Go bindings for the libsoxr audio down and up sample library (go包装的soxr音频升降采样库)
Go bindings for the libsoxr audio down and up sample library (go包装的soxr音频升降采样库)
Create an SoxR instance
var spec soxr.IoSpec
//Input sampling point width
spec.Itype = soxr.SOXR_INT16_I
//Output sampling point width
spec.Otype = soxr.SOXR_INT16_I
spec.Scale = 1
//Create an SoxR instance
s, err := soxr.Create(float64(*inSample), float64(*outSample), 1, spec)
For processing functions, n is the number of bytes exported, and err is an error.
n, err = s.Process(inBuf[:n], outBuf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("soxr process fail:%s\n", err)
Destroy the SoxR instance
defer s.Close()
env GOPATH=`pwd` go build github.com/guonaihong/go-soxr/examples/resample
Audio downsampling
./resample -in 21.16k.pcm -in_sample 16000 -out out_pcm_file_8k -out_sample 8000
Audio upsampling
./resample -in 21.8k.pcm -in_sample 8000 -out out_pcm_file_16k -out_sample 16000
This raw audio file may be played using ffplay:
ffplay -f s16le -ar 16000 ./out_pcm_file_16k
ffplay -f s16le -ar 8000 ./out_pcm_file_8k