Toy race car trained using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization.
This project consists of creating a toy car racing enviroment, where we can train our car to complete a race track, by training it on multiple tracks using the Genetic Algorithm(GA) and PSO(Particle Swarm Optimizer) algorithm. This project was done as a part of the course Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic at BITS Pilani.
Tracks - Directory that contains the tracks used for training. Sample tracks have been added.
Visualization - Directory where the GIFs of how the race car performs on the tracks are stored.
Weights - Directory where the weights are stored after training. - Contains the Car class that implements most of the functionalities. - Contains template for GA/PSO training. It also contains the mechanism through which the car moves. - Training script for training the car based on Genetic Algorithm. - Training script for training the car based on PSO algorithm. - Contains template for GA/PSO training. It also contains the mechanism through which the car moves. - Loads the custom car implemented in and finds the fitness on different tracks.
Optionally, create a virtual environment on your system and open it.
To run the project, first clone the repository by typing the command in git bash.
git clone
Alternatively, you can download the code as .zip and extract the files.
Shift to the cloned directory
cd Racing-Car-GA-PSO
To install the requirements, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the training script for the algorithm you want to use.
To run the GA algorithm, use the following command:
The visualizations would be stored in the visualization directory.
The sample outputs would look like: -
Thanks to the Instructor and the Teacher’s Assistants for implementing many functionalities of this assignment.