Isolated, self contained apps for Flask.
Flask-MicroServices is a simple, lightweight attempt at bringing a self contained module hierarchy to Flask. Better project organization through isolation, or “microservices”. These are not true microservices, but pantomime the idea of small, sectioned parts of a whole rather than a single large conglomerate.
An opinionated, but minimal approach to longterm project maintainability.
Those who use this plugin should be fully aware that it violates the Blueprint contract that many other plugins rely on to provide extended functionality to Flask. You should not use this plugin without first considering whether or not you plan to use plugins that rely on the default Blueprint behavior (e.g. Flask-Security
, rather than having to define individual /static_module_name
decorators or use the arcane blueprint syntax in complex projectsFlask-MicroServices is not exceptionally complex. In fact, it is quite small— 200-ish lines of code, but it can bring a high level of reason to the way you write your Flask applications.
Check out the example project at ./example, or read below for a minimal example use-case.
You don’t necessarily have to define your app within
, but this is how we will initialize our app for the purpose of this example.
from flask_microservices import MicroServicesApp
app = MicroServicesApp(__name__)
enabled_modules = [
# Normally, we'd define more modules to enable:
# 'home',
# 'forum',
# 'settings',
# We will enable just one, for now:
# By default, this will assume your modules directory is "./modules" if a second argument is not provided.
This is the heart of every module, and is required for the app to be able to enable it.
from flask_microservices import Router
from . import urls
MODULE_NAME = 'admin'
IMPORT_NAME = __name__
# These blueprints are what is collected when you run app.register_urls()
blueprint = Router.create_blueprint(MODULE_NAME, IMPORT_NAME)
Your URL definitions for each module go here. Routes defined here follow all the normal patterns of @app.route()
, with the exception of endpoint
being renamed to name
, and the order of view_func
and name
being reversed.
When a name is provided here, as with a normal blueprint it will become namespaced. A value of name='home'
will become resolveable with url_for('admin.home')
from flask_microservices import url
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url('/admin/', view_func=views.admin_panel, name='home'),
## Example URLs:
### Minimal:
# url('/admin/simple/', view_func=views.admin_simple)
### Advanced
# url('/admin/roles/add/', view_func=views.admin_panel_roles_add, name='role_add', methods=['GET', 'POST']),
# url('/admin/roles/edit/', view_func=views.admin_panel_roles_edit, name='role_edit', methods=['GET', 'POST']),
This is where your views are defined. As your project scales farther, you may want to separate your logic into files such as
, and import them into your
with from . import a, b
in order to make them visible to
from flask import render_template
from ExampleApp.ExampleWrappers import admin_access_required
def admin_panel():
return render_template('admin/main.html')
Templates folder resolves as normal. The MicroServicesApp
instance will check all module template directories before trying to resolve from the root template folder. An important caveat to this approach is to remember that when two modules both possess conflicting templates, they will be resolved in the order that they were defined in the enabled_modules
value that you passed to app.register_urls()
<h1> Holy cow! </h1>
<p> If the router was unable to find this file, then it would try your root level templates folder at `project_root/appname/templates/admin/main.html` before failing.</p>
Static folder resolves as normal. The MicroServicesApp
instance will behave with respect to static files in an identical manner to how it handles template files. See above for caveats.
I am a file! If I could not be found, the Router would attempt to find `project_root/appname/static/file.txt` before 404'ing.