Magento 2 Quickies
All tested on atleast Magento 2.4.6
Adminlogo - Change various logos in the admin panel
AdminProductLinks - This module adds product links in the various sections at the backend like order view->items, bundle children, grouped children, etc.
CatalogDeleteACL - Provide separate ACL for category & product delete access (for api as well)
CmsImage - Add Image attribute in CMS Page
CustomerDataSync - This module adds data_sync
fields in customer and customer_address, and updates it with timestamp values whenever customer or address is created or updated via APIs.
CustomerImportDisableEmail - This module disables customer welcome email, based on backend configurations & for bulk customer import
FormatIncrementId - Format Magento Increment Id (Reduce Length/Remove Zero-padding/Add Prefix) Read more here
FrontendDisable - Disable Magento frontend & Redirect to Admin/HomePage/Custom URL
FetchProductById GraphQl - Fetch Product by productid using GraphQl
RequestedQtyGraphQlBug GraphQl - Magento 2 Core Bug Fix
GraphQLTester - Customizable handy tool to test Graphql Order Flow quickly,
GuestStockAlert - Implemented Default Product stock alerts for guests as well.
MassProductUpdate - This module provides mass update actions in admin product grid, it can update product prices for selected products by lumpsum amount or via percentage changes
MoveOutofStockToLast - This module Display out of stock products to the end of category page.
OrderGridExport,ProductGridExport - This module provides additional options in admin order & product grid export, like ‘export xls’ and ‘export custom csv’.
RenameCountry - Rename Country
SetupDataWithCSV - Setup Data Patch for Bulk upload through CSV
ShowHeaderFooteronCheckout - Display Header-Footer on Checkout Pages
SystemXML - All System Configurations Reference with examples
WidgetFeaturedCategories - Custom Widget for Featured Categories
WPPasswordConverter - Customer Passwords migration from Wordpress to Magento. After saving wordpress customer passwords into magento, on every login it will check whether it matches wp old password, if so it will resave it in magento format and customer will be logged in.