A way to download a site using WGET.
Copy this file down to project directory and call export.md for Search & Replace.
Be sure to exclude the trailing slash(‘/’) from the urls when replacing. Remove this Search & Replace
section when completed.
[DOMAIN] = e.g. BusinessAnalytics.com
[URL] = e.g. www.businessanalytics.com
[PROTOCOL] = e.g. https://
wget -m -p -E -nH -H -e robots=off --content-on-error -P '_import' -x "[URL]/sitemap.xml" -x "[URL]/404/" -D[DOMAIN] -X 'comments, /feed, **/feed, **/**/feed, **/**/**/feed, **/**/**/**/feed, wp-json, cdn-cgi' --reject-regex "(\{|(.html|.php|.htm|\/)\?).*?" [URL];
cd _import;
Combined Commands:
wget -m -p -E -nH -H -e robots=off --content-on-error -P '_import' -x "[URL]/sitemap.xml" -x "[URL]/404/" -D[DOMAIN] -X 'comments, /feed, **/feed, **/**/feed, **/**/**/feed, **/**/**/**/feed, wp-json, cdn-cgi' --reject-regex "(\{|(.html|.php|.htm|\/)\?).*?" [URL]; cd _import;
This will scan the sitemap.xml and compare to existing import, if there are additional pages/resources this will capture them. Some pages may not be imported the first time due to no links pointing to them. If the same map is a parent of child sitemap.xml files, you’ll need to run this command twice. If Sitemap is named differently and wasn’t downloaded using the above command, re-download the html to _imports
rm -rf links.txt;
for file in **/*.xml; do
perl -lne "print for /<loc>(.*?)<\/loc>/g" < $file >> links.txt;
for dir in $(find * -maxdepth 10 -type d); do
dir_escaped=$(echo $dir | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g');
perl -pi -w -e "s/^http(.*?)$dir_escaped\/?\n$//g" links.txt;
wget -m -c -p -E -nH -e robots=off --content-on-error -X 'comments, /feed, **/feed, **/**/feed, **/**/**/feed, **/**/**/**/feed, wp-json, cdn-cgi' --reject-regex "(\{|(.html|.php|.htm|\/)\?).*?" -i links.txt;
Combined Commands:
rm -rf links.txt; for file in **/*.xml; do perl -lne "print for /<loc>(.*?)<\/loc>/g" < $file >> links.txt; done; for dir in $(find * -maxdepth 10 -type d); do dir_escaped=$(echo $dir | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g'); perl -pi -w -e "s/^http(.*?)$dir_escaped\/?\n$//gi" links.txt; done; wget -m -c -p -E -nH -e robots=off --content-on-error -X 'comments, /feed, **/feed, **/**/feed, **/**/**/feed, **/**/**/**/feed, wp-json, cdn-cgi' --reject-regex "(\{|(.html|.php|.htm|\/)\?).*?" -i links.txt;
This transform the directory structure into the preferred file index for our Jekyll set up. For example, a set obtained from WordPress would be imported as:
… and then will be converted to:
folderindex.html /folder file.html file.html folderindex.html
for file in **/*.htm; do
new_file=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.htm/\.html/g');
mv $file $new_file;
for dir in $(find * -maxdepth 10 -type d); do
if [ -f $dir/index.html ]; then
mv $dir/index.html $dir.html;
find . -type d -empty -delete;
for file in **/*.html; do
new_file=$(echo $file | sed 's/@.*//g' | sed 's/\.php//g');
mv $file $new_file;
Combined Commands:
for file in **/*.htm; do new_file=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.htm/\.html/g'); mv $file $new_file; done; for dir in $(find * -maxdepth 10 -type d); do if [ -f $dir/index.html ]; then mv $dir/index.html $dir.html; fi; done; find . -type d -empty -delete; for file in **/*.html; do new_file=$(echo $file | sed 's/@.*//g' | sed 's/\.php//g'); mv $file $new_file; done;
The commands below will cherry pick important variables to include in various spots on pages, include <meta>
, <title>
, and even URL structures.
for file in **/*.html; do
title=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<title.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/title/si' $file);
featured_image=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"/si' $file);
description=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta property="og:description" content="(.*?)"/si' $file);
robots=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta name="robots" content="(.*?)"/si' $file);
if [ -z "${description}" ]; then
description=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"/si' $file);
permalink=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.html//g' | sed 's/\.php//g' | sed 's/@.*//g');
if [ "$permalink" != "index" ]; then
permalink_escaped=$(echo $permalink | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g');
permalink=$(echo $permalink | sed 's/index/:path/g');
title=$(echo $title | sed -e "s/'/\'/g" );
description=$(echo $description | sed -e "s/'/\'/g");
perl -lpe "BEGIN{
print '---';
print 'title: \"$title\"';
print 'permalink: $permalink';
print 'description: \"$description\"';
print 'robots: \"$robots\"';
print 'featured_image: \"$featured_image\"';
print '---';
print '';
print '';
}" "$file" > foo && mv foo "$file";
Combined Commands:
for file in **/*.html; do title=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<title.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/title/si' $file); featured_image=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"/si' $file); description=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta property="og:description" content="(.*?)"/si' $file); robots=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta name="robots" content="(.*?)"/si' $file); if [ -z "${description}" ]; then description=$(perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"/si' $file); fi; permalink=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.html//g' | sed 's/\.php//g' | sed 's/@.*//g'); if [ "$permalink" != "index" ]; then permalink_escaped=$(echo $permalink | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g'); permalink="/$permalink/"; else permalink=$(echo $permalink | sed 's/index/:path/g'); fi; title=$(echo $title | sed -e "s/'/\'/g" ); description=$(echo $description | sed -e "s/'/\'/g"); perl -lpe "BEGIN{ print '---'; print 'title: \"$title\"'; print 'permalink: $permalink'; print 'description: \"$description\"'; print 'robots: \"$robots\"'; print 'featured_image: \"$featured_image\"'; print '---'; print ''; print ''; }" "$file" > foo && mv foo "$file"; done;
Note: If you see Front Matter in only the child directories, enable Globstar so Bash Globs work properly.
This will remove any SEO meta tags (generated by WP’s Yoast SEO plugin) and replace it with {% include head-seo.html %}
. The head-seo.html
will be your source for meta
perl -i -p0e 's/<head(.*?)>/<head$1>\n\n{% include head-seo\.html %}\n/si;' **/*.html;
perl -i -p0e 's/<title>.*?<\/title>//si;' **/*.html;
perl -i -p0e 's/<!-- This site is optimized.*?SEO plugin\. -->\s*?\n//si;' **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<meta (name|itemprop|property)=(\"|\')(robots|googlebot|keywords|copyright|title|referrer|author|google-site-verification|msvalidate.*|twitter:.*|description|name|image|og:.*|article:.*|fb:.*)(\"|\').*?>\s*?\n//gi;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')(canonical|shortlink)(\"|\').*?>\s*?\n//i;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')application\/ld\+json(\"|\')>.*?<\/script>\s*?\n//i;" **/*.html;
Combined Commands:
perl -i -p0e 's/<head(.*?)>/<head$1>\n\n{% include head-seo\.html %}\n/si;' **/*.html; perl -i -p0e 's/<title>.*?<\/title>//si;' **/*.html; perl -i -p0e 's/<!-- This site is optimized.*?SEO plugin\. -->\s*?\n//si;' **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<meta (name|itemprop|property)=(\"|\')(robots|googlebot|keywords|copyright|title|referrer|author|google-site-verification|msvalidate.*|twitter:.*|description|name|image|og:.*|article:.*|fb:.*)(\"|\').*?>\s*?\n//gi;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')(canonical|shortlink)(\"|\').*?>\s*?\n//i;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')application\/ld\+json(\"|\')>.*?<\/script>\s*?\n//i;" **/*.html;
This will scour your imported html files and replace any hard-coded links to the main domain URL with the Jekyll variable {{ site.url }}
(then the same for rebranded form URLs).
perl -pi -w -e 's/https?:\/\/(www.)?[URL]/{{ site.url }}/gi;' **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/href=(\"|\')(?!(http|www))(.*?)(\.html|\.htm|\.php)(.*?)(\"|\')/href=\$1\$3\/\$5\$6/gi;" **/*.html;
Combined Commands:
perl -pi -w -e 's/https?:\/\/(www.)?[DOMAIN]/{{ site.url }}/gi;' **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/href=(\"|\')(?!(http|www))(.*?)(\.html|\.htm|\.php)(.*?)(\"|\')/href=\$1\$3\/\$5\$6/gi;" **/*.html;
This will remove a few WordPress-related snippets of code like the feeds, and multiple references to w.org
perl -pi -w -e "s///g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/featured_image: \"\{\{ site\.url \}\}/featured_image: \"/g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/src=(\"|\')http:\/\//src=\$1https:\/\//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')alternate(\"|\') type=(\"|\')(application\/rss\+xml|text\/xml\+oembed|application\/json\+oembed)(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')https:\/\/api\.w\.org\/(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')dns-prefetch(\"|\') href='\/\/s\.w\.org(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\(?window\.NREUM\|\|\(NREUM=\{\}\).*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>try\{ clicky\.init.*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<script src=(\"|\')(https:|http:)?\/\/pmetrics\.performancing\.com\/js.*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html;
perl -pi -w -e "s/<noscript><p><img alt=(\"|\')Performancing Metrics.*?<\/noscript>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html;
perl -i -p0e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\s*?_stq = window\._stq \|\| \[\]\;.*?<\/script>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html;
perl -i -p0e "s/<script>\s*?var _prum = \[\[\'id\'.*?<\/script>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html;
perl -i -p0e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\s*?window\._wpemojiSettings.*?<\/style>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html;
Combined Commands:
perl -pi -w -e "s///g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/featured_image: \"\{\{ site\.url \}\}/featured_image: \"/g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/src=(\"|\')http:\/\//src=\$1https:\/\//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')alternate(\"|\') type=(\"|\')(application\/rss\+xml|text\/xml\+oembed|application\/json\+oembed)(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')https:\/\/api\.w\.org\/(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<link rel=(\"|\')dns-prefetch(\"|\') href='\/\/s\.w\.org(\"|\').*?>\n//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\(?window\.NREUM\|\|\(NREUM=\{\}\).*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>try\{ clicky\.init.*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<script src=(\"|\')(https:|http:)?\/\/pmetrics\.performancing\.com\/js.*?<\/script>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html; perl -pi -w -e "s/<noscript><p><img alt=(\"|\')Performancing Metrics.*?<\/noscript>(\n)?//g;" **/*.html; perl -i -p0e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\s*?_stq = window\._stq \|\| \[\]\;.*?<\/script>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html; perl -i -p0e "s/<script>\s*?var _prum = \[\[\'id\'.*?<\/script>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html; perl -i -p0e "s/<script type=(\"|\')text\/javascript(\"|\')>\s*?window\._wpemojiSettings.*?<\/style>(\n)?//s;" **/*.html;
Check for invalid UTF-8 Characters, find and fix prior to adding the _imports
into your _collections
for file in **/*.html; do
grep -axv '.*' $file;
Combined Commands:
for file in **/*.html; do grep -axv '.*' $file; done;