A companion for boot-antlr4. It will demonstrate extending the ANTLR4 grammar with literate programming.
This demo does two things:
This adds tasks for parsing Antlr4 grammars, not for generating code from them:
'(boot [core :as boot :refer [deftask]]
[util :as util]
[task-helpers :as helper])
[boot-antlr4 :as antlr]
[boot-antlr4-parser :as coach])
(deftask parse-grammar
[s show bool "show the arguments"]
(s/check-asserts true)
(let [input-dir-str "./src/antlr4"
input-dir (Paths/get input-dir-str no-path-extensions)
(let [children (Files/walk input-dir 1 no-file-visit-options)]
(iterator-seq (.iterator children)))
gm (get-path-matcher "glob:\*.{g4}")
input-file-s (filter #(matches gm %1) input-raw-s)]
:start-rule "grammarSpec"
:tree false
:edn true
:rdf :jena
:postscript false
:tokens false
:input input-file-s))))
This sample shows the construction of a new task
using the exercise
task provided by this project.
This is a work in progress.
The goal is to extend the work on literate programming to
include multiple isomorphic representations.
In this way error messages will provide links into the
source code in a useful fashion.