项目作者: abhijitbonik

项目描述 :
The script will install drupal - version 8.3.7
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/abhijitbonik/Drupal-8-Installation-Script.git

This is an automated shell script that install the latest version of Drupal 8.

The system requires a connection to the internet

The script will take your system password as argument. There will be no prompt for any approval while running the script. The installation of mysql server and creation of database, creating the entire apache and php 7 stack as well as drupal will happen automatically.

Change the permission - sudo chmod 777 drupal_install.sh

Run the script as—- ./drupal_install.sh password

The script has been successfullty tested on fresh instalation of ubuntu 16.04 machine.