项目作者: ostermanj

项目描述 :
Single-page app for publishing multichapter reports
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/ostermanj/reader_module.git
创建时间: 2017-10-17T19:51:04Z



Single Page App for Multichapter Reports

This app consists of a custom Drupal 7 module topped with an AngularJS single-page app for publishing multichapter reports. The Drupal module accomplishes two basic things:

  • it makes sure the report is presented in the normal Drupal theme of the website
  • it passes data to the front end for the Angular app to use


Because the existing Drupal theme was designed for description pages that summarize the publication and link to its PDF, it was unable to meet the needs of digital-first publishing. This app allows content editors to create a complete multichapter publications using the CMS they’re used, presents that reports as a rich, interactive experience for users, and allows editors to spin-off a print-ready PDF from the digital content.

Online first page

Online contents

Print first page