项目作者: marsinearth

项目描述 :
instagram-like bookmarks page
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/marsinearth/useful-bookmarks.git
创建时间: 2018-04-07T17:33:12Z



Relay Modern & GraphCool Personal Project

Currently not working due to graphcool is down. port to its successor-prisma is needed


  • this starts with the aforementioned Nikolas Burk’s Getting started with Relay Modern but is being added typescript, react-router, styled-components, a simple log-in system with session storage and responsive design.
  • basically this is a bookmark page with working practice codes (I’d say something like Etúde)

How to use graphcool along with it

  • make a graphcool account and do graphcool init and deploy
  • globally get the package get-graphql-schema and download schema from graphcool server by get-graphql-schema __RELAY_API_ENDPOINT__ > //schema.graphql and update it whenever you modify the graphql structure.

Ongoing status

  • ☑ added src and anchor
  • ☑ login system (using GraphCool’s Email Auth System)
  • ☑ added comments system
  • ☑ will complete comments system by adding mutations for CUD, relay’s pagination func for browsing a many of them
  • ☑ will “Edit” function for Posts and Comments
  • ☑ deploy to netlify pages
  • ☑ apply TypeScript on the project. Finally succeed installing typescript with relay without using unnecessary settings (thanks for CRA2!)
  • ☑ will show Creator’s name (each for Post and Comment)
  • ☑ apply Masonry for react
  • ☑ will add likes(exactly same as hackernews’ votes)
  • ✏ will add report system (email to the system admin)

  • ☐ will add small chatting system using relay’s subscription func

  • ☐ will transform Graphcool to Prisma
  • ☐ will add some kind of console page for stats and browsing users-posts-comments-likes relationships
  • ☐ will transform Prisma to traditional DB by writing own resolver (maybe I can use Prisma for AWS RDS MySQL or if it works, definitely for my local DB or whatever, too. pretty awesome!)