Calculate potential energy surface between two molecules
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A Julia package to calculate potential energy between two molecules.
Fitting of potential energy is done by separate package.
Currently supported backendes are ORCA
and Psi4.
Hit “]” to enter “pkg>”
pkg> registry add
pkg> add PotentialCalculation
Load package
using PotentialCalculation
or if using parallelization (recommended).
using Distributed
@everywhere using PotentialCalculation
Creating inputs and doing basic calculation, where two molecules are calculated
with various distances and orientations from each other.
# Creating calculation method
mp2 = Calculator(
"aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVTZ/C def2/JK",
# Creating argon atom
Ar = Cluster(zeros(3), AtomOnlySymbol("Ar"))
# File where other molecule is taken
# Create input for calculations
inputs = create_inputs(
trajfile, # First molecule will be picked from here
Ar, # Second molecule will be picked from here
mp2; # Calculator to do electronic structure calculations
nsaples=32, # How many lines are calculated
max_e=10000, # Maximum energy in cm⁻¹ -
# limit to areas where energy is less than this
npoints=50 # Number of points per line
# Do calculation
data = calculate_potential(inputs, save_file="save file")
New calculations with different method can be done on previous points.
#New method
ccf12 = Calculator(
"cc-pVDZ-F12 cc-pVDZ-F12-CABS cc-pVTZ/C",
data2 = calculate_potential(
"previous results file",
ccf12, # Calculate with this method now
save_file="new save file",
restart_file="restart file"
To restart calculations from restart file.
data3 = continue_calculation(
"restart file",
save_file="final save file",
restart_file="new restart file"