项目作者: alexanyernas

项目描述 :
Colección de libros recomendados en formato PDF que he realizado para ti y así puedas mejorar tus habilidades como programador. Recuerda, siempre disfruta del aprendizaje.
项目地址: git://github.com/alexanyernas/Biblioteca.git
创建时间: 2021-02-09T13:46:31Z



Tribe of Hackers Cybersecurity Advice from the Best Hackers in the World_1647869762200.pdf
Beginning Data Science in R Data Analysis, Visualization, and Modelling for the Data Scientist_1647869762801.pdf
Data Analysis and Visualization Using Python Analyze Data to Create Visualizations for BI Systems_1647869763312.pdf
Data Visualization and Exploration with R A Practical Guide to Using R RStudio and Tidyverse for Data Visualization Exploration and Data Science Applications_1647869764283.pdf
Python Data Analytics Data Analysis and Science Using Pandas, matplotlib, and the Python Programming Language_1647869765554.pdf
Python Data Science Handbook_1647869766419.pdf
Python for Data Analysis Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython_1647869767488.pdf
Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles_1647869769532.pdf
Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles_1647869782225.pdf
JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals_1647869783567.pdf
Think Data Structures Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java_1647869783850.pdf
CSS The Definitive Guide Visual Presentation for the Web_1647869785527.pdf
HTML & CSS Crash Course Learn html and css with easy to follow-step-by-step tutorials_1647869787778.pdf
Learning Web Design A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics_1647869791617.pdf
Transitions and Animations in CSS Adding Motion with CSS_1647869794077.pdf
AI for Data Science Artificial Intelligence Frameworks and Functionality for Deep Learning, Optimization, and Beyond_1647869795711.pdf
Artificial Intelligence for Dummies_1647869795989.pdf
Beyond Artificial Intelligence From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness_1647869796497.pdf
Life 3.0 Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence_1647869796715.pdf
Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps A Practical Implementation Guide to Predictive Data Analytics Using Python_1647869797152.pdf
Python Artificial Intelligence Projects for Beginners Get up and running with Artificial Intelligence using 8 smart and exciting AI applications_1647869797919.pdf
Functional Programming in Java How functional techniques improve your Java programs_1647869798527.pdf
Java A Beginner’s Guide, Eighth Edition_1647869801116.pdf
Java for Absolute Beginners Learn to Program the Fundamentals the Java 9+ Way_1647869803970.pdf
Java para novatos Cómo aprender programación orientada a objetos con Java sin desesperarse_1647869804663.pdf
Eloquent Javascript A Modern Introduction to Programming_1647869804983.pdf
JavaScript The Good Parts_1647869805527.pdf
JavaScript. The Definitive Guide, 6th ed._1647869806184.pdf
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns_1647869806878.pdf
You Don't Know JS Async & Performance_1647869807327.pdf
You Don't Know JS Scope & Closures_1647869807544.pdf
You Don't Know JS Types & Grammar_1647869807982.pdf
You Don't Know JS this & Object Prototypes_1647869808483.pdf
Learning MySQL_1647869808794.pdf
Learn PHP 7 Object Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL_1647869808978.pdf
PHP Learn PHP in 24 Hours or Less - A Beginner's Guide To Learning PHP Programming Now_1647869809315.pdf
PHP Pandas. The PHP Programming Language for Everyon_1647869809519.pdf
Dive Into Python 3_1647869809882.pdf
Fluent Python_1647869810377.pdf
Learn Python 3 the Hard Way A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code_1647869812120.pdf
Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition Recipes for Mastering Python 3_1647869812978.pdf
Python Crash Course_1647869813712.pdf.pdf
automate the boring stuff with python automate the boring stuff with python_1647869814400.pdf
Robert C. Martin - Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Español_1647869752619.pdf
Soft Skills_1647869755506.pdf
The Clean Coder_1647869756279.pdf
The Pragmatic Programmer_1647869756368.pdf
Beginning C++17 From Novice to Professional_1647869756721.pdf
Clean C++ Sustainable Software Development Patterns and Best Practices with C++ 17_1647869757145.pdf
Effective Modern C++ 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14_1647869757469.pdf
C Programming The Ultimate Way to Learn The Fundamentals of The C Language._1647869757885.pdf
Learn to Program with C Learn to Program using the Popular C Programming Language_1647869758005.pdf
Linux Basics for Hackers Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali_1647869758786.pdf
Linux Essentials for Cybersecurity_1647869760269.pdf
Professional Red Teaming Conducting Successful Cybersecurity Engagements_1647869761662.pdf