项目作者: fanchy

项目描述 :
FFLib is a lightweight c++ framework.FFlib is mainly designed for game server developing. But some components in FFLib is in common use. For example socket&net module, log module, thread&lock, tools for performance & memory leak check.用于分布式程序的c++类库,封装了socket、rpc、lua、CQRS框架、算法等组件,适于SNS、WEBGAME、MMO后台程序, about C++,linux socket,lua,rpc,broker,cqrs,timer,log libary
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/fanchy/fflib.git
创建时间: 2012-06-09T11:16:54Z




FFLib is a lightweight c++ framework. I make codes clean as best as I can. KISS is my principle.I usually program
with c++. I am a game server developer. So FFlib is mainly designed for game server developing. But some components
in FFLib is in common use. For example socket&net module, log module, thread&lock, tools for performance & memory
leak check.

Project Goals

  • Wrap Net operations which use linux epoll (ET), asynchronous & nonblock. no third party lib dependency.
  • wrap thread & lock & task queue, to make easier to program with multithread. lightweight wrap, even Embed System
    can use it easyly.
  • provide some tool for optimize program. performance monitor is to help developer find which part of code is consuming
    more time and execute more. Object Count component will record numbers of all type realtime while will not
    influence the performance of the program. It will be help to analyze user action and to analyze which part of
    program is using most memory.
  • I will try some code for learn CQRS.
  • rpc related code integrated here, actually it is copy of FFRPC.
  • some wrap for db, xml operations.

Log Module feature

  • it is a asynchronous log component, when you execute log interface, log content will post to log compoent thread, so
    main thread is not blcoked. When we develop distributed systen for game server, we expect to response user requeset
    as soon as possible. That’s why we must need a asynchronous log component.
  • it use prinf style to format log content. As you know, sprintf is not type safe. But I implement it as type safe,
    thanks for c++ overloading, it not difficult but just to define nine interface for maximum nice arguments.
  • it can be set whether log contents will be print on console or output to file. even more, this can be modifed when
  • it can be set log level, as you know FATAL,ERROR,WARN,INFO,TRACE,DEBUG which can be excute when runing.
  • when it chosen to print on console, it will print with different color for contents of different level.
  • it can be set to enable and disable some log class which can be excute when runing.

Log Example

  1. LOG.start("-log_path ./log -log_filename log -log_class FF,XX -log_print_screen true "
  2. "-log_print_file true -log_level 6");
  3. LOGDEBUG(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  4. LOGTRACE(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  5. LOGINFO(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  6. LOGWARN(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  7. LOGERROR(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  8. LOGFATAL(("XX", "FFFFF"));
  9. LOG.mod_class("TT", true);
  10. LOGFATAL(("TT", "FFFFF"));
  11. LOGFATAL(("FF", "DSDFFFFF%s", string("SFWEGGGGGGGGG")));
  12. LOG.stop();

Task Queue

  • when we use mutltithread, task queue is always needed. Task Queue is the tie for different. Multithread will
    be uncoupled.
  • Programing Based task queue when use multithread.
  • it is easy to implement some pattern for multithread.such as one thread one task queue, N threads one task queue,
    N threads N task queue, N threads M task queue.

Task Queue Example

  1. thread_t thread;
  2. task_queue_t tq;
  3. thread.create_thread(task_binder_t::gen(&task_queue_t::run, &tq), 1);
  4. foo_t foo;
  5. cout << "helloworld, thread id:"<< ::pthread_self() << endl;
  6. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
  7. {
  8. tq.produce(task_binder_t::gen(&foo_t::print_callback, &foo, j, &foo_t::check));
  9. sleep(1);
  10. }
  11. thread.join();

Net module

  • It is asynchronous socket lib based ET epoll. You will know ET epoll is a finish state machine for io.
  • It use multithread by task queue component.
  • though I writes little word here, it is most important component of fflib.
  1. int msg_broker_service_t::handle_broken(socket_ptr_t sock_);
  2. int msg_broker_service_t::handle_msg(const message_t& msg_, socket_ptr_t sock_);
  3. msg_broker_service_t broker_service;
  4. if (broker_service.start(argv[3]))
  5. {
  6. return -1;
  7. }
  8. if (NULL == net_factory_t::listen(buff, &broker_service))
  9. {
  10. cout <<"acceptor open failed:" << buff <<"\n";
  11. return 1;
  12. }
  13. else
  14. {
  15. cout <<"acceptor open ok, wait to listen\n";
  16. }

Performance Monitor

  • It is a tool of collect performance of C++ program in realtime.
  • Some macro provied. The featur of c++ that stack object will be destructed anyway when code jump out of function,
    makes it possible to auto compute the end time sub start time of function.
  • Performance data will be output to file(CSV format) by timer. I also has some tools to analyze data, try FFUI.
  • thread safe
  • Each cost of Performance is equal to two of gettimeofday.
  • In my opinion, Performance Monitor should be always setup. There two advantages. first that it is a reference to optimize
    program, second that it can be found the problem where of program makes progr runing slow when some conditions.

    Performance Monitor Example

    1. void foo()
    2. {
    3. AUTO_PERF();
    4. }
    5. singleton_t<performance_daemon_t>::instance().start("perf.txt", 5);
    6. foo();
    7. singleton_t<performance_daemon_t>::instance().stop();

Performance Monitor Example CVS OutPut

  1. time,mod,max_cost[us],min_cost[us],per_cost[us],request_per_second,exe_times
  2. 20120606-17:01:41,dumy,515,174,254,3937,390
  3. 20120606-17:01:41,foo,5924,4,506,1976,1030
  4. 20120606-17:01:41,test,304,8,243,4115,185
  5. time,mod,max_cost[us],min_cost[us],per_cost[us],request_per_second,exe_times
  6. 20120606-17:11:41,dumy,1086,222,280,5571,312
  7. 20120606-17:11:41,foo,5707,194,503,1988,770
  8. 20120606-17:11:41,test,807,8,265,3773,142
  9. time,mod,max_cost[us],min_cost[us],per_cost[us],request_per_second,exe_times
  10. 20120606-17:21:41,dumy,1086,222,680,2571,512
  11. 20120606-17:21:41,foo,5707,194,403,1388,470
  12. 20120606-17:21:41,test,807,8,265,4773,442

Extra Tools

  • singleton
  • signal
  • daemon ops
  • string ops
  • smart_ptr
  • timer

Starting! See ….

  1. ^_^

FFlib 是轻量级的C++类库,所谓轻量是指代码结构清晰,阅读性强,绝对的精巧极致,当
结了非常多的现代化的C++ 技巧,Right Now C++11都呼之欲出了,C++er也要与时俱进了。

很有价值的,也希望能够和业界同仁共赏析, 这就是FFlib诞生的原因。


  1. 多线程并发:


  1. 定时器:


  1. 网络库:


  1. 日志组件:


  1. AI、分类算法等:


  1. LUA:


  1. CQRS:


oh nice !!!!!!!!