项目作者: mhnaeem

项目描述 :
A multiplayer interactive board game created in Java.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/mhnaeem/Blokus.git
创建时间: 2019-09-23T17:22:39Z



The Blokus Game

This is the Blokus game implemented for a software engineering course.

Project Name: Blokus Game

Project Type: Group Project

Group Number: Group 9

Course: COMP 2005 - Software Engineering

Instructor: Mark Hatcher as [mhatcher]

Teaching Assistants:

  1. Ali Mohammad Saheb Alfosool as [alfosool]

  2. Samira Saki as [Samira63]

Member Names:

  1. Muhammad Hammad as [mhnaeem]

  2. Abdur Rahman Abul Hossain as [Rifat1]

  3. Muhammad Uwais Jahmeerbacus as [uwaisj241299]

  4. Zachary S. Cheema as [Sakif-Max-Flex]

  5. Zoe S. Collins as [zscollins]

Things we have accomplished:

  1. Easy, Medium and Hard AI

  2. Implemented Hints for All Players

  3. Amazing GUI

  4. User Error Prevention

  5. Dark Mode

  6. Loading and Saving Games

  7. Player Turn Labels

  8. Automatic Game End Checks

  9. Calculate the winner based on basic and advanced scoring

  10. Help, About and many additional menus for user interaction

  11. Colour blind mode

  12. Compatibility for MAC OS

  13. Well structured code with planned out classes (Loosely coupled and Cohesive)

Here are some screenshots from our game:

Main Screen

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Main Screen with Dark Mode

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Game Creation

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Game Creation with Dark Mode

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Game Started with Colour Blind Mode:

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Game Played with Colour Blind Mode:

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Game Game Started without Colour Blind Mode:

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Game Played without Colour Blind Mode:

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Selected Piece Display:

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Player Hints:

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Game Started with Dark Mode and Colour Blind:

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Game Played with Dark Mode and Colour Blind:

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Game Started with Dark Mode and without Colour Blind:

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Game Played with Dark Mode and without Colour Blind:

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Load Game Screen:

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Load Game Screen with Dark Mode:

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Game Over Screen:

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