项目作者: ramongss

项目描述 :
:zap: A novel decomposition-ensemble learning framework for multi-step ahead wind energy forecasting
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/ramongss/2020-ENERGY-Wind.git
创建时间: 2020-02-11T00:06:50Z

开源协议:MIT License


Publication in Energy Elsevier Journal

:zap: A novel decomposition-ensemble learning framework for multi-step ahead wind energy forecasting

ORCID iD icon Ramon Gomes da Silva, ORCID iD icon Matheus H. D. M. Ribeiro, ORCID iD icon Sinvaldo Rodrigues Moreno, ORCID iD icon Viviana Cocco Mariani, ORCID iD icon Leandro dos Santos Coelho

Proposed Forecasting Framework
Proposed forecasting framework


How to cite this paper

  1. @article{dasilva2020novel,
  2. title={A novel decomposition-ensemble learning framework for multi-step ahead wind energy forecasting},
  3. author={da Silva, Ramon Gomes and Ribeiro, Matheus Henrique Dal Molin and Moreno, Sinvaldo Rodrigues and Mariani, Viviana Cocco and Coelho, Leandro Santos},
  4. journal={Energy},
  5. volume={},
  6. pages={119174},
  7. year={2020},
  8. publisher={Elsevier},
  9. doi={10.1016/j.energy.2020.119174}
  10. }