项目作者: lacedelli

项目描述 :
Project that displays a timer on the browser window
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/lacedelli/odin_js_pomodoro.git
创建时间: 2019-09-14T04:15:10Z




Thoughts before heading in

My first impression is that this shouldn’t be as hard as it seems like on the surface, but I honestly think that it is gonna take a while exclusively on the face value that front-end stuff is very time consuming for me, mainly because I have to go back and forth between documentation and the actual project to make anything work, but hey, that’s the way things are sometimes.

The greatest challenge for me is probably gonna be the fact that I’m a little bit rusty with event programming and all that functional stuff, hopefully it won’t be that bad and I’ll be on top of the situation in no time.

This project is supposed to be a pair programming one, but, I have a very irregular schedule right now, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to responsibly handle the project on a base organizational level if another person steps in, so, sorry Odin Project for letting you down.

14/ September/ 2019

Thoughts after finishing the project

While it took a relatively long time to make it work, the actual worktime that this project took would probably be one of around one day or two of continuous work.
The layout isn’t anywhere at all where it could be aesthetics-wise, but for now it’ll have to do; the functionability hasn’t been tested to the extent it should have, but at this moment in my learning path, there are a lot of holes in my knowledge, and worrying about having projects work “perfectly” isn’t my main priority right now, over having them just work.

The main thing that got me stuck for a bit was the fact that instead of having the millisecond counter detract by factors of 1000, what I did was a simple decrement of one digit, which led me to believe that the code was “not working correctly”, but it was; I was just altering the values by the wrong proportions.
The way that I solved the problem was modifiyng the value of the interval activation to 10 milliseconds, rather than a thousand, therefore showing me the underlying error in my code.

Again. Terrible time management, but hey, I got hyperfocused on making a cigar box guitar, so, that’s neat.

30/ September/ 2019