Music Macro Language to MIDI 1.0 / 2.0 compiler
This is the successor of my mugene Music Macro Language compiler to Kotlin Multiplatform (from C#), so that I can go forward and improve the entire ecosystem and toolchains. Now it can be used as a JVM library, native library, a JavaScript library, or even a WebAssembly library, as well as standalone native compiler or a JVM standalone jar.
The new version in Kotlin has preliminary support for MIDI 2.0 UMP stream format beyond the past C# version did. Any new features will be developed only in this project.
Everything, including the project name, is subject to change at this moment.
The entire language is partly documented as docs/
mugene-ng is available at Maven Central. If you would like to use it as part of your application, add the following lines in the dependencies
section in build.gradle(.kts)
dependencies {
implementation "dev.atsushieno:mugene:+" // replace + with the actual version
To use mugene-ng as command line compiler, run:
./gradlew mugene-console:jvmRun [args]
Alternatively, if you run ./gradlew build
, then there will be mugene-console/build/bin/[platform-arch-dir]/debugExecutable/mugene-console.kexe
(or .exe
on Windows). You can then use it like a standalone executable to compile mugene MML files like: (the/path/to/)mugene-console.kexe samples/escape.mugene
. For the complete list of command line arguments, just run this executable without arguments.
mugene-ng is a Kotlin Multiplatform project that supports Kotlin/JS. We publish mugene-ng as an NPM package, as well as vscode-mugene-language extension (the extension used to support .NET based mugene that only ran the compiler as a “native” executable, but now we are fully JS based).
Though note that due to some flaws in publishing workflow, the vscode extension may not be always the latest.
While mugene-ng can be evaluated as a standalone command line MML compiler project, it is actually part of the ktmidi ecosystem. It is the core part of augene-ng project, which makes use of its MML to MIDI 2.0 compiler then to target audio plugins sequencer engine.
mugene-ng is also used in a virtual MIDI 1.0/2.0 keyboard kmmk project, which is also part of ktmidi ecosystem.
When porting from C#, I disabled __STORE_FORMAT
primitive operation (because it had C# String.Format()
as its premise), which effectively killed Vocaloid2 VSQ support and around the feature. Vocaloid2 is too ancient anyways, so there wouldn’t be significant drawback.
mugene-ng is distributed under the MIT License.
mugene-ng depends on Strumenta/antlr-kotliin which is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
mugene-ng depends on atsushieno/ktmidi which is distributed under the MIT License.