/rolling/7/isos/x86_64/

Configure DNS:

  1. Set DNS records from table above.

  2. Set *.app.openshift151.amsokol.me to

  3. Set openshift151.amsokol.me to


You need only root account on installer and master-01.
All command should be run under root!

Configure master-01, node-1-01, node-1-02, node-2-01, node-2-02 hosts (run for each server):

  1. Install OS

  2. SSH as root and run:

    atomic host upgrade


  1. 3. SSH as root and run:

systemctl stop docker

atomic storage reset

atomic storage modify —driver devicemapper —add-device /dev/vdb —vgroup vg-docker

systemctl start docker

  1. 4. Run as root:

cat <> /etc/sysctl.conf

vm.overcommit_memory = 1
vm.panic_on_oom = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1

swapoff -a


docker info

  1. ## Configure `installer` host:
  2. 1. Install OS
  3. 2. SSH as root and run:

yum -y update && yum -y clean all


  1. 3. SSH as root
  2. 4. Run (leave all passwords empty):


  1. 5. Run (enter root password for for each server):

for host in master-01.openshift151.amsokol.me \

  1. node-1-01.openshift151.amsokol.me \
  2. node-1-02.openshift151.amsokol.me \
  3. node-2-01.openshift151.amsokol.me \
  4. node-2-02.openshift151.amsokol.me; \
  5. do ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $host; \
  6. done
  1. 6. Run:

yum -y install centos-release-openshift-origin

yum -y install git python-cryptography pyOpenSSL httpd-tools ansible

yum -y clean all

cd ~

git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible

git clone https://github.com/amsokol/openshift-lab01-hyper-converged.git

  1. ## Installation:
  2. 1. SSH as root to `installer`
  3. 2. Check if all nodes are ready:

cd ~

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml nodes -a ‘/usr/bin/rpm-ostree status’

  1. 3. Start installation:

ansible-playbook -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml

  1. ## [Optional, just FYI] Redeploy master certificates (you need to have your own domain instead of amsokol.me):
  2. 1. SSH as root to `installer`
  3. 2. Uncomment two lines below `"# Redeploy master certificates"` in `inventory-lab02.properties` file:

openshift_master_named_certificates=[{“certfile”: “/root/openshift.amsokol.me.crt”, “keyfile”: “/root/openshift.amsokol.me.key”, “names”:[“openshift.amsokol.me”]}]

  1. 3. Create `openshift-master.pem` and `openshift-master.pem` on `https://www.startssl.com/`
  2. 4. Copy `openshift-master.pem` and `openshift-master.pem` to `installer` /root folder
  3. 5. Run installation:

ansible-playbook -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/redeploy-master-certificates.yml

  1. ## Add administrator user account:
  2. 1. SSH as root to `installer`
  3. 2. Add `admin` with password:

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml masters -a “sed -i ‘$ a htpasswd -n admin‘ /etc/origin/master/htpasswd”

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml masters -a ‘oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin’

  1. ## [Optional, just FYI] Add user developer account (with name `amsokol` as an example)
  2. 1. SSH as root to `installer`
  3. 2. Add `amsokol` with password

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml masters -a “sed -i ‘$ a htpasswd -n amsokol‘ /etc/origin/master/htpasswd”

  1. 3. [Optional] Give `amsokol` direct access to OpenShift's Docker registry:

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml masters -a “oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:registry amsokol”

ansible -i openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/inventory-lab02.toml masters -a “oc adm policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder amsokol”

  1. ## Install Gluster cluster to OpenShift
  2. 1. SSH as root to `installer` and run:

yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

yum -y install heketi-templates heketi-client

  1. 2. Copy all files from `/usr/share/heketi/templates` (on `installer`) to `/root/heketi/templates` (on `master-01` where you need to create `/root/heketi/templates` before)
  2. 3. For each `node-1-01`, `node-1-02`, `node-2-01`, `node-2-02` hosts add the following rules to `/etc/sysconfig/iptables` and reboot:

-A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state —state NEW -m tcp —dport 24007 -j ACCEPT
-A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state —state NEW -m tcp —dport 24008 -j ACCEPT
-A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state —state NEW -m tcp —dport 2222 -j ACCEPT
-A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state —state NEW -m multiport —dports 49152:49251 -j ACCEPT

  1. 4. [Workaround due to issue [#656](https://github.com/heketi/heketi/issues/656) in Heketi] For each `node-1-01`, `node-1-02`, `node-2-01`, `node-2-02` run the following as root:

systemctl stop rpcbind.socket

systemctl disable rpcbind.socket

  1. 5. SSH as root to `master-01` and run:

oc new-project aplo

oc project aplo

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default

oc create -f /root/heketi/templates

oc process glusterfs -p GLUSTERFS_NODE=node-1-01.openshift151.amsokol.me | oc create -f -

oc process glusterfs -p GLUSTERFS_NODE=node-1-02.openshift151.amsokol.me | oc create -f -

oc process glusterfs -p GLUSTERFS_NODE=node-2-01.openshift151.amsokol.me | oc create -f -

oc process glusterfs -p GLUSTERFS_NODE=node-2-02.openshift151.amsokol.me | oc create -f -

  1. 6. Wait while all pods are created
  2. 7. Run (replace `<admin_password>` by `admin` password you set when created account):

oc process deploy-heketi \

  2. -p HEKETI_KUBE_APIHOST=https://openshift151.amsokol.me:8443 \
  4. -p HEKETI_KUBE_USER=admin \
  5. -p HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=<admin_password> | oc create -f -
  1. 8. Wait while pod is created and test result:

curl http://deploy-heketi-aplo.app.openshift151.amsokol.me/hello

  1. 9. Run:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:aplo:default -n aplo

  1. 10. SSH as root to `installer` and run:

export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://deploy-heketi-aplo.app.openshift151.amsokol.me:80

heketi-cli topology load —json=openshift-lab01-hyper-converged/gluster-topology.json

heketi-cli setup-openshift-heketi-storage

  1. 11. Copy `heketi-storage.json` from `/root` (on `installer`) to `/root` (on `master-01`)
  2. 12. SSH as root to `master-01` and run:

oc create -f heketi-storage.json

oc delete all,job,template,secret —selector=”deploy-heketi”

  1. 13. Run (replace `<admin_password>` by `admin` password you set when created account):

oc process heketi \

  2. -p HEKETI_KUBE_APIHOST=https://openshift151.amsokol.me:8443 \
  4. -p HEKETI_KUBE_USER=admin \
  5. -p HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=<admin_password> | oc create -f -
  1. 14. Wait while pod is created and test result:

curl http://heketi-aplo.app.openshift151.amsokol.me/hello

  1. 15. SSH as root to `installer` and run:

export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://heketi-aplo.app.openshift151.amsokol.me:80

heketi-cli topology info

  1. 16. Copy `glusterfs-storageclass.yaml` from `/root/openshift-lab01-hyper-converged` (on `installer`) to `/root` (on `master-01`)
  2. 17. SSH as root to `master-01` and run:

oc create -f glusterfs-storageclass.yaml

  1. ## Configure Gluster cluster storage for internal Docker registry
  2. 1. Login as `admin` (account you created above) to `https://openshift151.amsokol.me:8443`
  3. 2. Open `default` project
  4. 3. Create storage (`'Storage Classes'`=`'slow'`, `'Name'`=`'docker-registry-claim'`, `'Access Mode'`=`'Shared Access'`, `'Size'`=`50GiB`)
  5. 4. SSH as root to `master-01` and run:

oc project default

oc volume deploymentconfigs/docker-registry —add —name=registry-storage -t pvc —claim-name=docker-registry-claim —overwrite
