项目作者: douglasdaly

项目描述 :
Backbones for parameterized models.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/douglasdaly/spines.git
创建时间: 2019-04-01T03:16:48Z

开源协议:MIT License



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Skeletons for parameterized models.

Build Status
Coverage Status
Documentation Status
Python Versions

Important: This software is still in it’s early alpha phase and is
constantly in flux. It will likely change significantly.


To install spines use your package manager of choice, an example using
pipenv would be:

  1. $ pipenv install spines


Spines is a library which provides a consistent (and hopefully familiar)
framework for building predictive models. It’s core Model class is
similar, in structure, to some of scikit-learn’s underlying Estimator
classes - but with a single set of unified functions for all models,

  • Construct
  • Fit
  • Train
  • Predict
  • Error
  • Score

The predict method is the only one that’s required to be
implemented, though the others are likely useful most of the time (and
often required to take advantage of some of the additional features
provided by spines).

Spines was built because the process of developing a model could be
significantly aided by an intelligent framework keeping tabs on changes,
storing results and helping you iterate. The purpose of spines was to
give a simple (and not too opinionated) interface/skeleton for models as
well as provide some helpful utilities for the model building process.
To accomplish this spines provides some useful key features:

  • Standardized format for models of all types.
  • Automatic version management.
  • Storing intermediate/iterative results during the model development
    and training/fitting process.
  • A unified storage format for models to facilitate collaboration,
    training and deployment.


The latest documentation is hosted on
read the docs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, for more information see