项目作者: hal

项目描述 :
Analyse the WildFly management model using a graph database
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/hal/model-graph.git
创建时间: 2017-02-03T16:20:31Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


:package: Project no longer maintained

See model-graph-tools for updates.

WildFly Model Graph

This repository contains

  • a command line tool which reads the management model from a WildFly instance and stores it as a graph in a Neo4j database
  • docker images with graph databases for the last three WildFly versions
  • setup to use the graph databases on OpenShift

Graph Database

This graph is used to store the management model:

Model Graph

There are six main nodes in the database:

  1. Resource

    The resource node holds the fully qualified address and the name of the resource. In most cases the name of a resource is the resource type. For singleton resources the name consists of the type and the name:

    | Address | Name |
    | /subsystem=datasources/data-source=* | data-source |
    | /subsystem=mail/mail-session=default/server=imap | server=imap |

    There’s a singleton flag you can use to explicitly query for (non-)singleton resources. Child resources have a CHILD_OF relationship with their parent. If a resource declares a capability, there’s a DECLARES_CAPABILITY relationship. Finally the resource has a HAS_ATTRIBUTE relationship with its attributes and a PROVIDES relationship with its operations.

  2. Attribute

    The attribute node holds most of the attribute’s metadata such as type, required, nillable or storage. Attributes can have relationships to other attributes of the same resource. This is modeled using the ALTERNATIVE and REQUIRES relationship. Finally attributes which reference a capability have a REFERENCES_CAPABILITY relation.

  3. Operation

    The operation node holds information about an operation. Global operations are stored only once (except the add operation). Use the flag global to distinguish between global and resource dependent operations. Operations have an optional return and value-type property. If the operation accepts request properties, there’s an ACCEPTS relationship with its parameters.

  4. Parameter

    The parameter node holds information about the request properties. The properties and relationships of the parameter node are similar to the attribute node.

  5. Constraint

    The constraint node holds information about attribute constraints. Each constraint has a name and a type.

  6. Capability

    The capability node holds just the name of the capability.

In addition the database contains a Version node with information about the WildFly and management model version. See the Neo4j browser for the complete list of nodes, relations and properties.


Here are a few examples how to query the database:

Resources & Relationships

Show the alternatives and requires relations of the connection-definitions resource:

  1. MATCH g=(r:Resource)-->(:Attribute)-[:ALTERNATIVE|:REQUIRES]->(:Attribute)
  2. WHERE r.name = "connection-definitions"
  3. RETURN g

Show all resources where’s a requires relation between attributes:

  1. MATCH g=(r:Resource)-->(:Attribute)-[:REQUIRES]->(:Attribute)
  2. RETURN g

Show all data-source resource trees:

  1. MATCH g=(r:Resource)-[:CHILD_OF*..10]->()
  2. WHERE r.name = "data-source"
  3. RETURN g


The top twenty resources with lots of attributes:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-[has:HAS_ATTRIBUTE]->()
  2. RETURN r.address, COUNT(has) as attributes
  3. ORDER BY attributes DESC
  4. LIMIT 20

List all attributes which have a capability reference to org.wildfly.network.socket-binding:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)-[:REFERENCES_CAPABILITY]->(c:Capability)
  2. WHERE c.name = "org.wildfly.network.socket-binding"
  3. RETURN r.address, a.name

List all attributes which match the regexp .*socket-binding.*, but do not have a capability reference

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)
  2. WHERE a.name =~ ".*socket-binding.*" AND
  4. RETURN r.address, a.name

List all attributes which are both required and nillable together with their alternatives:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)-[:ALTERNATIVE]-(alt)
  2. WHERE a.required = true AND
  3. a.nillable = true AND
  4. a.storage = "configuration"
  5. RETURN r.address, a.name, alt.name

List all attributes which are both required and nillable, but which don’t have alternatives:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)
  3. a.required = true AND
  4. a.nillable = true AND
  5. a.storage = "configuration"
  6. RETURN r.address, a.name

List all attributes which are required and have a default value:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)
  2. WHERE a.required = true AND
  3. exists(a.default)
  4. RETURN r.address, a.name, a.default

List all complex attributes (i.e. attributes with a value type other than STRING):

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)
  2. WHERE exists(a.`value-type`) AND a.`value-type` = "OBJECT"
  3. RETURN r.address, a.name

List all deprecated attributes:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(a:Attribute)
  2. WHERE exists(a.deprecated)
  3. RETURN r.address, a.name, a.since
  4. ORDER BY a.since DESC


List all resources with more than five non-global operations:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-[p:PROVIDES]->(o:Operation)
  2. WHERE NOT o.global
  3. WITH r, count(p) as operations
  4. WHERE operations > 5
  5. RETURN r.address, operations
  6. ORDER BY operations DESC

List all add operations with more than two required parameters:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-[:PROVIDES]->(o:Operation)-[a:ACCEPTS]->(p:Parameter)
  2. WHERE o.name = "add" AND p.required
  3. WITH r, o, count(a) as parameters
  4. WHERE parameters > 2
  5. RETURN r.address, o.name, parameters
  6. ORDER BY parameters DESC

List all deprecated operation parameters:

  1. MATCH (r:Resource)-->(o:Operation)-->(p:Parameter)
  2. WHERE exists(p.deprecated)
  3. RETURN r.address, o.name, p.name, p.since
  4. ORDER BY p.since DESC


Show the release and management model version:

  1. MATCH (v:Version)
  2. RETURN v.`release-codename` + " " + v.`release-version` as Release,
  3. v.`management-major-version` + "." + v.`management-minor-version` + "." + v.`management-micro-version` as `Management Model Version`

See https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-refcard/current/ for a quick reference of the Cypher query language.