项目作者: dyseo

项目描述 :
search & download app using python
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/dyseo/ApkPure.git
创建时间: 2019-04-28T16:20:41Z

开源协议:MIT License


ApkPure Unofficial Wrapper ✨

Search, Simplify detail & Downloadable from Apkpure.com

Codacy Badge
Build Status Python License

this repo is no longer maintenance, and will be move to This repo


  1. Simply to use
  2. Readable
  3. Using async request & multithreading for really fast request (not really sure)
  4. Easy accessing dictionary


  • git clone https://github.com/dyseo/ApkPure
  • cd ApkPure
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to

  1. from apis import ApkPure
  2. apk = ApkPure(return_as="dict")
  3. #set 'dict' or 'rpc' for returning as

Search Application

  1. search = api._search("pubg")
  2. print(search)

Get Details from giving url

  1. details = api.detail_from_url(search.results[0].url)
  2. print(details)
  3. # or you can do simple like this
  4. detail = api.this_detail(search, 1)
  5. print(detail)

Download application

  1. api.download_(url=detail.url_download, name=detail.title, ex=detail.extension, path="/downloads)


Dyseo / Dyseo