Main Liquibase Source
Liquibase helps millions of developers track, version, and deploy database schema changes. It will help you to:
This repository contains the main source code for Liquibase Open Source. For more information about the product, see the Liquibase website.
Liquibase Open Source has built-in support for a variety of databases. Databases that are not part of Liquibase Open Source require extensions that you can download for free. Here is the full list of supported databases.
Liquibase can be integrated with Maven, Ant, Gradle, Spring Boot, and other CI/CD tools. For a full list, see Liquibase Tools & Integrations. You can use Liquibase with GitHub Actions, Spinnaker, and many different workflows.
Liquibase system requirements can be found on the Download Liquibase page.
directory to the needed location.examples/sql
or examples/xml
directory.liquibase init start-h2
command.liquibase update
command.liquibase history
command to see what has executed!See also how to get started with Liquibase in minutes or refer to our Installing Liquibase documentation page for more details.
Visit the Liquibase Documentation website to find the information on how Liquibase works.
Learn all about Liquibase by taking our free online courses at Liquibase University.
Want to file a bug or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines for contributing!
Use our step-by-step instructions for contributing code to the Liquibase open source project.
Earn points for your achievements and contributions, collect and show off your badges, add accreditations to your LinkedIn. Learn more about the pathway to Legend and benefits. Enjoy being part of the community!
Provide more database support and features for Liquibase.
Liquibase Open Source is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Liquibase Pro has additional features and support and is commercially licensed.
LIQUIBASE is a registered trademark of Liquibase Inc.
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step and an email will be sent out to the list of approvers
mentioned in job manual_trigger_deployment
. You can click on the link and perform anyone of the options mentioned in description. deploy_maven
, deploy_javadocs
, publish_to_github_packages
, etc to be executed.Deploying v4.20.0 to sonatype