A gem to model a Cucumber test suite.
There comes a time in every programmer’s adventures with Cucumber when they
want to do Really Cool Stuff with their tests. This usually necessitates
scanning all of their feature files and playing with the output. While the
cucumber-gherkin gem (previously just the gherkin
gem) does a fine job of parsing feature files, reading or even manipulating
the resulting Abstract Syntax Tree is not always fun. cuke_modeler comes to
the rescue by providing a modeling layer that is easier to work with.
Whether you just want something that will let you easily inspect your test
suite or you are looking for a foundation tool upon which to build something
Really Neat, this gem has you covered.
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'cuke_modeler'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install cuke_modeler
First, load up the gem code.
require 'cuke_modeler'
Next, choose what you want to model. Directories and feature files are the most
common thing to model but smaller portions of a test suite can be modeled as
directory = CukeModeler::Directory.new('path/to/the/code_directory')
file = CukeModeler::FeatureFile.new('path/to/the/feature_file')
gherkin = "Scenario: some test\n* a step"
test = CukeModeler::Scenario.new(gherkin)
The models can then be inspected for information.
directory.path #=> 'path/to/the/code_directory'
file.feature.name #=> 'the name of the feature'
test.steps.count #=> 1
Things can be done in the other direction as well by starting with empty models
and setting their attributes afterward.
step = CukeModeler::Step.new
step.keyword = 'Given'
step.text = 'some step'
test = CukeModeler::Scenario.new
test.steps = [step]
test.to_s #=> "Scenario:\n Given some step"
One could, if so inclined, use this method to dynamically edit or even create
an entire test suite!
For more information on the different models (which more or less have the same relation
to each other as described in the AST here) and how to use them, see the
The modeling functionality provided by this gem will work with any dialect that
is supported by the cucumber-gherkin gem. For modeling at the feature level or higher,
no additional effort is needed because the # language
header at the top of a
feature already indicates that a non-default dialect is being used.
# language: en-au
Pretty much: An 'Australian' feature
Aww, look mate: An 'Australian' scenario
* a step
In order to model smaller portions of Gherkin, however, the parser will need
to be told what dialect is being used.
# Setting the dialect to 'Australian'
CukeModeler::Parsing.dialect = 'en-au'
gherkin = "Awww, look mate: some test\n* a step"
test = CukeModeler::Scenario.new(gherkin)
Although this gem is written in Ruby and requires it to run, the modeling
capabilities provided are for the feature file layer of a Cucumber test suite.
As such, any feature file that is written in Gherkin can be modeled, even if
that feature is ultimately run with SpecFlow (Cucumber for C#), Lettuce
(Cucumber for Python), or some other flavor of Cucumber.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.