项目作者: elyasha

项目描述 :
Final project of Oriented Object programming at CentraleSupélec
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/elyasha/myVelib.git
创建时间: 2020-05-06T13:03:22Z

开源协议:MIT License



Final project of Oriented Object programming at CentraleSupélec


The documentation of this project is available here

Coverage report

The coverage report of this project is available here


  • jdk 11

1 Overview

A bicycle sharing system (like, for example, Velib in Paris) allows inhabitants to rent bicycles
and cycle around a metropolitan area. Such a system consists of several interacting parts
including: the renting stations (displaced in key points of a metropolitan area), di erent
kind of bicycles (mechanical and electrically assisted), the users (which may posses a reg-
istration card), the maintenance crew (responsible for collecting/replacing broken down
bicycles), etc.

2 Requirements (core application)

2.1 Components of my Velib system

  • [x] Station : a station is where bicycles can be rented and dropped. It consists of a

    1. number of ``parking slots`` where bicycles are stored and of a ``terminal`` which users can
    2. interact with in order for ``renting bicycles``. Parking slots can be be occupied by a
    3. ``bicycle``, ``free`` or ``out-of-order``. A station is located in a specific place specified by ``GPS
    4. coordinates``. A station can be ``on service`` or ``offine``: if it is offine all of its parking
    5. bays as well as the terminal cannot be used. There exist two types of ``stations``,
    6. a ``standard`` type, and a ``plus`` type. When a user who hold a Velib card drops a
    7. bicycle to a ``plus`` station it earns ``5 minutes credits`` in its ``time balance``. Each station
    8. has a ``unique numerical ID`` and so each parking slot (within a station) has a unique
    9. numerical ID.
  • [x] Bicycle : there exists two kind of bicycles, mechanical and electrical. Each bicycle

    1. has a unique numerical ID.
  • User : has a name, a unique numerical ID, a geographical position (GPS coordinates)
    1. a ``credit card`` and might have a ``registration card``. In case a user holds a card she has
    2. also a ``time-credit balance`` (expressed in minutes) representing the credit gained by
    3. returning bicycles to "plus" stations. The time credit is used to compute the actual
    4. cost of a bicycle ride. The user has also a ``balance of total charges`` representing the total
    5. amount of money she has been charged for using bicycle of the myVelib system.
  • Cards : there are two kinds of registration cards: Vlibre and Vmax

2.1.1 Cost for using the bicycles

On returning of a velib to a station the system will (automatically) compute the corresponding cost of the ride based on the ride duration (in minutes), the kind of bicycle, and on
the type of card a user has.

  • if a user has no card the cost is 1 Euro per hour (for mechanical bicycles) and 2 Euro per hour (for electrical bicycles)
  • if a user has a Vlibre card the cost is: 0 Euro for the first hour then 1 euro per each successive hour (for mechanical) and 1 Euro for the first hour then 2 euros per each successive hour (for electrical bicycles). If a ride lasts longer than 60min the actual
    time balance exceeding 60min is computed by deducing from the user’s time-credit
    (if any). For example a user’s time-credit is 20min and the ride lasts 75min, then the
    user won’t be charged any extra min (beyond 1h) but it’s time-credit will be updated
    to 5min (deducing the 15min in excess to the free hour). On the other hand if the
    ride lasts 135min, the user will be charged for 135-20 = 115min, hence for the 55min
    in excess of an hour, and so on.
  • if a user has Vmax card the cost is: 0 Euro for the first hour then 1 euro per each successive
    hour (independently of the kind of bicycle)

2.2 Rides planning

  • [x] The myVelib system must be equipped with a functionality that helps users to plan a ride
    from a starting location to a destination location. Given the starting and destination GPS
    coordinates the ride planning functionality will identify the \optimal” start and end stations
    from/to where the bicycle should be taken/dropped according to the following criteria:

  • [x] the start, respectively the end, station, for a ride should be as close as possible to
    the starting, respectively to the destination, location of the ride.

  • the start station should have one bicycle of the desired kind (electrical or mechanical)
    available for renting
  • the end station should have at least one free parking slot.

OPTIONAL ride-planning policies

  • avoid plus stations: like minimal walking distance but return station cannot be
    a plus station
  • prefer plus stations: with this policy the return station should be a plus
    station (given a plus station no further away than 10% of the distance of the
    closest station to the destination location exists). If no such a plus station exists
    then this policy behaves normally (as a minimal walking distance).
  • preservation of uniformity of bicycles distribution amongst stations: with
    this policy the choice of the source and destination station is a ected by the number
    of available bicycles (at source station) and free slots (at destination). Specifically, let
    s0 be the closest station to the starting location with at least one available bicycle of the
    wanted kind, and sd be the station closest to the destination location with at least
    one free parking slot. Then if a station s0
    0 whose distance from the starting location
    is no more than 105% the distance of s0 from the start location has a larger number
    of bicycles (of the wanted kind) than those available at s0 it should be selected in place
    of s0. Similarly if a station s0
    d (whose distance from the destination location is at
    most 105% of the distance of sd from the destination location) has a larger number
    of free parking slots than sd it should be selected as the destination station in place
    of sd.

2.3 Rental and returning a bicycle

  • To rent a bicycle a user must get to one station, identify herself (either through a velib-card
    or through a credit-card) and pick up one of the available bicycles. A user can only rent at
    most one bicycle (i.e. if she has a bicycle and has not yet returned it, she cannot rent a
    second one). To return a bicycle a user must park it to a free (and on-duty) parking bay
    of some station. When the bicycle is returned the cost for the ride is computed and user is
    automatically charged (if a charge applies).

2.4 Computing statistics and sorting of stations

The myVelib system should support the following functionalities for computing relevant

User balance

  • The number of rides
  • the total time spent on a bicycle
  • the total amount of charges for all
    rides performed by a user
  • the time-credit earned by a user

Station balance

  • total number of rents operation,
  • return operations performed on the station.
  • It should also allow to compute the average rate of occupation of a given station over a given time window
    for [ts, te] with delta = te - ts;
    The rate of occupation of a station is given by:

rate = (sum(i=1, numberOfParkingSlots, ti ^ delta) / (delta * numberOfParkingSlots);

  1. where N is the number of parking slots in the station, ti
  2. is the time the i-th slot
  3. has being occupied during the time window [ts; te]. Notice that in the computation
  4. of occupation rate of a station if a parking slot is out-of-service then it should be
  5. accounted as being occupied (independently of whether it holds a bicycle or not).
  6. Furthermore myVelib should support different policies for sorting stations including
  7. those based on the following criteria:
  8. - [x] most used station: stations are sorted w.r.t. the total number of renting + dropping operations
  9. - [ ] least occupied station: stations are sorted w.r.t. the rate of occupation (ratio
  10. between free time over occupied time of parking bays). This allows for figure out
  11. policy to increase the use of less occupied stations (for example by electing the least
  12. occupied stations to the ``plus`` category so to attract users to drop bicycles).
  13. Remark (``an OPEN-CLOSE solution``). Your design should match as much as possible
  14. the open-close principle. Using of design patterns should be properly documented in the
  15. project report explicitly describing to fulfil which requirement of the myVelib system a
  16. design pattern has been applied.
  17. ## 2.5 Use case scenario
  18. In order to further guide you in the process of designing/developing the core infrastructure
  19. for the myVelib system you should take into account the following use case scenario which
  20. describe a few examples of realistic interactions between the user of the myVelib system
  21. and the myVelib framework.
  22. ### Setting up of myVelib
  23. - [x] The user sets up an instance of the myVelib system: he/she create a myVelib with N
  24. stations, summing up to a total of M parking slots, the 70% of which is occupied by
  25. available bicycles (30% of which are electrical the rest mechanical). The N stations
  26. should be placed randomly (in a uniform manner) over a square surface of area 1010
  27. square kilometres (roughly the surface of Paris intramuros).
  28. - [x] The user add some user to the myVelib system some of which are card holder, some
  29. not.
  30. ### Rental of a bicycle
  31. - [x] a user (card holder or not) rent a bicycle of a given type from a given station at a given
  32. moment in time
  33. - [x] the user returns the bicycle to another station after a given duration (expressed in
  34. minutes).
  35. - [x] the user get charged for the corresponding amount (possibly 0) and possibly receive
  36. a time-credit (possibly 0)
  37. ### Visualisation of user, station and system state
  38. - [x] a manager (or a user) of myVelib request to see the current state of a user with given
  39. ID
  40. - [x] the system displays a report of the requested user (including its balance, time credit,
  41. number of rides, etc).
  42. - [x] a manager (or a user) of myVelib request to see the current state of a station with
  43. given ID
  44. - [x] the system displays a report of the requested station (including num. of free/occupied
  45. slots, current state, its occupation etc)
  46. - [x] a manager (or a user) of myVelib request to see the current state of a the entire
  47. system
  48. - [x] the system displays a summary report of the system (including list of online/oine
  49. stations, list of users of myVelib , etc.)
  50. ### Simulation of a planning ride
  51. - [x] a user at a given position require a ride planning to reach a destination position
  52. - [x] the user receives the source and destination stations
  53. - [x] the user retrieve a bicycle from the source station of the planned ride at a given
  54. instant of time
  55. - [x] the user that is holding a bicycle returns it (in a given free slot) at a given station at
  56. a given instant of time.
  57. ### Computation of statistics
  58. - [x] the myVelib system stores relevant data in form of records representing N rental bicycle
  59. simulations (by di erent users, on di erent stations, and with di erent duration)
  60. - [x] the statistics (computed w.r.t. the rental records added in previous step) for each
  61. user are displayed
  62. - [x] the statistics (computed w.r.t. the rental records added in previous step) for each
  63. station are displayed
  64. - [x] stations are displayed sorted w.r.t. the most used station (first)
  65. - [ ] stations are displayed sorted w.r.t. the least occupied station (first)
  66. # 3 Part 2: myVelib user interface
  67. The part 2 of the project is about realising a user interface for the myVelib-app. The
  68. user interface consists a command-line user interface (CLUI). [For insights about CLUI
  69. see](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface) and some examples in
  70. [Java](https://dzone.com/articles/java-command-line-interfaces-part-29-do-it-yoursel)
  71. ## 3.1 myVelib CLI: Command line (user) interface
  72. The command line interpreter provides the user with a (linux-style) terminal like environment to enter commands to interact with the myVelib core. A command consists of the
  73. command-name followed by a blank-separated list of (string) arguments:
  74. ````shell
  75. command-name <arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>

a command without argument is denoted command-name <>.

For example the myVelib CLI command for setting up a myVelib system consisting of 10
stations each of which has 10 parking bays and such that the initial population of bicycle
is 75% of the total number of parking bays in the system would be as follows:

  1. setup 10 10 0.75

The list of commands supported by the myVelib CLI must include the following ones:

  • setup <velibnetworkName>: to create a myVelib network with given name and
    consisting of 10 stations each of which has 10 parking slots and such that stations
    are arranged on a square grid whose of side 4km and initially populated with a 75%
    bicycles randomly distributed over the 10 stations
  • setup <name> <nstations> <nslots> <s> <nbicycles>: to create a myVelib net-
    work with given name and consisting of nstations stations each of which has nslots
    parking slots and such that stations are arranged in as uniform as possible manner
    over an area you may assume either being circular of radium s or squared of side s
    (please document what kind of area your implementation of this command takes into
    account and how stations are distributed over it).Furthermore the network should
    be initially populated with a nbicycles bicycles randomly distributed over the nstations
  • addUser <userName,cardType, velibnetworkName>: to add a user with name
    userName and card cardType (i.e. ``none’’ if the user has no card) to a myVelib net-
    work velibnetworkName
  • offline <velibnetworkName, stationID>: to put oine the station stationID
    of the myVelib network velibnetworkName
  • online <velibnetworkName, stationID>: to put online the station stationID of
    the myVelib network velibnetworkName
  • rentBicycle <userID, stationID>: to let the user userID renting a bicycle from station
    stationID (if no bicycles are available should behave accordingly)
  • returnBicycle <userID, stationID, time>: to let the user userID returning a bicycle
    to station stationID at a given instant of time time (if no parking bay is available
    should behave accordingly). This command should display the cost of the rent
  • displayStation<velibnetworkName, stationID>: to display the statistics (as of
    Section 2.4) of station stationID of a myVelib network velibnetwork.
  • displayUser<velibnetworkName, userID>: to display the statistics (as of Sec-
    tion 2.4) of user userID of a myVelib network velibnetwork.
  • sortStation<velibnetworkName, sortpolicy>: to display the stations in increas-
    ing order w.r.t. to the sorting policy (as of Section 2.4) of user sortpolicy.
  • [x] display <velibnetworkName>: to display the entire status (stations, parking bays,
    users) of an a myVelib network velibnetworkName.

  • [x] to be completed … (the help command and exit command)

It should be possible to write those commands on the CLUI and to run the com-
mands in an interactive way: the program read the commands from testScenarioN.txt
(see Section 4.2), pass them on to the CLUI, and store the corresponding output to

Error messages and CLI:

  • The CLUI must handle all possible types of errors, i.e.
    1. syntax errors while typing in a command, and misuse errors, like for example trying to
    2. rent a bicycle from a station which is oine or that has no available bicycles.

4 Project testing

In order to evaluate your implementations we (the Testers of your project) require you (the
Developers) to equip your projects with both standard Junit tests (for each class) and
a test scenario, described below. Both JUnit tests and the test scenario are mandatory
parts of your project realisations, as we (the Testers) will resort to both of them to test
your implementations.

4.1 JUnit tests

Each class in your project must contain JUnit tests for the most significant methods (i.e.
excluded getters and setters).
Hint: if you follow a Test Driven Development approach you will end up naturally having
all JUnit tests for all of your classes.

4.2 Test scenario

In order to test your solution you are required to include in the project

  • one initial configuration file (called my velib.ini), automatically loaded at starting
    of the system,
  • at least one test-scenario file (called testScenario1.txt).

Configuration file: An initial configuration file must ensure that, at startup (after loading this file) the system contains at leas the \standard” setup corresponding to the default
version of the CLI command setup.

Test-scenario file: A test-scenario file contains a number of CLUI commands whose
execution allows for reproducing a given test scenario, typically setting up a given config-
uration of the myvelib system (i.e. creation of some velib network, adding of some users,
simulation of some rental/returning of bicycles, simulation of planning of a ride, computation
of statistics for the stations and the users, etc.). You may include several test-scenario
files (e.g. testScenario1.txt, testScenario2.txt, …). For each test-scenario file you
provide us with you MUST include a description of its content (what does it test?) in the
report. We are going to run each test-scenario file through the runtest command of the
CLUI (see CLUI commands above):

  1. runTest testScenario1.txt