WildFly subsystem extension for Liquibase
WildFly subsystem extension for Liquibase. Enables you to execute Liquibase change logs for your JavaEE applications without having to configure the LiquibaseServletListener
or bundle Liquibase with your application.
Download one of the release distribution zip files and unpack it inside of your WildFly installation directory.
wget https://github.com/jamesnetherton/wildfly-liquibase/releases/download/2.2.0/wildfly-liquibase-distro-2.2.0.zip
unzip wildfly-liquibase-distro-2.2.0.zip
Check the release notes to ensure that the distribution is compatible with your WildFly version.
For convenience, the distribution provides a standalone-liquibase.xml
configuration file which you can reference when starting WildFly:
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-liquibase.xml
Otherwise you can manually configure the Liquibase subsystem in one of the existing configuration files as follows.
<extension module="com.github.jamesnetherton.extension.liquibase"></extension>
element (more on this later):
<subsystem xmlns="urn:com.github.jamesnetherton.liquibase:1.0"></subsystem>
Alternatively, you may use WildFly Galleon to provision a server.
First install the base server:
galleon.sh install wildfly:current --dir=wildfly
Next install the Liquibase subsystem layer:
galleon.sh install com.github.jamesnetherton:wildfly-liquibase-galleon-pack:2.2.0 --dir=wildfly --layers=liquibase
Change logs can be configured in three ways.
You can package Liquibase change log files within your deployment. The following file extensions are supported:
The Liquibase subsystem will search for change log files which match the regex .*changelog.(json|sql|xml|yaml|yml)$
and will attempt to apply them before the deployment is successfully installed.
In order for the Liquibase subsystem to discover your DataSource, you must add it to the WildFly datasources subsystem configuration. You must then reference the
datasource JNDI binding in your change log file via a change log parameter named datasource
NOTE: In previous wildfly-liquibase releases this parameter was named
<property name="datasource" value="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS" ></property>
For Liquibase formatted SQL change log files, the datasource
parameter must be specified within an SQL comment block. For example:
--liquibase formatted sql
--datasource java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS
To configure the various aspects of Liquibase change log execution, you can provide an optional META-INF/jboss-all.xml
or WEB-INF/jboss-all.xml
For example to define the contexts and other attributes for specific change log files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jboss xmlns="urn:jboss:1.0">
<liquibase xmlns="urn:com.github.jamesnetherton.liquibase:1.0" changelog="changelog.xml">
<liquibase xmlns="urn:com.github.jamesnetherton.liquibase:1.0" changelog="other-changelog.xml">
You can execute XML change logs without the requirement of a deployment archive wrapper. Simply place a file suffixed with changelog.xml
into the WildFly deployments directory, and the Liquibase subsystem will attempt to execute it.
Change logs can be defined as part of the Liquibase subsystem configuration. When WildFly starts, it will attempt to apply change logs before any applications are deployed.
The change log definition body must be wraped within a CDATA
block in order for it to be parsed correctly. Change log definitions can be defined in JSON, SQL, XML or YAML formats. You may specify multiple <databaseChangeLog>
elements if you wish.
When defining a change log as XML, the usual Liquibase namespace declarations are not required as these are automatically added for you.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:com.github.jamesnetherton.liquibase:1.0"></subsystem>
<databaseChangeLog name="changelog.xml" datasource="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS" contexts="test">
<runningAs username="SA"></runningAs>
<changeSet id="1" author="wildfly" context="test" labels="test">
<createTable tableName="person">
<column name="id" type="int" autoIncrement="true">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"></constraints>
<column name="firstname" type="varchar(50)"/>
<column name="lastname" type="varchar(50)">
<constraints nullable="false"></constraints>
<column name="state" type="char(2)"/>
Change Log Attributes
Attribute Name | Required | Description | |
contexts | No | A comma separated list of Liquibase contexts to run in | |
datasource | Yes | A reference to a DataSource JNDI binding configured in the WildFly datasources susbsystem | |
fail-on-error | No | Either true or false to prevent the deployment or server startup proceeding in the event that changelog execution fails |
host-excludes | No | Comma separated list of host names to exclude from executing the changelog | |
host-includes | No | Comma separated list of host names to include for executing the changelog | |
labels | No | Comma separated list of label expressions for Liquibase to chose the labels you want to execute | |
name | Yes | Unique identifier for the change log which is ideally a file name. You should include a file extension to help the Liquibase subsystem determine what type of content it is handling |
If the Liquibase subsystem detects that a deployment is CDI enabled, it will automatically add a dependency on Liquibase CDI for you. This provides the capability to load and execute change logs via CDI annotations.
If you prefer to use LiquibaseServletListener
, the Liquibase subsystem automatically makes the
listener class available to deployments. All you need to do is configure web.xml
as per the servlet listener documentation.
Take a look at the examples to see some basic use cases.
To run wildfly-liquibase in a Docker container run:
docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 jamesnetherton/wildfly-liquibase:latest
By default this runs the server in standalone mode with the standalone-liquibase.xml configuration. To override this, simply specify a custom command line:
docker run -ti --rm jamesnetherton/wildfly-liquibase:latest /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full-liquibase.xml