Thrift app and worker for gunicorn!
Thrift app and worker for gunicorn! Hence, a multi-process python thrift server!
has to offer.thriftpy_sync
and thriftpy_gevent
worker classes (code generatedthrift
Generate thrift files:
% thrift --out tests/pingpong_sdk --gen py:new_style,utf8strings tests/pingpong.thrift
Write thrift app.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# tests/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pingpong_sdk.pingpong import PingService
class PingpongServer(object):
def ping(self):
if os.environ.get('about_to_shutdown') == '1':
raise PingService.AboutToShutDownException
return "pong"
app = PingService.Processor(PingpongServer())
Fire up app.
% gunicorn_thrift -k thrift_sync
% gunicorn_thrift -k thrift_gevent
Write thrift app.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# tests/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import thriftpy2
from thriftpy2.thrift import TProcessor
class PingPongDispatcher(object):
def ping(self):
return "pong"
pingpong_thrift = thriftpy2.load("pingpong.thrift")
app = TProcessor(pingpong_thrift.PingService, PingPongDispatcher())
Fire up app.
% gunicorn_thrift tests.thriftpy_app:app -k thriftpy_sync \
--thrift-protocol-factory \
thriftpy2.protocol:TCyBinaryProtocolFactory \
--thrift-transport-factory \
Parameter: -k
, --worker-class
Config file: worker_class
Default 2.7: thrift_sync
Default 3.4+: thriftpy_sync
There are 4 types of workers available.
: sync worker.thrift_gevent
: gevent worker.thriftpy_sync
: sync worker, adapted for thriftpy2
: gevent worker, adapted for thriftpy2
note: If you want to use thriftpy_sync
or thriftpy_gevent
, make sure the following:
should be higher than 0.1.10
should be set to either: thriftpy2.protocol:TCyBinaryProtocolFactory
should be set to either: thriftpy2.transport:TCyBufferedTransportFactory
The transport factory to use for handling connections.
Parameter: --thrift-transport-factory
Config file: thrift_transport_factory
Default 2.7: thrift.transport.TTransport:TBufferedTransportFactory
Default 3.4+: thriftpy2.transport:TBufferedTransportFactory
The protocol factory to use for parsing requests.
Parameter: --thrift-protocol-factory
Config file: thrift_protocol_factory
Default 2.7: thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol:TBinaryProtocolAcceleratedFactory
Default 3.4+: thriftpy2.protocol:TBinaryProtocolFactory
Seconds to timeout a client if it is silent after this duration.
Parameter: --thrift-client-timeout
Config file: thrift_client_timeout
Default: None
(Never time out a client)
This config will run a seperate thread to detect gevent ioloop block every
specified seconds.
Parameter: --gevent-check-interval
Config file: gevent_check_interval
Default: 0
Note: DONOT USE this if not running gevent worker.