项目作者: EvanPoe
项目描述 :
A hub for travel enthusiasts to store information and see public information stored by other users
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/EvanPoe/travel-diary-capstone-server.git
Travel Diary Capstone Client
A hub for travel enthusiasts to store information and see public information stored by other users
1. Working Prototype
You can access a working prototype of the React app here: https://travel-diary-capstone.vercel.app/ and Node app here: https://travel-diary-capstone.herokuapp.com/
2. User Stories
This app is for two types of users: a visitor and a logged-in user
Landing Page (Importance - Medium) (Est: 2h)
- as a visitor
- I want to understand what I can do with this app and view public information (or sign up, or log in)
- so I can decide if I want to use it
Login Page (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
- As a returning register user
- I want to enter my password and username to use this app,
- So I can have access to my account.
Sign Up (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
- As a visitor
- I want to register to use this app
- So I can create a personal account.
Dashboard Page (Importance - High) (Est: 2h)
- As a logged-in user,
- I want to be able to view all saved items and have the ability to check/un-check, edit, delete, or add an item,
- So I can decide what section I want to navigate to.
Add Item Page (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
- As a logged-in user,
- I want to be able to enter a new keyword for a pinned map image, select (currency, language, rating, cost, type, visited), and add notes,
- So I can save my item to the dashboard.
Edit Item Page (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
- As a logged-in user,
- I want to be able to edit an item, starting with all previously selected options,
- So I can update my item and save it to the dashboard.
3. Functionality
The app’s functionality includes:
- A persistent nav-bar to navigate to home, dashboard, and log-in/log-out
- Every User has the ability to create an account, log in or log-out
- On the landing page, a visitor can view public information that was saved
- Each item will have the average or most common answer to each category displayed
- Public notes will be displayed under each item (if toggled to public)
- A logged in user should see a dashboard with all saved items and the ability to add an item
- Every item can be ‘checked/un-checked’ and will have a tag of ‘Been there done that’ or ‘On the Bucket List’
- Selecting ‘add item’ will route to a new form
- The ‘add item’ form allows the user to enter a new, mandatory, keyword
- A user’s keyword should reroute to a google search and return a location
- A user’s location search should pin a map image (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/get-started)
- If a user’s search results don’t work, show an error
- A user can select from a number of practical options to further describe the item (currency, language, grading system(1 - 5 stars), cost($, $$, $$$), type (historical, romantic, outdoor business, tourist, religious, sport, educational)
- There will be a mandatory selection for ‘visited vs future plan’
- A section exists for personal notes at the bottom
- A user’s searched location, map image, selections, and personal notes can be saved to a list item
- A user’s personal notes can be toggled to either public or private
- Saved items can be edited and/or deleted
- A succesful save/delete will reroute to the dashboard with the item added to the top
- Each new item added will also be added to the top of the public list on the home page
4. Technology
- Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
- Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints, Postgres
- Development Environment: Heroku, DBeaver
5. Wireframes
Travel Diary Wireframe

6. Front-end Structure - React Components Map
- Index.js (stateless)
- App.js (stateful)
- LandingPage.js (stateful) - gets the “prop name” and the “callback prop name” from the App.js
- Login.js (stateful) -
- Register.js (stateful) -
- PublicPosts.js (stateful) - gets the “prop name” and the “callback prop name” from the App.js
- Navbar.js (stateless) -
- DashBoard.js (stateful) - gets the “prop name” and the “callback prop name” from the App.js
- AddItem.js (stateful) - gets the “prop name” and the “callback prop name” from the App.js
- EditItem.js (stateful) - gets the “prop name” and the “callback prop name” from the App.js
7. Back-end Structure - Business Objects
- users (database table)
- user_id
- email (email validation)
- password (at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter at least eight characters that are letters, numbers or the underscore validation)
- items (database table)
- item_id
- user_id
- keyword (string varchar255 ex: Paris, France)
- category (string varchar255 ex: ‘Been There’ or ‘On My List’)
- rating (integer 1 - 5)
- cost (integer 1 - 3)
- currency (string varchar255 ex: Euro)
- language (string varchar255 ex: English, Spanish)
- type (string varchar255 ex: Romantic)
- notes (string varchar255 ex: This place is known for…)
- is_public (boolean default false)
8. API Documentation
API Documentation details:
9. Screenshots (to do later) one for every user story
(Example) Landing Page

Register Page

10. Development Roadmap
This is v1.0 of the app, but future enhancements are expected to include:
- A single filter dropdown to select low-to-high/high-to-low (rating, cost)
- A user’s dashboard will have a search bar to search their own saved items by keyword
11. How to run it
Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal
Local React scripts
- To install the react project ===> npm install
- To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
- To run tests ===> npm run test
Local Node scripts
- To install the node project ===> npm install
- To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate — 1
- To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
- To run tests ===> npm run test