项目作者: nicolas998

项目描述 :
Watershed Modelling Framework
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/nicolas998/WMF.git
创建时间: 2016-02-16T14:33:38Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



WMF (Watershed Modeling Framework) is a module to design to work with hydrographic watersheds and the execution of hydrological models. Additionally, it contains tools for data visualization, analysis of variables, and geomorphological analysis.

In a Linux machine you just need you can install the module by typing:

  • sudo python3 setup.py install


  • python3 setup.py install —user

To import the module:

  • from wmf import wmf


WMF is the result of two Fortran modules and one python script.


This module has the tools to extract streams and watersheds from a given DIR and DEM maps. Also, it has multiple functions to perform different tasks based on the topology of the watershed. Some of the tasks are:

  • Obtain the area, slope, TI, HAND, Width function, Horton Order.
  • Extract the network, identify hillslopes and links.
  • Convert raster to the topology of the watershed. It can also convert variables to hills or vice-versa.


This module has the TETIS model (Velez, 2001) written from scratch. It also contains several sub-models and has functions to write and read binary data related to the input and output variables of the hydrological model. The sub-models are:

  • HydroFlash: A flash flood 1D hydraulic model to obtain flood plains during execution based on the DEM and the results of the hydrological model.

  • SHIA-landslide: An adaptation of the landslide model developed by Aristizabal (2014).

  • SED: An adaptation of the sediment production model developed for the CASC2D-SED model.


This is the base script that merges cuencas.f90 and modelos.f90. It has defined several classes such as the SimuBasin class that could be considered the heart of WMF. In this module, we have many functionalities done as an interface to the Fortran modules.


  • A Fortran compiler such as gfortran, also the user must have the python3-dev tools.
  • Python 3.6
  • A Unix machine
  • You must have these packages.
    • numpy
    • glob
    • mpl_toolkits.basemap
    • netCDF4
    • osgeo
    • gdal
    • scipy
    • os
    • pandas
    • datetime
    • matplotlib

I also have tried WMF in Google Colab just type:

!pip install git+https://github.com/nicolas998/WMF.git