Azure Device Twins .NET Back end/ .NET Device reference
Sometime, examining the source code is more efficient, straightforward than reading docs to understand how it works. This example helps you to understand how Azure Twin works with Azure Device management APIs.
If you need more specific information, visit the MS Doc site Please note that I wrote this code before MS release .NET back end .NET device source. Therefore, the source is little bit different from the docs site but similar.
Below’s APIs are particular new APIs for Device Twins management. It might be helpful to look over those APIs descriptions before you compile and implement samples.
DeviceClient. UpdatedReportedPropertiesAsync
DeviceClient. SetMethodHandlerAsync(MethodCallback)
DeviceClient. SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallback(DesiredPropertyUpdateCallback)
RegistryManager. CreateQuery
RegistryManager. UpdateTwinAsync
RegistryManager. GetTwinAsync
ServiceClient. InvokeDeviceMethodAsync
Device twins are JSON documents that store device state information (metadata, configurations, and conditions). IoT Hub persists a device twin for each device that you connect to IoT Hub. Device twin’s JSON documents have tags, desired and reported properties.
If you finish all the sample, your device’s device twin JSON doc would look like below ( skipped all metadata )
"deviceId": "test4",
"etag": "AAAAAAAAAAU=",
"version": 48,
"tags": {
"location": {
"region": "US",
"plant": "Redmond43"
"properties": {
"desired": {
"$metadata": {
"$lastUpdated": "2017-06-16T16:33:28.8922274Z"
"$version": 1
"reported": {
"connectivity": {
"type": "cellular"
"iothubDM": {
"reboot": {
"lastReboot": "6/19/2017 4:02:05 PM"
"firmwareUpdate": {
"startedWaitingTime": "6/20/2017 3:15:11 AM",
"fwPackageUri": "https://someurl",
"status": "applyComplete",
"downloadCompleteTime": "6/20/2017 3:15:11 AM",
"startedApplyingImage": "6/20/2017 3:15:11 AM",
"lastFirmwareUpdate": "6/20/2017 3:15:11 AM"
"$version": 43
ReportConnectivity ( Device app ) : update reported “connectivity”property
"reported": {
"connectivity": {
"type": "cellular"
AddtagsAndQuery (Back end ) : update twins tags and read the changed reported property
"tags": {
"location": {
"region": "US",
"plant": "Redmond43"
DirectMethodDevice ( Device app ) : register method handler by using SetMethodHandlerAsync
CallMethodOnDevice ( Back end ) : invoke a method by using InvokeDeviceMethodAsync
Those app don’t affect Device Twins properties.
DirectMethodDevice ( Device app ) : register and implement method handler “reboot”. After that, update Device twins reported property
“reported”: {
"iothubDM": {
"reboot": {
"lastReboot": "10/10/2017 10:28:59 AM"
TriggerReboot ( Back end ) : invoke the “reboot” method, and get reported property.
SimulateDevice ( Device app ) : update reported property and register callback function corresponding to Device Twins Desired property change
“reported”: {
"telemetryConfig": {
"configId": "0",
"sendFrequency": "24h"
Invoke the corresponding callback function if Desired property changed
Update Reported property after callback function invocation
"reported" {
"telemetryConfig: {
"configId": "7af4c91d-5c8b-450b-b8a3-6929001d0849",
"sendFrequency": "5m",
"status": "Success"
DesiredConfiguration ( Back end ) : update Device Twins Desired property and get changed reported property
"desired": {
"telemetryConfig": {
"configId": "7af4c91d-5c8b-450b-b8a3-6929001d0849",
"sendFrequency": "5m"
DirectMethodDevice ( Device app ) : invoke the registered method handler and update Device Twins reported property waiting, downloading, applying and applyComplete respectively.
“reported”: {
"firmwareUpdate": {
"startedApplyingImage": "10/10/2017 10:56:07 AM",
"fwPackageUri": "https://someurl",
"status": "applyComplete",
"downloadCompleteTime": "10/10/2017 10:56:07 AM",
"startedWaitingTime": "10/10/2017 10:56:07 AM",
"lastFirmwareUpdate": "10/10/2017 10:56:07 AM"
TriggerFWUpdate ( Back end ) : invoke the firmwareUpdate method and get device reported property