Windows background inactivity timer / sleep application. Put your Windows PC to sleep (or optionally just turn off the display) after a specified period of inactivity. Runs in the system tray. Useful for Windows systems that won't sleep automatically based on the Windows Power Settings timers.
I wrote SWBSleeper because Windows 10 would not put my new PC to sleep after the set inactivity period in Settings->Power Options. I tried all of the standard troubleshooting techniques including disabling WOL in the network adapter, using “powercfg -request” to see which apps were keeping the PC awake (none were listed and it still wouldn’t sleep), and checking every device in Device Manager to ensure that none (except for the mouse and keyboard) were enabled to allow waking the PC. Even with the mouse and keyboard disabled and all external devices disconnected, the PC still would not sleep automatically. However, I could still successfully put the PC to sleep manually using the SysInternals PSShutDown tool. And I could also put it to sleep using a small application I had written years ago to use the Windows SetSuspendState API to put the PC to sleep. So the real issue wasn’t that my computer couldn’t sleep, it was that Windows wasn’t properly detecting inactivity and issuing the request to sleep.
After weeks of trying all of the various solutions suggested on various discussion threads, none of which worked in my case, I decided to break out my long-unused Delphi compiler to see if I could build an app that would monitor the keyboard and mouse activity, and sleep when nothing had occurred for a set period of time. SWBSleeper is the result. It runs in the system tray and can be configured via command line arguments to set the delay period to anything from 1 minute to 24 hours. It can also be set to turn off only the display without putting the computer to sleep. A readme file is included that defines the command line arguments used to configure it at startup.
This application is provided as freeware, with no warranty for any purpose other than it worked for me. I wrote it to solve my PC’s sleep issue on my own computer, but based on the number of online discussions regarding the inability to get their computers to sleep, I am making this application available to the public in case it should be of use to someone else experiencing the same issue.