@when decorator for changing MobX
decorator for changing MobX, especially useful React.Component
This decorator takes a function to listen changes through computed
of MobX
. Hence it needs a class having two functions for initializing and deinitializing disposer of the computed
. Since this library may be used with React
, those are componentDidMount
and componentWillUnmount
by default. Hence, for React
applications, you don’t need to provide any name for the decorator.
This function has global interface declaration called WhenDecorator
, which can be used for extending the @when
decorator. Usage examples are shown below.
The function decorated will be executed whenever the computed value changes. This enables developer both connecting a function to a changing/computed variable and calling the function manually.
This library utilizes WeakMap
to prevent/reduce instance modifications as much as possible.
class UserState {
@observable id?: string
@observable loggedIn = false
@observable comments?: IComment[]
const userState = new UserState()
class CommentsView extends React.PureComponent {
@when(() => userState.loggedIn)
loadUserComments() {
// The function here is also bound, hence, `this` refers to CommentsView
// We assume that when user is logged, it gets an ID.
return loadCommentsOf(userState.id)
someOtherFunction = () => {
// You can also invoke the function above manually
this.loadUserComments().then(comments => {
userState.comments = comments
// ...
console.log('User comments are loading')
// ...
// Extending example
// Since an interface is given, you can extend the interface to add
// more functionalities to the decorator.
declare global {
interface WhenDecorator {
userLoggedIn(...parameters: any[]): MethodDecorator
when.userLoggedIn = (...parameters: any[]) => when(() => state.loggedIn, ...parameters)
// Now, we can do
class SomeView extends React.PureComponent {
private reloadUserInformation() {
// ... Reloading user information, since this function will
// automatically be called when user is logged in, we know that
// user is logged in and can use id to load anything related.
// ...