项目作者: KLFitter

项目描述 :
Repository hosting the KLFitter library – the Kinematic Likelihood Fitter.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/KLFitter/KLFitter.git
创建时间: 2018-04-16T19:49:13Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


KLFitter – The Kinematic Likelihood Fitter

Build Status
GitHub release
Github commits (since latest release)

KLFitter is a library for kinematic fitting using a likelihood approach. It is
primarily developed for the case of top quark reconstruction, but it can be
easily modified to fit other processes. Detailed documentation:

An auto-generated class reference guide for the KLFitter library is also uploaded to https://KLFitter.github.io. The uploaded version always corresponds to the latest version of the master branch.

Licensing terms

KLFitter is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. For more
information about the licensing terms and conditions, please refer to
COPYING and COPYING.lesser for the GNU General
Public License and the additional terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License, respectively.


KLFitter depends on the ROOT and BAT libraries. For information about ROOT,
please consult the ROOT web page. Information about
BAT, installation instructions and the latest BAT releases can be found on the
library’s web page. The following versions have
been tested with KLFitter and are working:

  • ROOT v5.34.10 or later
  • BAT v0.9.3 and v0.9.4.1

Obtaining KLFitter

The KLFitter source code can be obtained from this repository
(https://github.com/KLFitter/KLFitter). A list of all releases of KLFitter can
be found under
KLFitter/releases. To download
the source code, you can use the git clone command:

  1. git clone https://github.com/KLFitter/KLFitter.git

and, for checking out a specific release, use the git checkout procedure:

  1. cd KLFitter
  2. git checkout $VERSION_TAG

Before KLFitter was made public, it was maintained in non-public SVN
repositories. For completeness we also keep a list of all SVN tags of KLFitter
and their associated commits in this file.

Before proceeding please make sure that you have a valid installation of ROOT on
your system and that cmake is correctly configured (version 3.1 or higher is
required). As cmake does fully automated configuration, it is possible to build
KLFitter and the BAT library simultaneously. BAT will be downloaded during the
cmake build process. For doing so, change into the KLFitter directory and then

  1. mkdir build && cd build
  2. cmake -DBUILTIN_BAT=TRUE ..
  3. make -j

This will build both BAT and KLFitter in the build sub-folder of the KLFitter
directory. If you already have an existing installation of BAT, you can also
link the KLFitter library against that version and not download BAT during the
cmake build process. For that, make sure that the environment variable
$BATINSTALLDIR points to the BAT installation directory and is exported. This
variable will be used by FindBAT.cmake, which locates the BAT library. With a
local version of BAT, the -DBUILTIN_BAT flag of the cmake command can be
omitted, i.e. the KLFitter build procedure becomes:

  1. mkdir build && cd build
  2. cmake ..
  3. make -j

For problems with the cmake configuration, please also refer to the Frequently
Asked Questions

Installation via Makefile (deprecated)

The repository also comes with a Makefile, although using cmake to build
KLFitter is the recommended procedure. Compilation via Makefile assumes that you
have a working installation of ROOT and BAT. The location of the BAT library is
determined with the $BATINSTALLDIR variable, so make sure to set and export
it. Then switch to the KLFitter repository directory and call

  1. make -j all && make -j install

to compile KLFitter. The latter command will create a subdirectory build and
copy the header and library files into that directory for external usage.