Do Yourself A Favor: an extensible parser and AST Generator
Do Yourself A Favor is a simple extensible parser and AST generator (and in future compiler).
By default the parser is unable to parse anything and the AST will only contain a block with all the code but
via the Extension
class is possible to define new symbols and the extra parsing capabilities.
A simple example is scidown.h
Using the scidown
extension on the text:
# Title
Another _line_...
## A sub-chapter
etc *etc* etc...
# A Second chapter
this is ~not~ a [link](url).
Bla -bla- bla...
This @(ref1) is a reference to something not yet referenced.
DYAF generate the following AST
┬─ NaN()
├┬─ Chapter(Title)
│├┬─ Line()
││├── NaN(): [Another ]
││├┬─ underline()
│││└── NaN(): [line]
││└── NaN(): [...]
│└┬─ SubChapter( A sub-chapter)
│ └┬─ Line()
│ ├── NaN(): [etc ]
│ ├┬─ bold()
│ │└── NaN(): [etc]
│ └── NaN(): [ etc...]
└┬─ Chapter(A Second chapter)
├┬─ Line()
│├── NaN(): [this is ]
│├┬─ deleted()
││└── NaN(): [not]
│├── NaN(): [ a ]
│├── link(link, url): []
│└── NaN(): [.]
├┬─ Line()
│├── NaN(): [ Bla ]
│├┬─ italic()
││└── NaN(): [bla]
│└── NaN(): [ bla...]
└┬─ Line()
├── NaN(): [This ]
├── reference(ref1): []
└── NaN(): [ is a reference to something not yet referenced.]