Blockchain based smart property marketplace
ERC-721 based property tokens which can be traded on Markeplace.
In order to start develpment of SmartProperty token, you need to run npm install
in project folder after cloning the repo.
This is a 5 step process:
docker run -v <path-to-zokrates-code>:/home/zokrates/code -ti zokrates/zokrates:0.3.0 /bin/bash
cd code/square
~/zokrates compile -i square.code
~/zokrates setup [--proving-scheme pghr13]
~/zokrates compute-witness -a 2 4
~/zokrates generate-proof
~/zokrates export-verifier
Now copy verifier.sol in contracts folder and update solidity version
Run below command to test your contractstruffle test
Configuration for deployment on rinkeby
network is added in truffle-config.js
Run below command for deployment.truffle migrate --network rinkeby
ERC-721 Token
SolnSquare Verifier
Square Verifier
Run truffle compile
to compile contracts, it will generate contracts ABI.
Contracts ABI can be found in build folder.
ERC-721 Tokeneth-contracts\build\contracts\CustomERC721Token.json
SolnSquare Verifiereth-contracts\build\contracts\SolnSquareVerifier.json
Square Verifiereth-contracts\build\contracts\SquareVerifier.json
Token is listed on OpenSea market place