项目作者: tadodotcom

项目描述 :
Coding task and experience day boilerplate
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/tadodotcom/tado-test-boilerplate.git
创建时间: 2019-01-14T14:43:26Z

开源协议:MIT License


tado° test boilerplate

Basic Babel/Webpack/Jest/Typescript boilerplate introduced as starting point for coding tasks and experience days.

Allows for TDD with Jest and E2E testing with puppeteer.


Under the hood


  1. .
  2. ├── dist # output
  3. ├── assets # assets copied to dist on build (flattened)
  4. ├── index.html # html template used by webpack
  5. └── ...
  6. ├── src # source code
  7. ├── app-js.js # webpack entry point
  8. ├── app-js.test.js # test file for app-js.js
  9. ├── app-ts.te # webpack entry point
  10. ├── app-ts.test.ts # test file for app-ts.ts
  11. └── ...
  12. ├── .babelrc # babel configuration
  13. ├── .editorconfig # editor configuration
  14. ├── .env.example # env file example (copy to .env to use)
  15. ├── .eslintignore # eslint ignored files
  16. ├── .eslintrc.json # eslint configuration
  17. ├── .gitignore # git ignored files
  18. ├── jest.config.js # jest configuration
  19. ├── jest-puppeteer.config.js # jest & puppeteer configuration
  20. ├── package.json # dependencies
  21. ├── tsconfig.json # typescript configuration
  22. ├── tslint.json # typescript linter configuration
  23. ├── webpack.config.js # webpack configuration
  24. ├── LICENSE.md
  25. └── README.md


  1. yarn


  1. # building
  2. yarn build
  3. # developing with webpack-dev-server
  4. yarn start
  5. # building on file change
  6. yarn watch
  7. # running tests
  8. yarn test
  9. # linting
  10. yarn lint