项目作者: loneicewolf

项目描述 :
Loadable Kernel Modules (Or, LKM's) Projects:
项目地址: git://github.com/loneicewolf/LKM-Projects.git
创建时间: 2020-11-08T12:30:09Z



LKM Projects & Other projects

still under construction

Incoming Title 1
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Incoming Title 2
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Incoming Title 3
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Upcoming Projects
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  • [ ] C projects (By-Topic) (Incl. But is not lim. To: )

    • Networking (Chat application, remote file-backup, POST and GET Requester, TLS-SSL Handshake and Establishment using OpenSSL+others)
    • [ ] Cryptography (Hash algorithms, …,)

    • [ ] maintainance/Tool (Linux only, probably.. Will check e.g version of applications, kernel, build and make,)

      1. *Will be like a framework/Structure for building applications*
  • [ ] LKM Projects

    • Loadable Kernel Modules In Linux
  • [ ] (More to come)

[+] To be added