项目作者: clustergarage

项目描述 :
Argus Daemon - File Integrity Monitoring for Kubernetes
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/clustergarage/argusd.git
创建时间: 2018-06-15T19:24:08Z

开源协议:MIT License



Docker Automated build
Latest Argus release

This repository implements a daemon process responsible for maintaining a collection of inotify-style listeners defined by the user to gain insights into when certain key events happen at the filesystem level of their container.


This daemon is able to perform a series of flexible tasks combined with a rich set of configurations around watching inode events:

  • Serves a gRPC endpoint running on each node, that can be communicated with by the Kubernetes argus-controller.
  • Extends out-of-the-box inotify with recursive file tree options.
  • Handles multi-threaded operations of creating watches, handling event stream message and logging them in a common, configurable way.
  • Reports its current state back to the controller, which syncs current state with desired.
  • Perform health checks for readiness and liveness probes in Kubernetes.


Once cloned you should update the argus-proto submodule to make sure it’s up-to-date with the latest shared definitions:

  1. git submodule foreach git pull origin master


  • C++14 — for runtime, makes use of new language features
  • cmake v3.10+ — for building the binary locally
  • gRPC — as a communication protocol to the controller
  • Protobuf — for a common type definition


Local Build

To build a local copy of the binary to run or troubleshoot with, the bare minimum command to configure the cmake build:

  1. cmake -H. -Bbuild

Optionally specify another generator such as Ninja:

  1. cmake -H. -Bbuild -GNinja

Optionally specify a Debug build with additional debug options and symbols:

  1. cmake -H. -Bbuild \

Optionally specify another compiler such as gcc/g++, clang, llvm, etc.:

  1. cmake -H. -Bbuild \

Finally run the build with:

  1. cmake --build build

Optionally specify the number of cores to run the build with:

  1. # use 4 cores explicitly
  2. cmake --build build -j 4
  3. # use the maximum amount of cores available
  4. cmake --build build -j $(nproc --all)

Docker Build

If you wish to build as a Docker container and run this from a local registry:

  1. docker build -t clustergarage/argusd .


To run locally, you must do so with elevated privilege in order to access the full rights to procfs:

  1. # in the build/ directory
  2. # running without secure credentials
  3. sudo ./argusd
  4. # running with secure credentials
  5. sudo ./argusd -tls \
  6. -tlscafile /etc/ssl/ca.pem \
  7. -tlscertfile /etc/ssl/cert.pem \
  8. -tlskeyfile /etc/ssl/key.pem

Warning: When running the daemon out-of-cluster in a VM-based Kubernetes context, it will fail to locate the PID from the container ID through numerous cgroup checks and will be unable to start any watchers. The solution to get around this is to either run a non-VM-based local Kubernetes, or to run as a pod inside the cluster. The configurations in order to do the latter option are located in the argus repo.

Further Reading

Technical Details