a distributed mud experiment ontop of hypercore & hyperdb
a distributed mud experiment ontop of hypercore & hyperdb
☠️ a dire work-in-progress ☠️
⚠️ to potential adventurers:
this is not only a work in progress for a distrbuted MUD, it is also built ontop of a distributed database that’s currently without a stable release. tread warily, stranger!
npm install && npm start
The above installs all the packages needed and runs the game. Currently you’ll need at least another peer (that is, a hyperdungeon session/player) running to be able to do anything.
When you start your id will be printed out as (but with your id instead!)local key 94dc2d7a9801034e1159525c1bf29a893a5fdf7a4e998d65e17f44ed86868dd9
alias <nick>=<id>
alias me=94dc2d7a9801034e1159525c1bf29a893a5fdf7a4e998d65e17f44ed86868dd9
warp <id|alias>=x,y
warp 94dc2d7a9801034e1159525c1bf29a893a5fdf7a4e998d65e17f44ed86868dd9=1000,1000
write <global|id|alias> <msg>
write global hey anyone else here?
describe <description>
describe you stand in the middle of a dark hallway. you hear whirring machines in the distance. the hyperlord is nowhere in sight.
whereis <id|alias>
whereis cblgh
reply <msg>
replies to the person who most recently wrote to you