Bot that automatically lock an order into a textbroker's author account.
Tired of refreshing the textbroker’s author page to find for new articles to write and to miss them ?
This script/bot does:
Automatically select an order when available as an textbroker author.
When selected, the order is blocked for you (textbroker mechanism), and you will have 10 minutes to go on textbroker and validate if you want it or not.
This program will also make a loud sound so that you are notified when an order is selected.
For author textbroker only, not clients !
This is basically a textbroker author orders scrappers, with a select functionality too.
Very simple :
git clone
cd textbroker-author-article-picker
cp .env.dist .env
At this point, do not forget to modify the values in the .env file. (login and password to connect on textbroker mostly)
And finally:
go build
Any enhancements or even ideas are welcome, through issues !
Feel free to speak with me on FreeNode IRC, my nickname is kangoo13