项目作者: kaka-lin

项目描述 :
Using app to control Voice Kit(smart speaker)
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/kaka-lin/rpi-voice-kit-app.git
创建时间: 2018-08-24T03:21:00Z

开源协议:MIT License


RPi3 - App and Voice kit

This repo is using app to control Voice Kit(RPi3) via BLE



  1. Install npm module

    1. cd rpi-app; npm install
  2. Install and Run app

    • use xcode or android studio to install app in your mobile

    • if you’ve already install app on mobile, you can use:

      1. npm start
  3. Run ble server(in voice kit)

    1. cd rpi-ble-server
    2. python3 main.py

Then, in app you will see ble list, find your device name and connected!

Image Example