Open Standard for the issuance of Securities using blockchain technology (Symbol from NEM)
The author of this package cannot be held responsible for any loss of money or any malintentioned usage forms of this package. Please use this package with caution.
Symbol Token Standards library to create security tokens / financial instruments for the Symbol platform.
This is a PoC to validate the proposed NIP13 - Security Token Standard. When stable, the repository will be moved to the nemtech organization.
npm install symbol-token-standards
The following example usage for the
library is subject to change.
import { AggregateTransaction, PublicAccount, SignedTransaction } from 'symbol-sdk'
import { MnemonicPassPhrase } from 'symbol-hd-wallets'
import { NIP13, NetworkConfig, TransactionParameters } from 'symbol-token-standards'
import { TransactionURI } from 'symbol-uri-scheme'
// :warning: The following settings are network specific and may need changes
const transactionParams = new TransactionParameters(
750000, // maxFee
// :warning: You should create separate backups of
// authorities and security token pass phrases.
const authKeys = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom() // backup the resulting 24-words safely!
const tokenKeys = MnemonicPassPhrase.createRandom() // backup the resulting 24-words safely!
// :warning: It is recommended to create operator
// keys offline and using a separate device.
const operators = [
// ...
// initialize NIP13 library
const network = new NetworkConfig(...)
const tokenAuthority = new NIP13.TokenAuthority(network, authKeys)
const securityToken = new NIP13.Token(network, tokenKeys)
// offline creation of the `CreateToken` security token contract
const metadata = new SecuritiesMetadata(
'customKey1': 'metadata',
// ...
const tokenId = securityToken.create(
'My Awesome Security Token', // security token name
securityToken.getTarget().publicAccount, // actor
tokenAuthority.getAuthority().publicAccount, // token authority
123456789, // total outstanding shares
// get the transaction URI for `CreateToken` execution
const resultURI: TransactionURI = securityToken.result
// :warning: It is recommended to sign the resulting transactions
// using a hardware wallet rather than any type of software generated
// wallets.
const transaction: AggregateTransaction = resultURI.toTransaction()
const signedTransaction: SignedTransaction = securityToken.getTarget().sign(transaction, 'networkGenerationHash')
// `signedTransaction` can now be broadcast to the Symbol network of choice.
// It is important to denote that given the **aggregate** nature of security
// token contracts, multiple parties MAY be involved in the transaction and
// it is therefor required to issue a HashLockTransaction before announcing
// the aggregate bonded transaction that represents the contract.
Copyright 2020-present NEM
Licensed under the Apache v2.0 License.