A simple yet secure online voting app
A simple MERN webapp to carry out online voting securely.
Given the current pandemic situation (as of this current commit the world was facing the COVID-19 pandemic); As a person who hails from West Bengal, there is a dire need to digitalize the voting system as the 2021 Bengal elections worsened the case count here. There has been a lot of research done on this very topic but none of them have been implemented to actually take into account all the quirks that online voting systems come with. This project aims to make a practical approach towards secure online voting.
Note: This is also my submission for the course project of CSE 537-Network Security taught at IIT (BHU).
Computerized voting will never be used for general elections unless there is a protocol that both maintains individual privacy & prevents cheating.
The ideal protocol has, at the very least, these six requirements-
You saw this coming didn’t you? Well if it wasn’t for this, I probably would have been doing conferences and seminars on how I revolutionized voting.
So yeah, this webapp is not yet a perfect solution to be used in high risk environments.
Well you are in luck this time. This app is fully dockerized and setting up you development enviroment is as simple as running a simple command from the root directory of the app.
But before that you will need to create a .env file inside the backend folder. You can take reference from the .env.example file I provided for the exact variables that are to be created.
make run-dev
Alternatively, if you dont have support for Makefiles in your local system you can also issue the following command-
docker-compose up
Note: Docker should be installed in your system for this these commands to work.
You are now ready to make changes to the app. I have also setup hot-reloading for the Docker containers to automatically reflect changes that you make without manually having to rebuild and restart the containers. Happy hacking!!!
Thanks for taking the time to contribute!
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to this project. These are just guidelines, not rules, so use your best judgement and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
The webapp is built with the MERN stack. So if you are new to MERN, please take time to read up about the same.
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under issues. If you’re unable to find an open issue addressing the bug, open a new issue.
Detailed information is very helpful to understand an issue, for example-
Pull Requests are always welcome.