项目作者: iTyran

项目描述 :
项目地址: git://github.com/iTyran/cocos2dhtml5Doc.git
创建时间: 2013-11-14T06:57:50Z



Cocos2d-HTML5 wiki article lists:

The articles are organized by the following rules:

  1. Each article are named README.md

  2. Each article is under a folder which name is the article’s title. The folder name will be added a prefix number to indicate the order
    of each artcile.

  3. All image related to the article are laid down along with the README.md file in the same directory

This kind of organization rules have the following advantages:

  1. When you open the directory, you can preview the document in github immediately.

  2. We can easily seperate articles and related images into a well organized location.

For example:

We have two articles named Setup Developmenet Environment and Gettting Started .

It will be organized like this:





—-2.0Getting Started(Directory)


