项目作者: stefvanbuuren

项目描述 :
Analysis of Growth Data
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/stefvanbuuren/AGD.git
创建时间: 2015-08-18T09:25:08Z



AGD: Analysis of Growth Data

The AGD package implements
various tools that aid in the analysis of growth data.


The AGD package can be installed from CRAN as follows:

  1. install.packages("AGD")

The latest version is can be installed from GitHub as follows:

  1. install.packages("remotes")
  2. remotes::install_github(repo = "stefvanbuuren/AGD")

Minimal example

  1. library(AGD)
  2. # What is the SDS of a height of 115 cm at age 5 years
  3. # relative to Dutch references?
  4. # Calculate for boys and girls:
  5. y2z(y = c(115, 115), x = 5, sex = c("M", "F"))
  6. #> [1] 0.424 0.706
  7. # What are the SDS of the IOTF BMI cut-off values for
  8. # overweight (boys 2-18) relative to Dutch references?
  9. cutoff <- c(
  10. 18.41, 17.89, 17.55, 17.42, 17.55, 17.92, 18.44, 19.10,
  11. 19.84, 20.55, 21.22, 21.91, 22.62, 23.29, 23.90, 24.46,
  12. 25.00)
  13. age <- 2:18
  14. z <- y2z(y = cutoff, x = 2:18, sex = "M", ref = nl4.bmi)
  15. plot(age, z, type = "b", xlab = "Age (years",
  16. ylab = "SDS IOTF (on Dutch reference)")

Standard deviation score of IOTF overweight cut-off relative to Dutch reference