项目作者: neroneroffy

项目描述 :
React,TS的音乐播放插件,歌词同步功能,适配PC和移动端;A music player build with react and typescript for mobile and PC
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/neroneroffy/react-music-player.git



Responsive audio play assembly adaptive with PC and mobile devices. All icons and texts are customizable. Theme colors can be modified. Synchronized scrolling of lyrics is supported.

license MIT
version 1.0.6

Click here to view a demonstration |


Adaptive with PCs and mobile devices. Popup of the play detail page is supported on mobile devices.

  1. Play control
    • Previous song,next song
    • Pause
    • Scroll or click on the progress bar of the song to realize fast forward and fast backward of the music.
    • Scroll the lyrics to locate the play position and implement functions of fast forward and fast backward.
    • Play, delete music in the playlist, and the currently playing music is highlighted.
  2. Volume control
    • Drag, click on the volume control bar to control the volume.
    • Click on the volume icon to switch the mute status.
  3. Status display
    • The cover picture rotates when music is playing and stops rotating when music pauses.
    • Remaining time of the music is displayed.
    • Buffer bar.
    • Play progress bar.
    • Lyrics synchronously scroll and the current lyrics are highlighted.
    • When the volume is 0, the volume icon is displayed as a mute icon.



  1. npm install react-cool-music-player

Use in code

  1. import React from 'react'
  2. import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
  3. import CoolPlayer from 'react-cool-music-player'
  4. import 'react-cool-music-player/dist/index.css'
  5. const App = () => {
  6. const data = [
  7. {
  8. src: 'http://audio-cdn/Shawn Mendes - Señorita.mp3',
  9. artist: 'Señorita',
  10. name: 'Shawn Mendes',
  11. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/Señorita.jpg',
  12. id: '66575568423123',
  13. },
  14. {
  15. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  16. artist: 'Mika',
  17. name: 'Lollipop',
  18. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  19. id: '66575568425354321',
  20. },
  21. ]
  22. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  23. <CoolPlayer data={data}></CoolPlayer>
  24. </div>
  25. }
  26. const root = document.getElementById('root')
  27. ReactDOM.render(<App></App>, root)


Audio data structure in the player:

  1. interface IAudio {
  2. /*Audio link*/
  3. src: string
  4. /*author*/
  5. artist: string
  6. /*audio name*/
  7. name: string
  8. /*audio image*/
  9. img: string
  10. /*audio ID*/
  11. id: string
  12. /*lyrics*/
  13. lyric?: string
  14. /*lyric translation*/
  15. tLyric?: string
  16. /*disabled or not*/
  17. disabled?: boolean
  18. /*reasons for being disabled*/
  19. disabledReason?: string | React.ReactNode
  20. }

Complete API list

API Description Type Default
data Audio data introduced into the assembly, which is displayed in the playlist IAudio[] -
play Controls the player to start and stop playing boolean false
playListPlaceholder Placeholder text when the playlist is empty string ‘No data’
currentAudio Can control audio of the current player. If it is not introduced, the audio to be played in the player is the first audio in the playlist by default IAudio -
playListShow Facilitates externally controlling display and hiding of the playlist boolean false
showPlayDetail Whether play details are displayed upon click on the song icon (valid on mobile devices) boolean true
playDetailShow Facilitates externally controlling display and hiding of the play details (valid on mobile devices) boolean false
detailBackground Background of the play detail page (valid on mobile devices) React.ReactNode -
volume Volume, which, after being introduced into the assembly, can control the volume size of the player, ranging from 0 to 1 number 0.5
zIndex z-index value of the player number 1000
showLyricNormal Whether to display lyrics on non-mobile devices boolean false
showDetailLyric Whether to display lyrics on the song detail page on mobile devices boolean false
showLyricMini Whether to display mini lyrics on mobile devices boolean false
playMode Play mode, which, after being introduced, can control the play modes of the playlist in the player (play in order, random play, single cycle) order,random,loop order
lyric Introduced lyric data when lyrics are loaded asynchronously string -
tLyric Introduced lyric translation when lyrics are loaded asynchronously if it is needed to display lyric translation string -
lyricLoading Loading status display for loading lyrics asynchronously boolean false
lyricPlaceholder Placeholder element when lyric data is empty React.ReactNode or string false
showProgressControlByLyricScroll Whether it is needed to manually scroll lyrics to adjust the play progress in play details on mobile devices boolean true
avatarPlaceholder Placeholder element of the song icon when the song image is empty React.ReactNode
actions An action group displayed in the player on non-mobile devices, between the play mode button and the volume control button Array<(data: IAudio) => React.ReactNode> []
detailActionTopRight An action element displayed at the upper right corner in the play details on mobile devices (data: IAudio) => React.ReactNode -
detailActionsBottom An action group displayed above the progress bar in the play details on mobile devices Array<(data: IAudio) => React.ReactNode> []
playListAudioActions An action group of each piece of audio in the playlist, located on the right side of the song name, displayed in the activated status on a mobile terminal and when a non-mobile devices hovers Array<(data: IAudio, active?: boolean) => React.ReactNode> []
playListHeader Two (left and right) elements on the top of the playlist { headerLeft?: React.ReactNode or string, headerRight?: React.ReactNode or string } headerLeft: ‘Play list’, headerRight: ‘’
primaryColor Theme colors string ‘#33beff’
icons Customized icon Object See descriptions below
onPlayListStatusChange A callback function when the playlist is displayed and hidden. If you wish to control the display and hiding statuses of the playlist through playListShow, you need to set the value of playListShow synchronously in this callback function (status: boolean) => void -
onPlayDetailStatusChange A callback function when play details are displayed or hidden. If you wish to control the display and hiding statuses of play details through playDetailShow, you need to set the value of playDetailShow synchronously in this callback function (status: boolean) => void -
onDelete Deletes the callback function of the audio in the playlist (index: number, id: string) => void -
onVolumeChange A callback function when the volume changes (volume: number) => void -
onAudioChange A callback function triggered by audio change in the player (id: string, currentMusic: IAudio) => void -
onPlayStatusChange A callback function triggered by switch between play and pause (currentMusic: IAudio, isPlayed: boolean) => void -
onModeChange A callback function triggered by switch between play modes (currentMode: PlayMode, prevMode: PlayMode) => void -

Build commands

  • Installing dependency
    1. npm install
  • Starting the development environment
    1. npm run dev
  • Local access
    1. http://localhost:8080
  • Packing construction
    1. npm run build
  • Packing and starting the express server access locally
    1. npm start
  • Automated testing
    1. npm run test
  • Generating a test coverage report
    1. npm run coverage
  • Code style check
    1. npm run lint
  • Automatic restoration of the code style
    1. npm run lint-fix

Customized icons

If you are unsatisfied with any icon in the assembly, you can introduce a customized icon into the assembly to replace the undesired one.

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Mika',
  6. name: 'Lollipop',
  7. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568425354321',
  9. },
  10. ]
  11. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  12. <CoolPlayer
  13. data={data}
  14. icons={{
  15. playIcon: <svg
  16. viewBox="0 0 1025 1024"
  17. width="26" height="26"
  18. >
  19. <path
  20. d="M398.848 253.952l322.048 234.496c13.312 12.288 13.824 32.768 2.048 46.08l-1.536 1.536L399.36 770.56c-13.312 10.24-30.72-3.072-30.72-24.064V277.504c0-20.992 16.896-34.304 30.208-23.552z m113.664-221.696c-264.704 0.512-479.232 215.552-478.72 480.768 0.512 265.216 216.064 479.744 480.768 479.232 264.704-0.512 479.232-215.04 479.232-480.256-0.512-265.216-215.552-480.256-481.28-479.744 0-0.512 0 0 0 0z m0 885.76c-224.256-0.512-405.504-182.784-404.992-406.528s182.784-405.504 406.528-404.992c223.744 0.512 404.992 182.272 404.992 406.016 0.512 223.744-181.76 405.504-406.528 405.504 0.512 0 0.512 0 0 0z"
  21. fill="#2C2C2C"
  22. ></path>
  23. </svg>
  24. }}
  25. />
  26. </div>
  27. }

Complete icon list:

  1. interface Iicon {
  2. /*An icon that controls the playlist to be displayed or hidden*/
  3. playListIcon?: React.ReactNode
  4. /*A play button in front of each of the audio in the playlist*/
  5. playListPlay?: React.ReactNode
  6. /*An icon of each of the audio that is being played in the playlist*/
  7. playListPlaying?: React.ReactNode
  8. /*An icon for deleting audio in the playlis*/
  9. deleteIcon?: React.ReactNode
  10. /*Play*/
  11. playIcon?: React.ReactNode
  12. /*Pause*/
  13. pauseIcon?: React.ReactNode
  14. /*Previous*/
  15. prevIcon?: React.ReactNode
  16. /*Next*/
  17. nextIcon?: React.ReactNode
  18. /*Order*/
  19. modeOrder?: React.ReactNode
  20. /*Random*/
  21. modeRandom?: React.ReactNode
  22. /*Single circle*/
  23. modeLoop?: React.ReactNode
  24. /*Volume*/
  25. volumeIcon?: React.ReactNode
  26. /*Mute*/
  27. muteIcon?: React.ReactNode
  28. /*Hide play details*/
  29. detailHide?: React.ReactNode
  30. }

Lyrics display function

The player supports two manners: build-in lyrics of audio data and remote loading lyrics. Both of the manners can support display of translations of lyrics. Lyrics and translations thereof must be in the following form:

  1. const lyricExample = '[00:18.220]Oh, loves gonna get you down\n[00:20.880]Sucking to hard on your lollipop\n[00:23.600]Loves gonna get you down'

Build-in lyrics

Build-in lyrics need to be stored in the lyric filed of the audio data. If the lyric translation needs to be displayed, it is necessary to store it in the tLyric field.

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Mika',
  6. name: 'Lollipop',
  7. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568425354321',
  9. lyric: "[00:00.425] 作词:Mika\n[00:00.850] 作曲:Mika\n[00:00.860]What's the big idea\n[00:03.230]Yo, Mika\n[00:10.680]I said sucking to hard on your lollipop\n[00:13.530]Oh, loves gonna get you down",
  10. tLyric: '[by:人间好时节]\n[00:00.860]嘿,有什么大不了的!\n[00:03.230]呦 MIKA\n[00:10.680]我说, 用力吃你的棒棒糖,爱情只会让你失望',
  11. },
  12. ]
  13. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  14. <CoolPlayer
  15. data={data}
  16. showLyricNormal={true}
  17. showDetailLyric={true}
  18. ></CoolPlayer>
  19. </div>
  20. }

Remote loading lyrics

Separate introduction of lyrics of the current audio is supported. Current audio information may be obtained in the onAudioChange function, corresponding lyrics are then remotely loaded and introduced into the player for display. However, it should be noted that the preceding lyrics should be reset to be empty in the onAudioChange function.

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://neroht.com/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Mika',
  6. name: 'Lollipop',
  7. img: 'http://neroht.com/mika.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568425354321',
  9. },
  10. ]
  11. const [ lyric, setLyric ] = useState('')
  12. const [ tLyric, setTLyric ] = useState('')
  13. const [ lyricLoading, setLyricLoading ] = useState(false)
  14. const onAudioChange = (id, currentMusic) => {
  15. setLyric('')
  16. setTLyric('')
  17. if (!currentMusic.lyric) {
  18. fetch(`/api/lyric/${id}`)
  19. .then(res => {
  20. return res.json()
  21. })
  22. .then(res => {
  23. setLyricLoading(false)
  24. if (res.result && res.data) {
  25. const { lyric, tLyric } = res.data
  26. setLyric(lyric)
  27. if (tLyric) {
  28. setTLyric(tLyric)
  29. }
  30. }
  31. })
  32. }
  33. }
  34. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  35. <CoolPlayer
  36. data={data}
  37. lyric={lyric}
  38. tLyric={tLyric}
  39. lyricLoading={lyricLoading}
  40. onAudioChange={onAudioChange}
  41. ></CoolPlayer>
  42. </div>
  43. }

Audio disabled status

If audio cannot be played for certain reasons (such as no copyright permission), a disabled field can be added in the audio data structure, the value of which field is of type Boolean. In this case, if the playlist contains disabled audio, the playlist will be set to be grey and fail to play upon click. Disabled audio, if any, is skipped in switching between a previous song and a next one.

The disabled status can be removed from the playlist. If you wish to indicate reasons for being disabled, you may add a disabledReason field. The field value will be displayed following the name of each audio in the playlist.

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://audio-cdn/Shawn Mendes - Señorita.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Señorita',
  6. name: 'Shawn Mendes',
  7. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/Señorita.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568423123',
  9. disabled: true,
  10. disabledReason: 'Cannot play the Audio'
  11. },
  12. {
  13. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  14. artist: 'Mika',
  15. name: 'Lollipop',
  16. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  17. id: '66575568425354321',
  18. },
  19. ]
  20. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  21. <CoolPlayer data={data}></CoolPlayer>
  22. </div>
  23. }

External control of the play status

The player provides a play attribute to support externally controlling play and pause.

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Mika',
  6. name: 'Lollipop',
  7. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568425354321',
  9. },
  10. ]
  11. const [ play, setPlay ] = useState(false)
  12. const onTogglePlaying = () => {
  13. setPlay(!play)
  14. }
  15. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  16. <button onClick={onTogglePlaying}>
  17. { play ? 'Pause' : 'Play' }
  18. </button>
  19. <CoolPlayer data={data} play={play}></CoolPlayer>
  20. </div>
  21. }

Introduction of an action group

If functions of the current player cannot satisfy your needs, you may introduce an action group to extend functions. With actions as an example, its action group is an array, and each element of the array receives information of the currently playing audio in a manner of render-props and returns a ReactNode. The remaining action groups are: detailActionTopRight (the type is a function, referring to the above API list)

  1. const App = () => {
  2. const data = [
  3. {
  4. src: 'http://audio-cdn/MIKA - Lollipop.mp3',
  5. artist: 'Mika',
  6. name: 'Lollipop',
  7. img: 'http://audio-avatar-cdn/mika.jpg',
  8. id: '66575568425354321',
  9. },
  10. ]
  11. const onActionsClick = audio => {
  12. console.log(audio) // data[0]
  13. }
  14. const actions = [
  15. audio => <div key={'a'} onClick={() => onActionsClick(audio)}>action A </div>,
  16. audio => <div key={'b'} onClick={() => onActionsClick(audio)}>action B</div>
  17. ]
  18. return <div className={'wrapper'}>
  19. <CoolPlayer data={data} actions={actions}></CoolPlayer>
  20. </div>
  21. }