A hospital management module for creating patient, doctor, department, medical test, and appointments.
Created an hospital management module where there are 5 menus for Patients, Doctors, Departments, Appointments, Medical test.
Each menu have different views (Tree, Form, Search).
Here all the patients information will show in tree view and there is an option for creating new Patient information.
Shows all the patients information on the specific row.
One2many: One Patients have many appointments.
Here all the Doctors information will show and there is an option for creating new Doctor information.
Advanced map view is implemented for showing doctor’s location.
Here all the Department information will show and there is an option for creating new Department.
Here all the Appointments information will show and there is an option for creating new Appointments.
Appointments list view:
Appointments kanban view:
Appointments calender view:
Appointments pivot view:
Appointments gantt view:
Appointments graph view: