项目作者: KOTORCommunityPatches

项目描述 :
K1 Community Patch
高级语言: NWScript
项目地址: git://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch.git

KOTOR 1 Community Patch

Original Mod Development/Inception: A Future Pilot

Current Editor/Maintainer: DarthParametric

Contact: afuturepilotis@gmail.com or PM at deadlystream.com

Original Release Date: April 17, 2018

Prior Version Release Date: December 22, 2023

Current Version: v1.11.0

Release Date: TBA

1. Description:

This mod is a compilation of various bugfix mods and custom fixes put together with the intention of fixing all the known bugs with the last official patch of KOTOR 1. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who have contributed.

2. Install:

Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files.

3. Uninstall:

Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is recommended. However, you can check through the installation log file if you wish to undo the changes made.

4. List of included mods and fixes (alphabetical by author):

A Future Pilot:

  • Many background NPCs use “lite” models K1 Lite Upgrader 1.3
  • Belaya attacks with her fists (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • Calo Nord has different inventories and stats on different planets
  • Czerka employees on Korriban wear Sith uniforms (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • Dune sea miners on Tatooine aren’t wearing Czerka gear (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • Gana Lavin’s appearance changes and her text dialog doesn’t appear
  • Griff sometimes wouldn’t spawn in the Sand People Enclave
  • Guards in the Sith Academy used the Sith Officer appearance instead of Sith Soldiers
  • Infected Republic Soldier on Taris wears a combat suit (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • It’s possible to get infinite LS points in a conversation loop with Worronzor
  • Jolee and Juhani both wear Jedi robes when they join the party instead of their unique outfits
  • Juhani wouldn’t spawn in the post-Leviathan scene (Fix found by Kexikus, implemented by AFP)
  • Many Sith Troopers or Officers had the wrong appearance
  • Mission has no clothing on when you meet Griff at the spaceport without her in your party
  • Movement in the diving and space suits was extremely slow
  • One of the boxes in the Rakatan Temple is inaccessible
  • Removed Dark Jedi Corpse from Hrakert Rift Station, and moved his inventory to a chest in the Sith Embassy (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • Respawn tach gland in chest on Kashyyyk if player has received quest from Griff
  • Several droids in Davik’s Estate have the wrong sound set
  • Shaardan attacks with a sword (Reported by Mr Ardvark)
  • The fog in the Taris cantinas was thick enough to cut with a knife
  • Yuthura only attacks with one of her lightsabers





  • Canderous would quickly change his outfit when breaking the party out of jail on the Leviathan: All Hands on Deck for the Leviathan Prison Break (Partial script use) ISSUE #569
  • Handon on Dantooine didn’t look injured like he was supposed to be: Handon’s Enhanced Waistline (Scripts only) ISSUE #38
  • Multiple fixes for the Endar Spire level models: Endar Spire Hull Repairs 1.4
  • Opponents in the Taris duel ring played their intro animations out of sync with their introduction: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #89
  • Some view screen monitors in the Taris Upper City cantina float in mid-air: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #87
  • The collars on female Class 7 (PFBF) and Class 9 (PFBH) armours clip into some heads: Female Armour Collar Fix 1.0
  • The forcefield in the Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands had a gap and grass clipped through the ramp: Control Panel For Kashyyyk Shadowlands Forcefield (Partial) ISSUE #120
  • The order of events in the Taris to Dantooine sequence didn’t match what was implied in the conversation: Taris Escape Sequence Adjustments 1.1 (Partial) ISSUE #56
  • The player can freeze during conversation with Ajuur in the Taris Upper City cantina: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #88
  • The player didn’t react to their announcement in the Taris Upper City Cantina duels like their opponents did: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #243
  • The player doesn’t face their opponent at the start of matches in the Taris Upper City duel arena: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #76
  • The player head PFHB02 had an issue with its Dark Side transition textures, causing its irises to be duplicated (Reported by Dark Hope & StellarExile): Player Head PFHB02 Dark Side Transition Eye Fix 1.0 (Partial) ISSUE #433
  • The Sith officers that walk forwards during the DS ending cutscene in the Unknown World Temple Summit had jerky movement and one didn’t play an animation Dark Side Ending Cutscene Enhancement 1.1 (Partial) ISSUE #538
  • There are missing lightmaps in the entrance of the Taris Upper City cantina: Taris Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel Fix 1.0
  • There was an odd camera zoom and the party were scattered during the intro duel cutscene in the Taris Upper City Cantina: Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.4 (Partial) ISSUE #493
  • Two Sith are standing too close in the Taris destruction sequence: Taris Escape Sequence Adjustments 1.1 (Partial)
  • Your party can be seen in the background of the Taris destruction sequence: Taris Escape Sequence Adjustments 1.1 (Partial)
  • A couple of selection icons for security terminals in the Taris Sith Base are positioned too low ISSUE #58
  • A crate in the Hidden Bek base was clipping into a wall (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #150
  • A door in Manaan Hrakert Station would close every time the module loaded, even when there was nothing on the other side (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #142
  • A droid in the Taris sewers had a vocabulator fault (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #15
  • A few Sith technicians on the Leviathan attacked with their fists instead of equipping weapons ISSUE #147
  • A Jedi corpse in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea was carrying a blaster, which seemed out of place, so it was moved to another nearby corpse (Reported by djh269) ISSUE #210
  • A number of male NPC appearances were duplicated in the Taris Upper City Cantina (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #376
  • A number of plot items remained in the player’s inventory after completing the escape from the Leviathan ISSUE #145
  • A placeable bench can occasionally be unintentionally spawned when fighting the Tuk’ata Mother in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords ISSUE #163
  • A replacement Sith war droid guarding the exterior of the Sith Base in Manaan Ahto East appeared too quickly ISSUE #139
  • A Republic soldier that was killed by an exploding barrel in the Endar Spire Command Module took too long to die ISSUE #490
  • A Rodian “sitter” in the Mercenary Enclave in Manaan Ahto West was clipping into a table ISSUE #328
  • A Sith NPC in the background of a Leviathan bridge cutscene had poor weapon discipline (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #35
  • A Sith NPC in the background of a Leviathan bridge cutscene was having a bad hair day (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #36
  • A stray blaster appears in the middle of a hallway in the Sith Base on Taris (Reported by Salk)
  • A Wookiee female in the Kashyyyk Village of Rwookrrorro had out of place VO for one line (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #206
  • Admiral Dodonna’s model had some bad deformation around her left shoulder (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #391
  • After completing the swoop race on Taris it was possible to re-enter the Vulkar Base, which was unintended behaviour ISSUE #203
  • After escaping the Leviathan, certain quests could be soft-locked if the player didn’t retrieve their inventory (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #698
  • After giving the moisture vaporators to the Chieftain in the Tatooine Sand People Enclave, they could drop as loot if the Sand People turned hostile (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #630
  • After having gained sufficient prestige in the Korriban Sith Academy, any outstanding prestige quests remain open (Reported by Sniggles) ISSUE #225
  • After killing Lorgal in the Manaan East Central Republic Embassy for the Genoharadan, his corpse remains permanently ISSUE #333
  • After the cutscene of the Sith vs Republic trial in the Manaan Ahto West courtroom, the two diplomats stuck around, getting in the party’s way ISSUE #136
  • After winning the swoop race on Taris, the player could skewer themselves in the head when bowing if they had a sword equipped (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #301
  • Ahlan Matale was able to channel his rage in order to use Force levitation in the Council chambers ISSUE #55
  • After meeting Chuundar the first time and being ejected to the Kashyyyk Village of Rwookrrorro, the party would get in each other’s way ISSUE #515
  • All the civilians in Davik’s estate wore the same outfit ISSUE #102
  • All the male Twi’leks in Javyar’s Cantina on Taris use the same green head ISSUE #72
  • Asking Juhani about the planet you were currently on was impossible due to a faulty global setting (Reported by Leilukin) ISSUE #673
  • Assault droids in the Manaan Hrakert Station lacked the programming to use basic weapons (Reported by Sniggles) ISSUE #223
  • At the conclusion of the “A Wookiee Lost” quest on Kashyyyk, a quest item is left in the player’s inventory ISSUE #521
  • Bandon’s lackeys in Hrakert Station were keen to start the fight right away, forgetting the rule of bad guy monologuing ISSUE #142
  • Bastila could use the wrong underwear texture when unequipping items using texture variant 02 (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #677
  • Bastila had doubled-up speaker and listener tags in one of the DLG nodes for the conversation with Helena in the Tatooine Cantina (Reported by Gimmick5000) ISSUE #208
  • Bastila’s “How can I help?” line had a couple of variants that were sped up/pitch shifted and sounded odd (Reported by ancient-animal) ISSUE #451
  • Bastila’s clothing had some unintended transparency due to a missing reference to an environment map ISSUE #545
  • Bastila’s post-vision cutscene lines all had extended silences at the beginning, which made for awkward pauses ISSUE #256
  • Bastila’s romance progression had some uneven pacing due to some missing checks for the player’s level ISSUE #678
  • Bastila’s shuttle on the Unknown World Temple Summit was a bit too close to the walls (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #644
  • Calo gets a bit too shouty during the hangar confrontation scene in Davik’s estate on Taris (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #368
  • Calo’s Rodian prey in the Undercity Apartments didn’t draw their blasters (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #34
  • Carth had no respect for the dead, talking over the top of a death cry on the Leviathan bridge ISSUE #131
  • Carth has some facing issues talking to Mission in the Undercity ISSUE #67
  • Carth is now an equal opportunity complainer when it comes to exploding swoop bikes ISSUE #28
  • Chuundar’s dialogue specified an incorrect animation for one of his lines (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #193
  • Companion interjections in Canderous’ conversation in the Upper City Cantina had facing issues ISSUE #75
  • Companion interjections in Zelka Forn’s conversation could be spoken off-screen ISSUE #78
  • Companions interjecting during the conversation with Yuthura in the Korriban Dreshdae cantina faced the player instead of her ISSUE #160
  • Completing the Promised Land quest in the Taris Undercity could leave the Infected Outcasts quest unresolvable (Reported by unknown Reddit user) ISSUE #439
  • Conversations with the Chieftain in the Tatooine Sand People Enclave had various facing issues due to party positioning ISSUE #293
  • Darth Malak didn’t have any sound effects for his lightsaber during his taunt animation (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #189
  • Darth Malak misplaced his unique lightsaber for all his cutscenes on the Star Forge Decks 1, 2, and 3 ISSUE #533
  • During Calo Nord’s last stand in the hangar of Davik’s Estate on Taris, he would stop holding his thermal detonator up ISSUE #368
  • During the arrest outside the Sith Base in Manaan Ahto East, party members could end up standing in front of the player ISSUE #139
  • During the break out scene in the Leviathan Prison Block, there were some facing and camera angle issues ISSUE #145
  • During the credits sequence of the Dark Side ending, you could still hear the wind sound effects from the background of the previous cutscene ISSUE #538
  • During the cutscene of Calo Nord collecting some bounties in the Taris Lower City Apartments (West), subtitles for one of the Rodian’s lines disappeared halfway through ISSUE #542
  • During the cutscene of Mission being harassed by the “greenies” in Taris Javyar’s Cantina, the party could appear scattered in the background ISSUE #495
  • During the initial conversation with The One on the Unknown World, he would speak one of his lines off-screen ISSUE #339
  • During the initial cutscene of the showdown on the Leviathan Bridge, the party members would insist on looking at the floor (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #417
  • During the jawless Malak cutscene, the admiral has some clipping issues with his left arm and eyeballs ISSUE #181
  • During the jawless Malak cutscene, the surprise is given away early in widescreen due to the extra screen width ISSUE #181
  • During the post-ending cutscenes in the Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port the party was disorganised, NPCs could run into each other, and scenes could trigger out of order (With input from JCarter426) ISSUE #119
  • During the scene on Deck 1 of the Star Forge when the droids burst in, the party members are still facing the door ISSUE #173
  • During the scene where the player constructs their first lightsaber, party members could get in the way ISSUE #547
  • During the scene with Mission in the Taris Undercity, the player could spin in place if not the party leader (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #472
  • During the torture cutscene in the Unknown World Temple, the walls of the hallway obviously lacked any thickness ISSUE #530
  • During Trask’s final cutscene on the Endar Spire, he suddenly has a sword appear mid-scene and there were various animation issues ISSUE #230
  • During Uthar’s introductory cutscene when first entering the Korriban Sith Academy the party members could get in the way and Uthar bowed inappropriately ISSUE #162
  • Dustil’s conversation in the Korriban Academy had some facing issues with Carth and the player ISSUE #162
  • Dustil’s quest state didn’t update properly when the datapad in Uthar’s room in the Korriban Sith Academy was found and the footlocker containing it could trigger Carth’s conversation repeatedly ISSUE #4
  • Gaps in the Leviathan Prison Block walkmesh allowed targeting (and shooting) certain enemies through walls ISSUE #132
  • Gaps in the Taris Black Vulkar Base (Lower/Garage) walkmesh allowed certain enemies to engage the party through walls ISSUE #716
  • Generic droids incorrectly used the Bantha soundset (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #159
  • Generic Wookiees, males and females, had an incorrect texture assignment on their mouth interiors and males had an invisible tongue (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #295
  • Giving Freyyr the sword blade in the Shadowlands didn’t remove it from the inventory (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #43
  • Giving Uthar’s datapad to Adrenas in the Korriban Academy had some problems, possibly not removing it from the player’s inventory ISSUE #162
  • Gizka could infest the Ebon Hawk until the very end of the game unless you poisoned them or offloaded them on Manaan ISSUE #289
  • Gonto Yas in the Manaan Ahto West mercenary enclave could unintentionally play more Pazaak matches beyond his loss limit after a certain point in the main plot (Reported by Phunkie_J) ISSUE #422
  • Gonto Yas in the Manaan Ahto West mercenary enclave wears the same outfit as the NPC standing right next to him ISSUE #277
  • Griff could be seen popping into existence right in front of the player in the Tatooine Czerka Office ISSUE #265
  • Griff’s conversation in the Tatooine Sand People Enclave had a few facing issues ISSUE #116
  • Handon and Rickard wear the same outfit ISSUE #52
  • Helena wears Jedi robes instead of regular clothes
  • Higher poly replacements for the placeable human “sitters” (cantina Pazaak players/drinkers)
  • HK-47’s stunt double was briefly visible when adding him to the party immediately in the Tatooine Droid Shop ISSUE #310
  • If you cause the Gamorreans ambushing you in the Tatooine Dune Sea to run away, one of them disappears before the scene fades out ISSUE #264
  • In rare instances, a Mandalorian on Dantooine could try to use a Final Fantasy gunblade ISSUE #111
  • In the Dantooine Jedi Enclave, the player could continue to ask about the Mandalorian raiders even after the situation was resolved ISSUE #506
  • In the final cutscene in the Leviathan Hangar Bay, a player with Force speed would reach the Hawk too quickly and stand around ISSUE #130
  • In the final escape scene on the Star Forge, there were some camera angle and animation issues with the Light Side version, and the party could run into other on the way to the Hawk ISSUE #173
  • In the Tomb of Tulak Hord on Korriban, one of HK-47’s lines refers to the player as “he”, regardless of their gender (Reported by N-DReW25, with input from ebmar) ISSUE #474
  • It was possible for the player to escape into the Ebon Hawk during combat in the Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Korriban docking bays (Reported by WildKarrde1138) ISSUE #704
  • It was possible for the player to miss an offer by Crattis in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave due to progressing the main plot too quickly (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #658
  • It was possible to clip into the walls on either side of the Wookiee village gate on the Kashyyyk Great Walkway (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #291
  • It was possible to duplicate Brejik’s unique items after the fight on the Taris Swoop Platform (Reported by 134340Goat) ISSUE #298
  • It was possible to kill Largo in the Taris Upper City North Apartments without gaining Dark Side points (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #659
  • It was possible to reinitiate dialogue with the Governor in the Taris Sith Base by repeatedly clicking after it ended (Reported by th3w1zard1) ISSUE #790
  • It was possible to repeatedly attempt to blackmail Roland Wann after the events of Hrakert Station for infinite DS points ISSUE #106
  • It was possible to trigger the cutscene with the Sith Master in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor while still in combat with the two Dark Jedi outside (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #325
  • Ithorak fought with his fists and used the wrong soundset when attacked in the Manaan Docking Bay (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #398
  • Jagi wears regular clothes instead of proper armour, employs Rodian thugs instead of fellow Mandos, and has some conversation facing issues ISSUE #47
  • Jolee and Juhani could stand around watching the player fight the Sith Master and the two Dark Jedi in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor ISSUE #325
  • Jolee and Juhani had some lines of dialogue that wouldn’t fire correctly (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #355
  • Jolee could speak one of his lines off-screen when talking to his personal quest messenger, Davin ISSUE #270
  • Jolee could talk about certain Kashyyyk Star Map revelations before the map was found (Reported by zamend229) ISSUE #446
  • Jolee’s stunt double was briefly visible when he joined the party ISSUE #122
  • Jordo lacked a Czerka uniform and had some facing issues in his messenger conversation with Carth ISSUE #556
  • Journal entries for Jolee and Juhani’s personal quests could remain even after the showdown on the temple roof on the Unknown World (Reported by OverDrone) ISSUE #424
  • Juhani displays a typical cat-like disdain on the Ebon Hawk, facing away from the doorway of her hidey-hole ISSUE #290
  • Juhani in the Grove lacked a soundset (Suggested by JCarter426) ISSUE #41
  • Juhani’s current state wasn’t stored properly when the Ebon Hawk module was loaded ISSUE #393
  • Kandon’s girlfriend couldn’t take her eyes off him during the confrontation in the Taris Black Vulkar Base Garage ISSUE #241
  • Kandon’s pre-swoop race conversation had some aesthetic issues due to sloppy party positioning ISSUE #62
  • Komad’s hail when returning with the Bantha herd in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea repeated the same VO twice (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #340
  • Lashowe could occasionally forget elementary lightsaber safety in the post-Tuk’ata mother conversation in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords ISSUE #163
  • Lashowe did a quick outfit change on Korriban between harassing the player in Dreshdae and appearing in the Academy ISSUE #160
  • Manaan’s Port Official had a gap along the grate in in front of his kiosk, along with some bad UVs around the edge ISSUE #134
  • Matrik in the Taris Lower City Apartments had the wrong soundset (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #331
  • Mekel, student of the Korriban Sith Academy, lacked a proper texture for his teeth (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #481
  • Mission can be seen frozen in the background during one line in the conversation with Lena ISSUE #263
  • Mission could sometimes skate across the floor when interjecting in the conversation with Griff in the Czerka office on Tatooine ISSUE #265
  • Nearly everyone/thing in Hrakert Station had the wrong soundset ISSUE #142
  • Neutral NPCs could incorrectly respond to the AI calls for help of hostile NPCs/creatures due to an oversight in the AI script ISSUE #487
  • Nurik Sandral in the Dantooine Sandral Estate was wearing a different outfit when he later came outside ISSUE #730
  • Once the Rancor in the Taris Upper Sewers was dealt with, the player was left with extra synthesised odours and the Bek datapad ISSUE #430
  • One of Admiral Dodonna’s endgame cutscenes didn’t use the correct labels for the participants in the scene (Reported by nt7788) ISSUE #420
  • One of Canderous’ goons in the Undercity had the wrong soundset (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #19
  • One of the background NPCs in Manaan East Central had an incorrect script assignment in their dialogue (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #317
  • One of the Czerka guards in the Tatooine docking bay would get in the way of messenger conversations ISSUE #177
  • One of the footlockers in the sub bay of Manaan Hrakert Station was sticking out into the walkway ISSUE #749
  • One of the Gamorreans in the Taris sewers was quietly relaxing in a corner, oblivious to what was going on (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #95
  • One of the seated officers on Dodonna’s capital ship was levitating next to their chair (Reported by Kexikus) ISSUE #187
  • One of the small female medium armour models (PFBES) had some texture misalignment on its upper left arm ISSUE #695
  • One of the thugs working for Hulas liked the boss a little too much, wearing the same outfit (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #399
  • One of the trees just outside the Wookiee village in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway had a gap in its trunk (Reported by Kexikus) ISSUE #415
  • One of the wall textures in the Taris Hidden Bek Base had a noticeable seam where it tiled ISSUE #496
  • Players that had reached the level cap may have been locked out of some companion conversations ISSUE #535
  • Players using the female head PFHC05 could see some clipping of the ponytail during the final portion of the revelation cutscene (Reported by LiliArch) ISSUE #390
  • Repeatedly asking Yuthura about the Sith Code in the Korriban Sith Academy lead to an infinite XP exploit (Reported by TriWald3) ISSUE #413
  • Shaardan’s corpse could lay around stinking up the place while getting ready for the final trial in the Korriban Sith Academy ISSUE #162
  • Sharina failed to appear in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave after selling her wraid plate due to a script error (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #705
  • Sharina in Tatooine Anchorhead didn’t initiate dialogue with the player as intended (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #45
  • Sith fighters outside the Leviathan clipped through the skybox ISSUE #108
  • Some companion interjections happened off-screen during conversations in Kashyyyk Woorwill’s Home (Reported by darthbdaman) ISSUE #588
  • Some corpses in the Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands didn’t spawn their random loot correctly (Reported by ancient-animal and with input from JCarter426) ISSUE #455
  • Some doors in the Leviathan Command Deck and Bridge showed a Security icon when they were not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #525
  • Some doors in the Leviathan Hangar Bay showed a Security icon when they were not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #488
  • Some doors in the Leviathan Prison Block showed a Security icon when they were not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #596
  • Some doors in the Taris Hidden Bek Base showed a Security icon when they were not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #544
  • Some eager Jedi show up a bit too early for their scripted fight on the Star Forge ISSUE #5
  • Some guests and guards in Davik’s estate would attack with their fists ISSUE #100
  • Some mooks in the Vulkar Base attack with their fists instead of equipping weapons first ISSUE #64
  • Some non-dancer Twi’lek female NPCs wear armour instead of commoner clothes ISSUE #14
  • Some NPCs have wrong or missing sounds in their soundsets
  • Some of Juhani’s lines were spoken off-screen during her first encounter with Xor ISSUE #556
  • Some of the background NPCs in the Taris Hidden Bek Base used the wrong soundsets (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #651
  • Some of the companion personal quest messengers on Dantooine liked to play hide and seek inside Aratech Mercantile ISSUE #262
  • Some party member interjections in certain conversations/scenes could fail to fire due to the companion being too far away from the player ISSUE #711
  • Some Rakghouls and droids in the Taris Lower and Upper Sewers used the wrong soundsets (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #587
  • Some wall pillars in the Unknown World temple had some gaps in their geometry (Reported by ancient-animal) ISSUE #453
  • Sound effects during the Rancor cutscene in the Taris Upper Sewers were desynced from the VFX (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #362
  • Swapped a spurious animation reference for a working one in Shaardan’s Korriban Dreshdae intro cutscene (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #385
  • The ancient computer in the Korriban Tomb of Tulak Hord had an unskippable interface, causing excessive delays (With input from ebmar) ISSUE #165
  • The Black Vulkar Base on Taris had some pipes that lacked backfaces, leading to some noticeable geometry culling issues ISSUE #410
  • The camera could clip through the observation window of Yavin Station ISSUE #461
  • The cantina on Manaan had a couple of gaps in its seated booths (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #82
  • The check for having the Sith Base passcard was incorrect when talking to the interrogator in the Republic base in Manaan East Central (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #344
  • The commoner Asian male head comm_a_m had incorrectly named eye trimeshes
  • The computer panel on the Kashyyyk Great Walkway was misaligned just enough to trigger OCD ISSUE #514
  • The confrontation with Lashowe in Dreshdae on Korriban had a number of facing issues and problems with a wandering NPC ISSUE #160
  • The confrontation with The One when siding with The Elders on the Unknown World had some timing issues and bad textures due to widescreen ISSUE #287
  • The control room door in the Taris Hidden Bek Base couldn’t be opened due to a misconfigured door template ISSUE #544
  • The conversation with Canderous in the Taris Lower City cantina could have facing issues due to a scattered party ISSUE #251
  • The conversation with Eli and Matton in the Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port had numerous problems, including a potential soft-lock (With input from Salk and JCarter426) ISSUE #118
  • The conversation with Gorwooken in The Great Walkway on Kashyyyk had an incorrect check for Jolee being present (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #214
  • The conversation with Helena in the Tatooine Cantina had lots of facing/framing issues ISSUE #208
  • The conversation with Maana in Tatooine Anchorhead had some facing issues during Bastila’s interjections ISSUE #261
  • The conversation with Nurik and Rahasia in the Dantooine Sandral Estate had a number of facing and positioning issues ISSUE #259
  • The conversation with Shasa in the Manaan Sith Base had some facing and camera angle issues, and her friends left too soon ISSUE #141
  • The conversations with Chuundar and Freyyr in the Chieftain’s Hall on Kashyyyk had numerous facing, party positioning, and camera clipping issues ISSUE #121
  • The conversations with Yuka Laka and HK-47 in the Tatooine Droid Shop had numerous facing and party positioning issues ISSUE #310
  • The corpse in the Dantooine Murder Mystery looked a bit crusty for such a fresh kill (Suggested by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #37
  • The corpse pile in the Taris Upper Sewers erroneously remained interactive after the Rancor was dead, and the Give Item UI was cluttered with the player’s full inventory (With input from JCarter426) ISSUE #430
  • The corpses related to the Promised Land quest in the Taris Undercity and Lower Sewers didn’t match their descriptions (Reported by ancient-animal) ISSUE #713
  • The Council on Dantooine float a few inches off the ground
  • The crazed mercenary in Manaan Hrakert Station would talk about the player returning to the surface even if they hadn’t done so (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #378
  • The cutscene in the Ebon Hawk after arriving on the Unknown World had various facing issues (With input from ebmar) ISSUE #174
  • The cutscene of Calo Nord in the Lower City Apartments (West) could be disrupted by the player skipping dialogue (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #669
  • The cutscene of Calo Nord in the Lower City Cantina had some facing issues and an incorrect number of SFX (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #359
  • The cutscene of Shaardan giving Uthar a fake Ajunta Pall sword in the Korriban Academy had some facing issues ISSUE #162
  • The cutscene of Shaardan terrorising student hopefuls in Korriban Dreshdae had numerous facing issues ISSUE #751
  • The cutscene of the party approaching the ruins in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Courtyard could trigger without Bastila in the party (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #608
  • The cutscene of the Rancor in the Taris Upper Sewers lacked a proper speaker tag, resulting the corpse pile snorting (Reported by agreydawn) ISSUE #418
  • The cutscene of the survivor being eaten by a Firaxan shark on the Manaan sea floor had a few technical issues ISSUE #143
  • The cutscene with Calo Nord on the Leviathan Bridge ended abruptly ISSUE #509
  • The Czerka miners next to the sandcrawler in the Tatooine Dune Sea could end up out of position after the Sand People attach was over ISSUE #510
  • The Czerka miners next to the sandcrawler in the Tatooine Dune Sea never leave, despite saying they will soon (Suggested by ebmar) ISSUE #115
  • The dais in Davik’s throne room had some unsightly lightmap artefacts ISSUE #97
  • The Dark Jedi in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway didn’t drop the datapad they were carrying and the datapad’s name wasn’t very descriptive (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #689
  • The Dark Side underwear texture for the male Scoundrel was incorrect, using Saul Karath’s body texture (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #564
  • The datapad for Dustil’s quest could still be obtained after the Sith Academy on Korriban went hostile, making Carth look out of touch ISSUE #4
  • The decomissioned droid in the Leviathan Command Deck didn’t properly ram into the locked storage door (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #414
  • The desk of one of the judges in the Manaan Ahto West courtroom was clipping into the desk next to it ISSUE #136
  • The door guard for the Hidden Beks in the Taris Lower City could be left facing the wrong direction after helping out in combat ISSUE #498
  • The door to the Sith hangar in the Manaan Docking Bay showed an unnecessary Security UI when it required a key ISSUE #558
  • The door to the Tomb of Naga Sadow in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords is unlocked for some reason ISSUE #163
  • The doors in the Taris Sewers didn’t retract the lower section fully into the ground, leaving a little nub exposed ISSUE #236
  • The doors that seal during the decompression in Manaan Hrakert Kolto Control were not intended to be unlockable ISSUE #522
  • The drama of the scene on the Ebon Hawk just prior to being captured by the Leviathan could be somewhat lessened when Carth was wearing a goofy face mask ISSUE #559
  • The droids in the Tomb of Ajunta Pall on Korriban could activate prematurely when the player used Critical Strike attacks on the Tuk’ata, and would reorient on the player if clicked on (With input from JCarter426) ISSUE #431
  • The drunks in Taris Upper City North all wore the same clothes, and had some conversation facing issues ISSUE #74
  • The party was in an awkward position for the scene with the Duros conservationist in the Tatooine Czerka Office ISSUE #265
  • The Duros guards in Davik’s Estate on Taris had the wrong soundset ISSUE #311
  • The Duros in the Taris Upper City South Apartments could freeze at the end of the conversation after the Sith raid ISSUE #540
  • The Duros prisoner in the Sith Base on Taris uses the wrong appearance (Reported by KnifeMaster and ecdye) ISSUE #373
  • The Duros survivors on the Unknown World Central Beach had the wrong soundset ISSUE #337
  • The Ebon Hawk model in the Leviathan hangar was missing landing gear and access ramp ISSUE #30
  • The Elder’s compound on the Unknown World had some characters attacking with fists and issues with party positioning/facing ISSUE #169
  • The elevator to the Garage in the Taris Black Vulkar Base had the wrong label ISSUE #245
  • The entrance of the cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea suffered from texture blurring and distortion ISSUE #117
  • The entrance section of Manaan West Central had gaps in several corners (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #303
  • The exit in the Sith Base on Taris was labelled incorrectly (Reported by 134340Goat) ISSUE #25
  • The exploding pillar in the Tomb of Ajunta Pall on Korriban could cause permanent disabling of AI for companions and suffered from UI glitches during the cutscene ISSUE #164
  • The female child head and body models had some clipping with the eyelids and skirt during certain animations (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #483
  • The female player head PFHA04 had some hair accessory texture issues for the Dark Side transitions (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #653
  • The female player head PFHB03 had some clipping issues with its eyelids, poor UVs for the eyeballs, and an oddly bumpy scalp (Reported by Dark Hope and muitafruita) ISSUE #401
  • The female player head PFHB04 had some misaligned UVs for the eyeballs (Reported by Dark Hope) ISSUE #402
  • The female player head PFHC01 had some eyeball texture issues for the Dark Side transitions (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #652
  • The female player head PFHC01 had some eyelid clipping issues during certain facial animations (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #467
  • The female player head PFHC03 had some eyeball texture issues for the Dark Side transitions (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #652
  • The female Republic officer head had a very twitchy eyelid (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #463
  • The female Republic soldier head had some unweighted vertices (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #478
  • The fight with the two Sith on the Bridge of the Endar Spire could prevent the door shutting as intended (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #490
  • The final confrontation in the Tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban had various facing issues and pathing issues with a door (With input from ebmar) ISSUE #167
  • The final conversation with Bastila on the Star Forge for Light Side players had her talking to herself (Reported by nt7788) ISSUE #420
  • The final cutscene for the Light Side ending had a raft of issues with stunt animations and framing in widescreen resolutions ISSUE #186
  • The final scenes on the Unknown World Central Beach post-temple had a range of issues with party positioning, facing, camera angles, etc. ISSUE #168
  • The finale of the swoop race on Taris had a number of issues with facing and various aesthetics ISSUE #345
  • The first conversation with Yuthura inside the Korriban Academy could leave the party jumbled, causing facing issues ISSUE #162
  • The first Rodian appearance used the wrong texture (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #582
  • The floor of the training room in the Manaan Sith Base had some lightmap UV issues ISSUE #141
  • The floor selection labels in the Leviathan’s elevators incorrectly showed “Bridge” instead of “Command Deck” ISSUE #145
  • The footlockers in Uthar’s room in the Korriban Sith Academy were oddly positioned/oriented (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #162
  • The force cage containing the Sith prisoner in the Manaan Republic Embassy stayed on even after the prisoner was gone ISSUE #137
  • The force cage placeable had an incorrectly rotated walkmesh, potentially causing minor pathfinding issues ISSUE #595
  • The forced level-up conversation on the bridge of the Endar Spire Command Module had some poor framing due to player positioning ISSUE #490
  • The forcefield in the Taris Lower Sewers showed a Security icon when it was not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #715
  • The galaxy map in the crashed Ebon Hawk could briefly show an empty bark bubble when accessed ISSUE #471
  • The Gamorreans setting an ambush in the Tatooine Dune Sea used a super frag mine, which could wipe out low health players (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #216
  • The generic doors inside the Taris Black Vulkar Base weren’t at full health ISSUE #237
  • The Gizka on the Ebon Hawk could get in the way of where party members spawn (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #631
  • The green lightsaber crystal available on Korriban seemed to have an inappropriate guardian, so was moved to a more fitting resting place (Reported by djh269) ISSUE #210
  • The hanging ivy on the walls of the Dantooine enclave landing pad has a couple of positional issues
  • The Hutt model’s many neck rolls caused some clipping issues during talking and other animations ISSUE #80
  • The initial conversation with Davik at his estate had a multitude of positioning and facing issues ISSUE #57
  • The initial conversation with Gadon Thek can suffer from poor party positioning due to the desk in the way ISSUE #70
  • The initial cutscene when entering Taris Lower City for the first time only shows the player, has a Bek in plain clothes, and can experience some skipped lines ISSUE #233
  • The initial journal entry for the “Dwindling Supplies” quest on the Ebon Hawk was incorrectly removed before being shown (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #633
  • The injured Wookiee in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands didn’t grant the Rough-Cut Upari Amulet as intended (Reported by Kaidon Jorn) ISSUE #486
  • The injured Wookiee in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands had some inconsistencies with the scripts related to healing him ISSUE #486
  • The injured Wookiee’s introductory cutscene in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands had a bad camera angle, causing clipping ISSUE #486
  • The injured Wookiee’s quest to find the stealthed ambushers in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands left behind the datapads at its conclusion ISSUE #486
  • The interrogation of the prisoner in the Manaan Republic Embassy had various facing issues, problems with the force cage visibility in certain camera angles, and a line that skipped ISSUE #137
  • The introductory cutscene for the Tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban had a long delay at the start and facing issues between Uthar and Yuthura (With input from ebmar) ISSUE #167
  • The Jagi that appeared in the Tatooine Dune Sea was a stunt double that didn’t update the quest correctly ISSUE #518
  • The janitor in the Taris Upper City South apartments spoke a line of dialogue off-screen ISSUE #79
  • The Jorak Uln encounter in the Korriban Tomb of Tulak Hord had various cosmetic issues and occasionally missing companions ISSUE #165
  • The kolto machinery pods and computer terminal in the Manaan Hrakert Rift were floating slightly above the ground ISSUE #672
  • The lamps in the Unknown World Temple interior could appear black in certain spots due to no inherent lightmapping and had some geometry holes ISSUE #375
  • The leader of the rebels in the Korriban Shyrack Caves would turn her back on the party when ordering her group to attack ISSUE #166
  • The loading dock door in the Black Vulkar Base (Lower/Garage) showed a Security icon when it was not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #717
  • The name of the invisible placeable for the Gamorrean ambush in the Tatooine Dune Sea showed up in the Feedback screen ISSUE #552
  • The main gate of the village in the Taris Undercity showed a Security icon when it was not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #543
  • The male player head PMHC01 has some deformation issues along the jawline
  • The male Twi’lek head has clipping issues with certain animations ISSUE #84
  • The Mandalorian ambush scene in the Unknown World Temple Exterior had some pathing issues, causing party members to get in the way ISSUE #286
  • The Mandalorians in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands would drop multiple duplicates of their datapads ISSUE #271
  • The merc in Hrakert Station would go out of frame every time he performed the Horror animation ISSUE #142
  • The messenger for Bastila, the Twi’lek Malare, would hang around eavesdropping after Bastila was finished speaking to her ISSUE #508
  • The Mysterious Man on Manaan would speak one of his lines off-screen and was briefly visible running away after the conversation ended ISSUE #138
  • The notification for the transition to the Ebon Hawk in the Manaan Docking Bay didn’t display correctly from some angles ISSUE #710
  • The old black male head 2 had some poorly positioned UVs for the eyelids and mouthbox (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #622
  • The opening shot of the scene with Sherruk in the Dantooine Grove could randomly have the camera buried in the grass ISSUE #258
  • The party could be a bit scrambled when entering the Taris Sith Base for the first time and talking to the receptionist ISSUE #253
  • The party could be a little scattered during the scene of the Sith and Republic troopers arguing outside the Hawk’s hangar in the Manaan Docking Bay ISSUE #519
  • The party could power walk during the initial encounter cutscene with the Black Rakata in Unknown World North Beach ISSUE #531
  • The party could run into each other and the camera could clip through terrain when chasing Vorn’s droid in the Tatooine Sand People Territory ISSUE #327
  • The party was scattered when landing on Kashyyyk for the first time and talking to Janos ISSUE #632
  • The party would bump into each other and get confused during the cutscene after giving the sacred tome to The One ISSUE #170
  • The pass card in the Taris Black Vulkar Base had a description that didn’t correctly indicate its actual purpose (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #365
  • The player could ask Jolee about Sunry when he shouldn’t have been aware of his circumstances (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #641
  • The player could avoid triggering the showdown outside the Krayt Dragon cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea (Reported by UsrnameTaken0998) ISSUE #668
  • The player could circumvent their exile from Ahto City by using rapid transit in the Manaan Docking Bay (With input from JCarter426) ISSUE #670
  • The player could clip outside the level when running up against the end of the observation window walkway in Yavin Station (Reported by ZeldaTheSwordsman) ISSUE #461
  • The player could end up broke when repeatedly failing to persuade Sarna/Yun to accept a cheaper bribe in the Taris Upper City Cantina (Reported by Kattmandu) ISSUE #388
  • The player could Force Persuade Suvam on Yavin Station to obtain a free Pazaak deck without having the Affect/Dominate Mind power (Reported by Raisins) ISSUE #686
  • The player could freeze after the workbench tutorial in the Taris Hideout ISSUE #491
  • The player could get distracted by Carth during the Sith interrogation scene in the Taris Upper City North Apartments ISSUE #306
  • The player could repeatedly ask HK about restoring memories post-Leviathan, despite being told there were no more to restore ISSUE #175
  • The player could repeatedly ask Vandar in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave what to do about the Sandral/Matale feud, even after it was resolved ISSUE #480
  • The player didn’t face Carth during the initial scene in the Taris Hideout ISSUE #491
  • The player would suffer stage fright right before racing for the Hidden Beks ISSUE #12
  • The post-Leviathan scene on the Ebon Hawk had a number of facing and camera angle issues, and the party didn’t take off their masks ISSUE #527
  • The post-Ruins conversation with the Jedi Council on Dantooine had various facing and aesthetic issues ISSUE #104
  • The quest “Invisible Mandalorians” on the Unknown World could be left unresolved if The One turned hostile (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #647
  • The Rakatan computer terminals in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor used the modern rather than ancient interface ISSUE #534
  • The Rakatan hologram in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands could accidentally be killed by its guard droids (Reported by martixy) ISSUE #584
  • The Rakghoul Serum found in the Taris Undercity used an Adrenaline icon, unlike in the Xbox version of the game (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #572
  • The Rancor pen gates in The One’s Settlement on the Unknown World showed a Security icon when they were not meant to be unlockable (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #600
  • The Republic soldiers arguing with the Sith in Manaan East Central appeared to have swapped appearances for a soldier and officer (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #578
  • The Republic soldiers in the Endar Spire Command Module all had the same death cry during cutscenes ISSUE #490
  • The reward from Roland Wann in Manaan East Central for completing Hrakert Station was meant to include a sonic rifle (Reported by djh269) ISSUE #209
  • The Rodian bounty hunter in the Taris Lower City cantina apparently skipped weapons training at bounty hunter school ISSUE #234
  • The rogue Assassin Droid in the Korriban Tomb of Marka Ragnos would get inexplicably angry if the player had too many stealth belts ISSUE #280
  • The rough-cut Upari amulet gained in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands was needlessly set as a quest item (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #638
  • The Sandpeople Storyteller in the Tatooine Sandpeople Enclave had an incorrect soundset (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #69
  • The Sandpeople Storyteller in the Tatooine Sandpeople Enclave repeated one of his histories (Reported by Snigaroo) ISSUE #221
  • The scene in the Taris Lower Sewers where Mission opens the forcefield had poor party positioning and a lack of any interaction with the terminal ISSUE #66
  • The scene in the Taris Lower Sewers where Mission springs Zaalbar from prison had numerous facing issues, off-screen lines, poor party positioning, and Mission gave conflicting directions for where to go next ISSUE #65
  • The scene in the Taris Upper City South Apartments where the party is approached by a messenger from Canderous had some issues due to party positioning ISSUE #247
  • The scene of Matrik faking his own death in the Taris Lower City Apartments had some issues with the explosives placement, SFX timing, conversation positioning/facing, etc. (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #300
  • The scene with the conservationist after emerging from the Czerka office in Anchorhead on Tatooine left the party a bit scattered ISSUE #309
  • The scene with the infected Republic soldier in the Taris Undercity had some issues with animations and Rakghouls not attacking (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #666
  • The screen blurring VFX for Force/Knight/Master Speed was really obnoxious at modern resolutions ISSUE #99
  • The security room droid in Manaan Hrakert Station could activate a second shield when combat commenced after disabling its initial one via the security terminal (Reported by LtFrankDrebin) ISSUE #681
  • The selection icon for the Garage Head’s desk in the Vulkar Base was positioned too low ISSUE #60
  • The selection icon for the torture cage release switch in Davik’s estate was positioned too low ISSUE #103
  • The Selkath security probe droid in the Manaan Republic Embassy entrance would cause party members to constantly reposition while talking to Roland Wann ISSUE #137
  • The showdown on the Unknown World Temple Summit had a number of small cosmetic issues ISSUE #484
  • The Sith Apprentice soundset lacked any sounds (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #565
  • The Sith fighters inside the Manaan Docking Bay were low poly and had a number of gaps in their geometry (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #621
  • The Sith Master reporting to Malak didn’t face him when approaching during the cutscene in the Star Forge Deck 2 ISSUE #173
  • The Sith soldiers in the Taris Upper City North Apartments could be a little too dedicated to searching for stolen uniforms, even doing so when in combat (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #326
  • The Sith soldiers patrolling Taris Upper City South didn’t use bark bubbles, causing pauses when exiting dialogue (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #566
  • The skirt of the female Revan/Star Forge robes didn’t cast the correct shadow ISSUE #706
  • The smuggler NPC appearance lacked proper racial variants, resulting in mismatched hand and head skin tones (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #319
  • The sound effects for the forcefield cell doors in the Leviathan Prison Block didn’t loop or restart correctly (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #660
  • The Star Map in Manaan Hrakert Rift never closed, unlike the other Star Maps (reported by WildKarrde1138) ISSUE #734
  • The Star Map in the Dantooine Ruins was slightly offset from the centerline of the room (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #656
  • The Star Map on Kashyyyk didn’t stay open long enough and could occasionally get stuck mid-animation ISSUE #123
  • The Star Map opening sequence in the Dantooine Ruins was split in two instead of being one continuous scene ISSUE #105
  • The Star Map opening sequence in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands had an intrusive quest update pop-up between scenes ISSUE #517
  • The Star Map opening sequence in the Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow only showed the map from the doorway ISSUE #756
  • The Star Map opening sequence in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea had some companion facing issues and the animation was a bit short ISSUE #315
  • The steam vents in the Manaan Sith Base did universal damage instead of more appropriate fire damage ISSUE #141
  • The stranded Duros scene on the Unknown World Central Beach had a character out of shot, suffered from camera wiggle, and was missing a fade-out ISSUE #285
  • The surrendering Vulkar in the Taris Black Vulkar Base used an inappropriate animation when pleading for his life ISSUE #239
  • The swaying cables in the Anchorhead droid shop were clipping into some boxes ISSUE #114
  • The swoop mechanics in the Taris Black Vulkar Base (Lower/Garage) would attack with their fists ISSUE #240
  • The sword of Ajunta Pall and the ceremonial lightsaber needlessly remained quest items after completing Korriban (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #638
  • The Tatooine docking bay was missing exit waypoints, causing messengers to fade out in-place instead of leaving ISSUE #129
  • The Tatooine white female commoner head (e.g. Sharina) and Asian female commoner heads (e.g. Elora) had shading, clipping, and UV problems ISSUE #126
  • The technician in the Republic Embassy in Manaan East Central was an avid typist, doing so in conversations and in mid-air ISSUE #273
  • The training montage on Dantooine had a number of minor animation issues ISSUE #16
  • The training room in the Manaan Sith Base had some gaps in the ceiling (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #141
  • The trial of the player in Manaan Ahto West post-Sith Base had some camera angles issues, some problem with party and NPC herding, and faded back in too quickly at the end ISSUE #136
  • The Tuk’ata mother’s posse in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords face in odd directions and run into each other ISSUE #163
  • The Twi’lek females in Dreshdae on Korriban all use the dancer appearance, running around half-naked ISSUE #160
  • The Twi’lek messenger that appears after winning the swoop race on Taris had consecutive lines where he repeated the same phrase (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #247
  • The two Dark Jedi in the Unknown World Temple that stop to chat look at each other instead of the player ISSUE #288
  • The two pre-training conversations with the Jedi Council on Dantooine had various facing issues ISSUE #151
  • The two Sith officers at the back of the DS ending cutscene in the Unknown World Temple Summit faced the wrong direction ISSUE #538
  • The Unknown World Temple in the end cutscenes lacked some static doors to fill empty doorways (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #643
  • The Unknown World Temple Main Floor had some gaps in the walls, camera clipping, and light bleed around a doorway (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #643
  • The Unknown World Temple Summit had a number of lightmap issues in the Dark Side ending cutscene version ISSUE #643
  • The Unknown World Temple Summit had light bleed around a doorway and lacked some static doors (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #643
  • The Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban had some distorted UVs on the cliff edge (Reported by djh269) ISSUE #191
  • The variant appearance entries for Mandalorians had some minor differences like footstep sounds and body bag type (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #447
  • The VFX for the Sith Master zapping a droid in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor didn’t sync with his animations ISSUE #325
  • The Viper Kinrath in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands continue dropping a quest item after it is no longer needed ISSUE #124
  • The Vulkar Base lower level had a couple of noticeable lightmap artefacts outside the Garage Head’s room ISSUE #61
  • The war droids used by Selkath security during the arrest outside the Sith Base in Manaan Ahto East looked identical to the Sith droids ISSUE #139
  • The white commoner female head (e.g. Belaya) had extremely pointy ear lobes ISSUE #503
  • The witnesses in the Sunry murder trial in Manaan Ahto West had different appearances than the first time you meet them (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #318
  • There are two clones standing right next to each other in the Taris Upper City Cantina ISSUE #77
  • There is a visible gap in the wall behind the beds in the Taris Upper City hideout ISSUE #231
  • There is an inaccessible container in The One’s compound
  • There was a gap around the doorway in one of the side rooms in Davik’s estate on Taris (Reported by ancient-animal) ISSUE #452
  • There was a lack of proper cape animation during the revelation cutscene (Reported by Sdub) ISSUE #390
  • There was a vine near the Rakatan hologram platform in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands that was hogging the camera ISSUE #537
  • There were issues with party member interjections during conversation with Jolee outside his home in Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands (Reported by th3w1zard1) ISSUE #714
  • There were issues with party positioning and camera angles during the scene with Patrol Captain Dehno and the dead Wookiee in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #156
  • There were numerous issues during the finale of the Sandral-Matale feud in the Dantooine Sandral Ground with camera angles, facing, and certain scripted actions ISSUE #158
  • There were numerous issues during the scenes of the interrogation of the Mando prisoner in the Korriban Sith Academy (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #434
  • There were numerous issues during the Sunry murder trial in Manaan Ahto West, including wrong/poor camera angles, bad facing, and missing companion interjections ISSUE #136
  • There were some facing and camera angle issues during the overseer droid conversation in the Dantooine Ruins ISSUE #105 ISSUE #152
  • There were some facing, party positioning, and camera angle issues during the post-Hrakert Rift trial in Manaan Ahto West ISSUE #136
  • There were some gaps in the walls of the central corridor of the Leviathan Hangar (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #637
  • There were some invisible pillars along the walls of the central corridor in Manaan East Central (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #476
  • There were two crates outside the Czerka office in the Kashyyyk Czerka Landing Port that needed to be looted twice (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #626
  • Trandoshans lack a functioning soundset
  • Trask used Force teleportation to zip across the room when joining the party on the Endar Spire (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #86
  • Trask’s head model had some shading errors around the eyes and his eyelids were a bit twitchy ISSUE #490
  • Turrets in the Rakatan Temple used the Bith soundset (for some reason) ISSUE #171
  • Two Black Vulkar lieutenants in the upper level of the Black Vulkar Base on Taris dropped duplicate pass cards (Reported by A Future Pilot) ISSUE #364
  • Two Czerka supply containers in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway clipped into a wall ISSUE #514
  • Two female Jedi in the Dantooine enclave stop walking after being talked to (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #31
  • Two lightsaber crystals could be found in rubble piles inside the Krayt cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea while there was a more logical Jedi corpse nearby ISSUE #210
  • Two pilots standing right next to each other in the Korriban Dreshdae cantina wear the same clothes ISSUE #160
  • Two Twi’lek Czerka Liaison Officers on Kashyyyk didn’t respond well to interruption (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #23
  • Tyvark’s conversation on Manaan had some incorrectly configured checks on available lines (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #194
  • Uthar’s conversation in the Korriban Sith Academy had some issues with party wrangling, departures, and inappropriate saluting ISSUE #162
  • Vandar had an inappropriate animation in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave when asking the player about the Sandrals and Matales being wiped out ISSUE #480
  • Vandar had some stunt animation issues in one of the final cutscenes due to a bad supermodel reference ISSUE #178
  • Vandar had some texture stretching and bad texture assignments due to a poor UV layout (Reported by N-DReW25) ISSUE #479
  • Various plot-related doors across Taris showed the security UI when they were not intended to be directly unlockable ISSUE #396
  • Wandering NPCs in the Korriban Sith Academy could end up in the way whenever conversing with Uthar ISSUE #162
  • War Droid texture variants didn’t properly display the blaster texture (Reported by Sith Holocron) ISSUE #46
  • When arriving on Dantooine, the Twisted Rancor Trio datapad wasn’t destroyed like the other Taris items ISSUE #504
  • When arriving on Tatooine for the first time, there were a few issues in the conversation with the Czerka customs officer ISSUE #308
  • When arriving on the Unknown World, most extraneous journal entries were removed but a few still remained ISSUE #227
  • When Bastila departs on the Leviathan, she only leaves behind her weapon, not her other equipped gear (Reported by Salk, with input from JCarter426) ISSUE #419
  • When boarding the Star Forge, the Jedi strike team can be seen only running to the edge of the screen in widescreen resolutions ISSUE #173
  • When Canderous contacted the player after the jail break in the Leviathan Prison Block and Hangar, his name showed up as that of an invisible placeable in the Feedback screen ISSUE #750
  • When companions interjected during conversation with Motta the Hutt in the Tatooine Swoop Registration, they could face the wrong person (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #620
  • When encountering Calo Nord in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords, one of his thugs showed little interest and could wander off (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #645
  • When encountering Canderous in the Taris Undercity there were some facing and camera angle issues, and the party could get in his way ISSUE #235
  • When encountering companion messengers in the Manaan Docking Bay, they would visibly pop into existence in front of the party ISSUE #774
  • When encountering the Rakata in Unknown World North Beach for the first time if already working for the Elders, the Rakata leader faced the wrong way and the party members could be passive in combat ISSUE #531
  • When encountering the lieutenant in the foyer of the Manaan Sith Base, the player could end up teleported across the room ISSUE #141
  • When encountering the Rakata on the Unknown World Central Beach for the first time, the positioning of the party and the Rakata was messy (With input from ebmar) ISSUE #168
  • When encountering the Sith Master and his Selkath apprentices in the Manaan Sith Base, there were issues with facing and camera angles during companion interjections ISSUE #141
  • When encountering the Sith patrol in the Taris Undercity, party members wouldn’t automatically attack if they turned hostile ISSUE #499
  • When encountering the Sith patrol in the Taris Undercity, the Troopers did not respect the player’s personal space ISSUE #499
  • When encountering the Trandoshans on Yavin Station, there were some problems with party positioning and framing ISSUE #528
  • When encountering the Wookiee village gate guard in Kashyyyk The Great Walkway, camera angles were poor and Zaalbar could skate along the ground during his interjections ISSUE #741
  • When entering the Czerka Landing Port on Kashyyyk, the scene without Zaalbar had a branch with Canderous and Juhani bickering that could never trigger (Reported by H27-M42/CrisG) ISSUE #513
  • When entering the Czerka Landing Port on Kashyyyk, the scene without Zaalbar had the speaking party member looking at the ground ISSUE #513
  • When entering the Dantooine Jedi Enclave for the first time, masks and weapons were still equipped during important conversations with Bastila and Carth ISSUE #546
  • When entering the Great Walkway on Kashyyyk, the scene without Zaalbar had the speaking party member looking at the ground ISSUE #332
  • When entering the Sith Academy on Korriban post-Tomb of Ajunta Pall, the rejoined party members could end up scattered ISSUE #200
  • When entering the Tatooine Dune Sea for the first time, the herd of Wraid don’t patrol around like they are supposed to ISSUE #294
  • When entering the Tatooine Sand People Enclave for the first time, the guard cutscene didn’t trigger straight away and had various issues ISSUE #296
  • When escaping the Leviathan, it was possible for the player to be permanently stuck in the space suit appearance (Reported by fire-wariorr) ISSUE #372
  • When exiting the Ebon Hawk, the player could end up in control of a party member if they were controlling the same character when they previously entered (Reported by ZeldaTheSwordsman and Salk) ISSUE #466
  • When Force persuading Gluupor in Manaan East Central, the player wouldn’t receive the correct quest update (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #382
  • When freeing the Elder Rakata prisoner in The One’s Settlement on the Unknown World, he could have trouble pathfinding past the party when leaving ISSUE #532
  • When Gurney accosts the player about the Rakghoul serum on leaving the Taris Upper City South medcenter, there were facing issues due to party positioning ISSUE #494
  • When handing in Gaffi sticks to the Protocol Officer in the Tatooine Czerka Office, some of her lines could be spoken off-screen ISSUE #265
  • When Hendar is attacked by a Rakghoul in the Taris Undercity, he doesn’t react as quickly as he should do ISSUE #543
  • When interacting with Zuulan’s speeder in Dantooine Matale Grounds, the conversation would exit abruptly if lacking a frag mine, and the invisible placeable name showed in the Feedback screen ISSUE #553
  • When Jolee encountered his messenger Davin on Manaan, he would refer to the player as his “old friend”, despite not doing so on other planets ISSUE #709
  • When Jolee was chosen to break out the party in the Leviathan Prison Block, there were some issues with facing and animation timing during his starting scene ISSUE #145
  • When Lurze left post-conversation in Korriban Dreshdae, he went the long way and could skate along the floor briefly ISSUE #529
  • When meeting Carth face-to-face in the Endar Spire Starboard Section, he sometimes wouldn’t face the player ISSUE #490
  • When meeting the hologram in Unknown World South Beach, the party sometimes didn’t walk forwards as intended ISSUE #560
  • When meeting The One for the first time on the Unknown World, the party members could panic about being left behind ISSUE #477
  • When opening the door in front of the steam vents in the Manaan Sith Base, the opener would face off to one side ISSUE #141
  • When overloading the harvesting machine in Manaan Hrakert Rift, the external camera shots didn’t focus on the appropriate pod as intended ISSUE #524
  • When re-entering Korriban Dreshdae and encountering the Sith murderer, he constantly turned to face the player and the party was on the other side of the room ISSUE #283
  • When re-entering Korriban Dreshdae and encountering the Sith thugs, they played their ambient animations and had facing issues ISSUE #282
  • When returning to the gate guard with the moisture vaporators in the Tatooine Sand People Territory, there were various facing issues ISSUE #292
  • When returning to the Kashyyyk Great Walkway after agreeing to help Freyyr, the party was scattered when talking to Chorrawl ISSUE #536
  • When returning to Roland Wann in Manaan East Central after completing Hrakert Rift, some unneeded quest items were not removed ISSUE #142
  • When returning to the Taris Hidden Bek base post-swoop race, Mission and Carth’s interjections in the conversation with Zaerdra were off-screen ISSUE #254
  • When returning to the Taris Hidden Bek base post-swoop race, the wandering Bek mooks would be standing around idle until speaking to someone ISSUE #254
  • When returning to the Taris Hideout after the swoop race, there was a jarring transition between the two conversations with Bastila ISSUE #254
  • When selling Tach glands to the Czerka officer in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands, the scripts that checked how many you had couldn’t count (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #212
  • When solving the floor puzzle in the Unknown World Temple Catacombs, the initial cutscene could be triggered repeatedly until the puzzle was complete ISSUE #338
  • When speaking to Jon in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Courtyard, the party positioning could cause framing issues and the wandering Jedi would bump into everyone ISSUE #548
  • When speaking to Largo in the Taris Upper City North Apartments, one of Carth’s interjections was off-screen (Reported by KnifeMaster) ISSUE #299
  • When speaking to Nilko Bwaas in Manaan Ahto West, the companion interjections had various facing and positioning issues ISSUE #272
  • When speaking to Sunry in the Manaan Ahto West jail, one of his lines had incorrect subtitles and another didn’t flow well from the previous line ISSUE #523
  • When speaking to Sunry in the Manaan Ahto West jail, the party members could be scattered, causing Jolee to skate along the floor ISSUE #523
  • When speaking to Sunry in the Manaan Ahto West jail, there was a missing persuasion check for asking about his relationship with Elassa (Reported by Salk) ISSUE #383
  • When speaking to Tanis in the Tatooine Dune Sea for the first time, he sometimes wouldn’t react to the speaker wearing the Sandpeople disguise (Reported by Markus Ramikin) ISSUE #690
  • When speaking to the judges in the Manaan Ahto West courtroom, companion interjections could be spoken off-screen and the party could be scattered ISSUE #136
  • When speaking to the Storyteller in the Tatooine Sandpeople Enclave, one of HK’s lines was cut short and he keep switching his facing ISSUE #221
  • When speaking with Igear in the Taris Undercity, there were some facing issues, especially after Carth’s interjections ISSUE #482
  • When standing in the entrance of the kitchen in the Taris Black Vulkar Base, the elevator room wasn’t rendered (and vice-versa) ISSUE #238
  • When taking T3 to the Taris Sith Base entrance, it was possible to bypass the trigger that played the scene of him opening the door ISSUE #400
  • When talking to Dak in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords, Juhani had some facing issues on her interjections ISSUE #281
  • When talking to Elora in Manaan Ahto West, a scattered party could lead to issues with facing and camera angles ISSUE #135
  • When talking to Freyyr in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands, some of the companion interjections could be spoken off-screen ISSUE #269
  • When talking to Gana Lavin in the Taris Upper City Cantina, the waiter would freak out trying to walk past ISSUE #232
  • When talking to Gendar in Taris Undercity the party was scattered and ambient NPCs could barge right through ISSUE #722
  • When talking to Greeta about Griff in the Tatooine Czerka Office, Mission could skate along the floor during her interjection ISSUE #265
  • When talking to Mission in Taris Javyar’s Cantina after her run-in with the “greenies”, the party could be scattered and Zaalbar could have trouble pathfinding past them afterwards ISSUE #495
  • When talking to Rukil in Taris Undercity the party was scattered, they didn’t follow him to Gendar, and ambient NPCs could barge right through ISSUE #501
  • When talking to the Jawa Iziz in Tatooine Anchorhead there were facing issues with party member interjections (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #618
  • When talking to the Rakatan hologram in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands, the player could freeze and the hologram could get stuck in an animation ISSUE #346
  • When talking to Yuthura in the Korriban Dreshdae cantina, the party could end up poorly positioned due to the cramped space ISSUE #160
  • When the party exited the airlock on the Leviathan Bridge, they’d end up facing back the way they just came ISSUE #526
  • When the player defied Saul during the interrogation scene in the Leviathan Prison Block, the shots of Bastila or Carth being tortured didn’t sync with their animations ISSUE #145
  • When the player equipped the environment suit in Manaan Hrakert Station and Kolto Control, Force speed would remain applied ISSUE #775
  • When the player reached the end of the Star Forge Command Center, they could freeze at the end of the scene and the two captives didn’t always play their animations ISSUE #173
  • When the player was arrested outside the Republic embassy in Manaan East Central, the party was scattered and both the player and Selkath struggled with the doors ISSUE #137
  • When the player was arrested outside the Sith Base in Manaan Ahto East, they weren’t properly escorted away and were visible being jumped in widescreen resolutions ISSUE #139
  • When trying to escape Davik’s Estate on Taris, the hangar cutscene with Davik and Calo could be triggered repeatedly (Reported by th3w1zard1) ISSUE #708
  • When using Force persuade on the customs officer in the Tatooine Docking Bay, the animation would occur off-screen (Reported by darthbdaman) ISSUE #308
  • When War Droids were defeated, the sparks from their torso shot out behind them instead of forwards ISSUE #492
  • When Zaalbar talked to the player about his family in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway, the party positioning was poor ISSUE #719
  • Xor’s final encounter was extremely buggy, prone to ending in an unresolvable broken state (Reported by Yulaw9460) ISSUE #397
  • Zaalbar had a visible seam between his neck and torso meshes when standing in front of a bright light source ISSUE #395
  • Zaalbar’s jail door showed a Security icon when it was not meant to be unlockable ISSUE #720
  • Zaalbar’s removal from the party on Kashyyyk allowed for an item duplication exploit (Reported by Jellypumpkin) ISSUE #278
  • Zaalbar’s return to the party on Kashyyyk briefly revealed his stunt double (Reported by StellarExile and ancient-animal) ISSUE #460
  • Zhar doesn’t properly face the player in the post-montage conversation ISSUE #83


  • The temple interior on the Unknown World was missing several lamp models K1 Temple Main Floor - Missing Lamps Fix 1.0 ISSUE #375
  • A couple of troopers in the Manaan Sith Base were slacking off in a corner instead of doing their duty ISSUE #184
  • A flag in the Elder’s Compound on the Unknown World was floating above the ground ISSUE #354
  • A random swoop fan on Manaan was getting in the way of a Sith extorting people for money (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #140
  • A Sith captain in the Manaan Sith Base was assign an incorrect soundset ISSUE #141
  • After the cutscene in the Korriban Academy where a student duels with a captive, combat music would continue to play ISSUE #190
  • Elise was overly flirty (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #54
  • Griff Vao’s hands were a much darker shade of blue than his head (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #266
  • Master of the Korriban Sith Academy Uthar Wynn was using Sith sorcery in order to stand up faster than should be humanly possible ISSUE #341
  • One of the bounty hunters in Javyar’s cantina was secretly a computer in disguise (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #133
  • Some Sith Elite Troopers in the Manaan Docking Bay incorrectly used the Officer appearance (Reported by JCarter426) ISSUE #183
  • The doubting Sith in the Korriban Sith Academy, Kel Algwinn, had a single talent - standing up really fast ISSUE #343
  • The Genoharadan in the final enounter in the Tatooine Dune Sea had a number of incorrect soundsets ISSUE #215
  • The hallway leading to the Manaan hotel had some incorrect baked lighting colouration ISSUE #109
  • The swoop records computer panel in Manaan Ahto East was clipping into the wall ISSUE #155
  • The Tach in Kashyyyk’s Shadowlands had an obnoxiously loud screech (with input from “robot ears” AFP) ISSUE #127
  • The training droids in the Manaan Sith Base seem like they were intended to look like probe droids, not war droids ISSUE #141



  • One of Canderous’ lines when recounting his backstory had no visible subtitles (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #148
  • One of Jolee’s lines in the post-crash conversation on the Unknown World had no visible subtitles (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #148



  • A typo prevented various NPCs from commenting on the Kashyyyk situation: JC’s Jedi Tailor for K1 1.1
  • Bandon’s entourage of Dark Jedi on Korriban looked like regular officers: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Calo’s entourage on Korriban had the appearance of officers but trooper soundsets: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Dak wouldn’t drop his stuff if killed in the Valley: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Korriban NPCs that loop animations—students meditating in the academy and archaeologists digging in the valley—would turn to face the player while still doing their animations: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Several aliens were very low-quality: JC’s Dense Aliens for K1
  • Several textures were missing shader data: JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • Sith fighter lasers were the wrong color: JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • Some guards on Korriban had weapons in their inventory, but not equipped: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Some Korriban NPCs’ genders were incorrect: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • Some male commoner clothing variants have been improved: JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • Some stunt modules were missing geometry: JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • Tariga and a couple other Sith students attacked with no weapons but their fists: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2 (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #201
  • The character Adrenas was lacking a soundset: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • The character Hijata had the wrong appearance and dialogue: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • The quality of the Sith soldier placeable texture has been improved based on the higher-resolution Sith soldier NPC texture JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • The Republic soldier body models have been improved: JC’s Republic Soldier Fix for K1 1.3 (with DarthParametric lending a hand)
  • The security camera dialog on Manaan was extremely annoying: JC’s Minor Fixes for K1 1.1
  • The Sith student Tariga had a male appearance and voice, contrary to Tamlen’s description of her: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2 (Reported by ebmar)
  • Yuthura and Uthar wear different outfits in the Sith Academy on Korriban compared to elsewhere ISSUE #197 Partial: JC’s Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.2
  • A slave girl in Davik’s estate stood still and disappeared instead of running away (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • Bolook was orange even though voiced dialogue says he’s green (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • Canderous would repeat dialogue if you kept him waiting after speaking to him in the Lower City cantina (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • Carth was a little too quick to complain about being out of the loop ISSUE #2
  • Dak was a little too fond of the Dreshdae cantina ISSUE #7
  • Dia was a member of the attacking with fists club, despite threatening to cut the player (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • During the Sandral-Matale Feud, the player had the option to claim Ahlan Matale had offered a reward, even if no such conversation took place
  • Fixed Elise’s walking pace when she exits so she runs away when upset and walks away otherwise
  • Fixed placeable heights on the Ebon Hawk to reduce floor clipping & floating
  • Fixed the height of the workbench on Dantooine
  • Fixed the position of the strongbox in the Taris Lower City apartments (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #68
  • Hidden Beks didn’t react quickly to intruders (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • It was possible to interact with a transformer in the Sith Base on Taris—though it did nothing of particular interest
  • It was possible to miss out on HK’s backstory and leave his whole storyline hanging (with additional corrections by Salk) ISSUE #3
  • Killing Dustil before completing Carth’s quest would leave its status unresolved (with additions by DarthParametric) ISSUE #4
  • Party members in stealth during the post-Leviathan scene were game breaking (workaround/partial fix) ISSUE #9
  • Pazaak player Kudos on Tatooine would only bet 50 credits instead of 500 for the final matches
  • Redros was slow to equip a weapon for the brawl after the swoop race (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • Sand People disguises would misbehave if the player used the rapid transit system or loaded from a save while disguised (with insight provided by Salk & A Future Pilot) ISSUE #6
  • Security terminals in Davik’s estate would gas you even if you weren’t inside the target room (Reported by ebmar) ISSUE #49
  • Several Duros on Dantooine lacked melee weapons and/or the proficiency to use them (Reported by ebmar)
  • The appearance of Casus’ body didn’t suit him or the conditions of his death (suggested by DarthParametric)
  • The Dead Settler quest had several bugs and it was possible to miss out on some items depending on if and when it was triggered
  • The dialogue with the surviving scientists Kono and Sami had several facing and camera issues (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • The encounter with Sasha could be done repeatedly, resulting in a dark side point exploit (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • The guard droids in Davik’s estate could be gassed and weren’t very droid-like
  • The player was briefly visible before the game was supposed to actually start
  • The player’s name in message logs was incorrect following the swoop race (Reported by Crimson Knight) ISSUE #685
  • The repairable bar droid in the Black Vulkar Base lacked a weapon and was immortal (Reported by DarthParametric & 2woke4ufgt) ISSUE #63
  • The scene with Vandar after the player completes the trials could be a little wonky, so it has been given a new trigger to ensure the party stands in logical places (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • The Sith student Tariga had a male appearance and voice, contrary to Tamlen’s description of her (Reported by ebmar)
  • The surviving Hrakert scientists had their weapons out all the time
  • Vandar’s dialogue was locked out after the player completed the trials
  • Vandar repeated dialogue if you spoke to him again before investigating the ruins (Reported by DarthParametric)
  • Xor refused to show up for the second encounter unless the player used the rapid transit system (With input from Salk and HuntersRun1) ISSUE #29

Kainzorus Prime:


  • Several quests aren’t properly ended if you are banned from Manaan: Proper Manaan Quest Endings 1.0
  • If doing Juhani’s dialog in the wrong order, it was possible to block any further progress
  • The second Xor encounter is unavailable on Tatooine

KOTOR 1 Restoration Team:

  • Bastila would not show you the fourth vision if you travelled to all four planets before the Leviathan K1R ISSUE #10


  • Xor is non-human, while he was human in the XBox version: Human Xor Restoration 1.0
  • Carth’s romance check during the post-Leviathan scene was accurate only for one possible quest state
  • One of HK’s lines was spoken off-screen when talking to the Storyteller in the Tatooine Sandpeople Enclave ISSUE #674
  • The final scene in Carth’s romance for DS players had some camera angle issues ISSUE #664

Markus Ramikin:


ndix UR:


Red Hessian:


  • A guard droid in the Manaan West Central foyer had its back legs clipping into the wall ISSUE #302
  • After rescuing Hendar in the Taris Undercity, you could miss a Light Side alignment gain if you spoke to him instead of Hester (Reported by zappepappe) ISSUE #680
  • Certain ambient NPC barks on Manaan would fail to trigger due to some incorrect scripts ISSUE #342
  • Lashowe was air typing in front of her console in the Korriban Sith Academy ISSUE #423
  • Numerous placeables inside the back entrance of the Korriban Sith Academy were facing in completely wrong directions ISSUE #162
  • One of Bastila’s lines in the post-interrogation scene on the Leviathan could skip if the player was female ISSUE #405
  • One of the dialogue choices for betraying both Uthar and Yuthura in the Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow could leave the associated quest in an orphaned state (Reported by StuckInMyPants) ISSUE #696
  • Some plot-specific doors in the temple on the Unknown World erroneously showed the Security UI (With input from DarthParametric) ISSUE #442
  • Some minor dialogue was unavailable in the Korriban Sith Academy due to an incorrect script ISSUE #421
  • The flow control room in the Manaan Sith Base had a missing door and the door of the adjoining room was mislabelled ISSUE #353
  • The global level scaling script didn’t account for differences between a creature’s current and max hit points ISSUE #435
  • The player and party members had a tendency to walk overly fast during cutscenes (With input from JCarter426) ISSUE #445
  • The player could report to Hulas in Manaan East Central about failing to kill Zuulan even when he was dead post-Leviathan (Reported by muitafruita) ISSUE #639
  • The selection icon for the Sith Embassy transport on Manaan was misaligned ISSUE #352
  • When leaving Hendar to his fate in the Taris Undercity, combat music would continue to play ISSUE #697
  • When reinitiating conversation with Bastila on the Star Forge, you could break her concentration ISSUE #458
  • When selecting T3 for the Leviathan prison break, one DLG branch updated the quest to the wrong stage ISSUE #485
  • When talking to Lurze in Korriban Dreshdae, it was possible to persuade him without the proper skill check ISSUE #676


  • When talking to the slaves in Davik’s Estate on Taris, they wouldn’t face the player correctly after a companion interjection (Reported by DarthParametric) ISSUE #312

Thrak Farelle:


  • One of the Taris window glass textures caused objects behind it to render incorrectly ISSUE #692
  • The bridges in the Dantooine Grove and Sandral Estate modules had distorted UVs for their light fixtures (Reported by ConansHair) ISSUE #755
  • The floor of the sub bay in Manaan Hrakert Station had some obvious texture distortion ISSUE #693
  • The forcefield beacon poles in the hangar of Davik’s Estate on Taris didn’t render correctly and wobbled when they rotated ISSUE #694
  • The frame of the main window in the central room of Yavin Station had some lightmapping issues ISSUE #702
  • The medical clinic in Taris Upper City South didn’t render when standing near the apartment entrance ISSUE #789
  • The Star Map placeable didn’t have the correct sound effect for its deactivation animation ISSUE #757
  • The windows on the Endar Spire didn’t render correctly due to engine issues with overlapping transparency ISSUE #699
  • The wrecked speeder placeables didn’t use the proper glass texture for their windows ISSUE #703

5. Translation:


  • French / Français


  • Russian / Русский

6. Bugs:

These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve:


Please report any bugs or other problems on the Github issue page or Deadly Stream.


7. Permissions:

Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it.

You may, however, do whatever you want with any of A Future Pilot’s fixes with or without credit (though AFP would appreciate credit if you can).

8. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements:

  • All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream
  • Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool
  • tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF
  • JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS
  • stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd
  • bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax
  • ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+
  • seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+
  • Cortsol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor
  • th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher
  • Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools
  • DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools
  • Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds on the /r/kotor subreddit
  • danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template
  • Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes